My wife does not like me buying pistols.

the wife

took my wife to a lays' day at the range sponsored by my gun club.

She experienced shotgun, rifle, black powder, steel, ppc, etc.

Long story short, she has a CCW and loves to have the ability to carry when she feels the urge.
My wife dislikes guns as well. Still, I never lie or hide anything. With young children I make sure its all locked up and put away 24/7 unless on my person. I have a decent sized collection, but new acquires are made either trading or earning money outside of my regular income. She can't argue how I spend my side hustle money.

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I lost My wife in August due to multiple illnesses. She was fine with guns. She went to the range several a year until her health just wouldn't allow it anymore.

I recently met a lovely woman who I have very deep feelings for. I was nervous how I was going to approach the subject of guns. I decided to start a conversation about personal security in todays world. It didn't take long for her to tell me she has her Concealed Handgun Licence, and to show me her 9mm Shield.

I guess my situation was fortunate. My wife and I were both in LE when we got together, and she knew I was a "gun guy". So never an issue. She's pretty knowledgeable about guns, and actually encourages my hobby.
Wife just gave me $2500 to spend on any firearm I want it can be one or several. We both have an allowance and we get to buy whatever pleases us with neither of us complaining where the allowance money is spent. I have an awesome and phenomenal wife, definitely a keeper.
My wife was raised around firearms and has never said a word about my purchases. However if she actually knew how many firearms I have she would demand shoe reciprocity.
My wife and I have a joint household account that we contribute to equally. This account is for the mortgage, utilities and various household expenses. We also have a joint account for travel that we contribute to equally. Beyond that, we each have our own paychecks and separate bank accounts and we are not accountable to the other for what we buy with our own money. This approach works like a charm for us, and we came to it via previous marriages in which everything was joint.

My wife is not into guns, but she does not question my expenditures on them. I am not into scrapbooking, but I do not question her expenditures on them. We have joint hobbies and interests and separate hobbies and interests.
That is exactly the same way that we do our money too. We are both CPA's.
Interesting how there's such a wide variety of how spouses set up and handle finances. For us it's all in one pot and either of us has authority to do things, but in practice anything somewhat expensive is discussed in advance.
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My wife of 35 years isn't as avid about handguns as am I, but she enjoys them, has a license to carry concealed and does so, and goes to the range with me once in a while. My current collection is modest, but I am content with it, and she is fine with it, too. We are at an age where collecting more stuff of any sort is losing its appeal.
I am one of those unfortunate guys that has a wife who dislikes guns (never brought up around them) and thinks my pistol purchases are a waste of money. All I bought in the last 2 years was a 9MM, a 22 poly ply, and a 380 Spectrum. Just wanted a small concealed carry in all three calibers. Going to see which one I like to carry the best. How are your wives when it comes to your pistols?
I also am one of the "lucky ones"...when I talk about a gun that I would like to have, she has always said, "If you can afford it, buy it."

As an expert :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:on marriage/women (three times married), there are two kinds of women out there...those who think marriage puts them in charge and those who see it as a partnership. Ask your wife, "...are my gun purchase anymore a waste of money than your trips to the hairdresser?"
How are your wives when it comes to your pistols?

Mine is pretty indifferent to guns. Doesn't like them and doesn't hate them; about the same as she is with my collection of tools. She tolerates guns (and tools) so long as I don't leave them lying around.

She acknowledges that my "Man Warning Label" said "likes motorcycles; likes guns" when she bought me. I think she would be far more concerned if I didn't have any hobbies and was always in her hair.
My wife was not a shooter but I talked her into some rangetime with my Ruber MKIII with Volquartsen innards. At 30' bullsseye after bullseye. We moved on to a Mod. 60 3" with Laser grips. More bullseyes. Still not a big fan but she shot a 232/250 for her carry permit qualification.
What got her to the range? I bought my single mom daughter that Mod. 60 3" and what daughter does so does mom.
Next trip for Mom
I guess I didn't tell you folks the whole story. We are married 54 years this year and she is a jewel. Love at first sight that lasted 54 years so far. She is not wild about my guns but she also knows I am not going to change. I didn't mean to imply that it is a problem in our marriage, I just wish she liked pistols more.
OP I feel your pain...a couple weeks ago I mentioned my next pistol purchase, a RIA "Baby Rock" .380. And she blurted angrily out of her mouth, I just wish you'd quit buying guns and invest that money in our future...I replied I wish you'd have thought about our future before you got yourself fired from your last 2 jobs. Well guess what I have on layaway at the LGS.
My wife's mother and father were in the Army, with her father still serving. Her grandfather she spent the most time with as a child was a police chief of a large metropolitan department. She was far more comfortable with me being a gun owner than my own family.

