My wife does not like me buying pistols.

Wives are people, too. So we are led to believe. Five years ago my wife said she didn't care if I bought guns, as long as I didn't spend more than my current income. I'm retired. So it went that way until recently. Now she seems to get out of sorts if I just think of looking at a new gun. m/b it is because I purchased more than 50 during the first year. Sold several, have about 20+. Bought three in the last year. She still encourages my range visits, at least a weekly event. She has no problem with loaded guns throughout the house for easy access. She doesn't care for guns, personally.
"Every time I buy a gun I turn into a Prince for at least a month - My wife likes that and knows she gets to sell them all when I die." RGRACING

:)NOWThat was funny RGRACING
I can't get my wife to join me at the range, she is adverse to the noise and is apprehensive about shooting.

She is however understanding of my shooting hobby and likes the fact that we have a plan to protect ourselves. She is a work in progress, and I mix in information regarding gun ownership rights, protection of the 2A and the work to be done to protect our rights. One of my daughters and her boyfriend have also taken a interest in the shooting sports and future gun ownership, which she is on board with.

I figure she "forgets" to tell me when she buys new luxury items for herself, and I do not proclaim every purchase I make, so it works out fine.
We are married 54 years this year and she is a jewel. Love at first sight that lasted 54 years so far.
She is not wild about my guns but she also knows I am not going to change. I didn't mean to imply that
it is a problem in our marriage, I just wish she liked pistols more.
Been there, Doing that.
During that time I discovered the Critical Mass Effect.
Critical Mass: That Number of Guns = 'N', wherein N+1 is Indiscernible.
They have been married for 54years, sounds to me like they are doing something right lol. There things that my wife buys and vice versa that we think are a big waste of money, none of us forbid each other from getting said things but we certainly give each other a little bit of grief about those things...:D

I will say that I am a bit suspicious of my wife’s willingness for me to buy a motorcycle....I am worth more dead than alive though, guess I just addressed my concerns..:eek:
When I was dating my wife of 45 years, she knew that I was "sorta" into guns. It wasn't a problem for her then, and it has never become a problem for her. Now that we're older, she just rolls her eyes or says something like, "I'm going to plan an intervention for you", whenever I mention that I'm thinking about buying another gun. But, she's only kidding and is cool with it.

When we were younger, she shot with me many times. I taught her how to hold, how to stand, how to control breathing and sight alignment. She got pretty darn good at it. She fell away as life and being a Mom took over, though.

We're both recently retired now, and just a few weeks ago, she decided that she'd go to the range with me. She hadn't shot a gun for at least 25 years. Her first shot with a Bersa .380 was dead center in the bullseye at 5 yards.

She still has the juice. :)
My ex wife started hating anything and everything I liked to do after we had been married for about ten years. Guns were just a small part of what she objected to.
My wife wanted to buy a larger cannon, than the small one we had. So we did. It's not huge, but shoots golf balls. She does think I spend too much on guns, but in the last year, she also wanted a semi-auto and revolver like the ones I had bought. I bought them for her. We do go to the range & desert a lot, to keep current.
My wife doesn't object to me owning the guns I have now. She just doesn't want me to buy any more. I have to admit, I have way more than I need. There are still two or three I'd like to have tho.
I’m one of the lucky ones too.

When my wife and I got together she knew my son and I were avid shooters and competed in IPSC matches regularly. She didn’t grow up in a shooting household but had no objections to guns. I tried to introduce her to shooting with a 38 special but she was t interested. Skip forward 25 years, I took a long break from shooting to give all of my attention to my business.

Now I’m 70 and semi retired and got back into shooting. My wife asked me what I’d like for my birthday and I said a Henry 22 carbine. That was the beginning of a new phase of our marriage, when she saw it she wanted to go to the range with me and try it. Well she loved it so much she’s now the proud owner of my carbine and I have another one. And It didn’t stop there. We went to the gun store with me and saw a S&W 317 22 revolver and now she shoots it almost every week at the range with me. For her birthday I bought some cute arcade type paper targets, steel poppers and a dueling tree and she now looks forward to our trips to shoot.

Ok she took my carbine away from me but I got another, also a Henry pump 22, 4 1911’s of various calibers, micro 9, Ruger LCP, S&W model 34 nickel unfired and a S&W 625 45acp. She wanted to shoot my 625 and has indicated she’d like to shoot my Springfield 1911 9mm. She’s also thinking of getting her concealed carry permit.
My wife was an Army brat of a career Quartermaster but they had no interest in guns. A bit ironic-her Dad had volunteered to be attached to the 101st in all of their campaigns in '44-'45, and took personal handguns from (Luftwaffe) Hermann Goering's Haus in Bavaria in '45.

Guns are just boring gear to her, and expenses need to be spread out.
I agreed with her request that if I lost interest in specific guns, most of these would be sold, which often provides the cash for a new type. Along with my wife, Armslist has been a Huge blessing.

If the 100% blocked Widowmaker artery in '17 (frequent runner, exc. pulse, but didn't keep up with cholesterol) had happened in a remote area, she would have been Widowed a Second time. She literally might have given all of them away for free (expedient)--therefore I don't get obsessive about going overboard on cleaning, or make assumptions about what they will be worth.
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2wheelwonder, that's 1 very clever way you handled that situation. ..hilarious! And if the pooch says all is clear then all is clear.