As for spending, she has a car she drives and a house she lives in for which she pays nothing. I'd sell any of my guns to take care of her or our son if something happened and the finances we have saved weren't enough, though that shouldn't happen. I've never been late on a single bill. I don't drink to excess, smoke, or gamble. To me that entitles me to a passion.

I wouldn't date a woman that wouldn't tolerate me liking firearms. She doesn't have to be as enthusiastic as me, but people need something outside of work and family. I've watched my father retire with no hobbies and he's practically lost and driving my mother nuts. My wife has her hobbies and I have mine. We don't chastise each other about them.

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My wife is not a huge fan of guns, but she grew up around them and has at least a “meh” approach to them. She is understandably terrified of guns around our children. But she has come to have a healthy respect for them, an occasional interest in them, and some amount of thankfulness for my ability to protect our family with them. To get her from “eeek!” to “meh” to “ok” has been a process and I’ll shed some light.

1) Make her confident that your first interest is in safely handling firearms and acquiring training . I did not have a pistol when we got married. She understood rifles and shotguns for hunting (after all, her dad had those.) She didn’t understand why I would want a rifle. But she saw me doing research on technique, classes, competitions, joining clubs, the best safes, the ways to educate your children, etc. I had discussions with her about why I wanted a pistol. I was honest with her about my thoughts on home defense and carrying. She saw that my decision to carry a firearm was not an easy one, it was measured, I sought counsel, I really thought through the possibility of killing someone.
2) Get her to the range so she can see that firearms are not that scary. It is even biblical! “Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.” Phillipians 2:4. Married people should want to show interest in their spouses interests! Of course this mean you’re going to need to show interest in her things too! Put on your gardening hat and grab some nitting needles gentlemen! It isn’t fair to think she should go shooting and fund your hobby when you ignore hers! Put in the effort, and she will too. No guarantee on how this’ll take :D. I go and paint pictures with her, she goes to the range with me... Don't tell anyone, but I like painting now, and she likes shooting (occasionally)
3) Don’t hide your hobby, this is deceitful and will lead to bitterness. I know the temptation of “don’t ask, don’t tell” is strong with purchasing firearms… but one way or another, the truth always comes out. We have a joint account (works best for us.) If there is a gun I want to buy, I show her financially how I am going to save for it, explain why I want it, and ask her permission. She always says yes because I gave her the respect she deserves. “It’s my money and I can spend it how I want” is a bunch of caveman CRAP in my opinion. Show your wife some respect, after all she married your ugly butt, hahahaha.
4) Get involved with other couples that go to the range. This is kind of a bonus one… but I was lucky enough to find a couple at church that they both competitively shoot and the wives get along great. They are great ambassadors for the sport and have helped my wife see that shooting isn’t about only hunting or militias or crazy people.
My wife is nothing but a big enabler...she's always said " if you want it get it...I have a little extra money tucked away ". She's never said NO .
She knew I was a shooter , reloader and bullet caster from day one . Married me anyway.
Before we were married she would go shooting with me , afterwards she stopped...
told me she really didn't like to shoot... I asked why did you go shooting with me all the time ?
... I knew you liked shooting and I wanted to be with you...whatever makes you happy , makes me happy .... When she told me that ...I thought I was going to sweet.
Married 46 years and the other day she tells me...You still make me laugh!
Don't tell me I'm not a rich man... a wife like that is priceless !
Can't say I have that problem. First rifle I bought was because my wife said she could shoot....she could. Never argued over money; there's only so much and we both knew where it had to go. As time went on more $ became available, both agree on large $ purchases. Been maried 53 years.