My wife does not like me buying pistols.

How are your wives when it comes to your pistols?

My best man and I went rabbit hunting on the morning of my wedding day. Some things need to be understood up front. Somethings are questions never to be asked; like, "Can my dog stay in the house?"

On the last day of January this year, my wife and I celebrated our Fiftieth wedding anniversary! My wife is fine with pistols on her bedside and mine and Pointers living in the house. ;) :)
I'm still single. One of the reasons, a couple women who things got close with (we were talking about engagement, and in one of these cases, we were shopping rings) made getting rid of my guns one of their requirements (not brought up until after things got serious- the old idea so many women have that they'll change the things about their man they don't like instead of having to learn to live with them). We could never negotiate that issue, and we broke up.

As for how I'd suggest you deal with your situation, I am a strong believer that adults should have some money that is theirs. As a married couple, you should have joint accounts, but you should each have some money that is just yours. What you each save for and use that money for is up to you.
Wife was ambivalent about guns early on (not raised around them) so tolerated me getting guns and target practicing since I enjoyed it and raised with guns. But then there was a vicious mistaken ID home invasion a mile from us and she told me to do whatever was necessary to protect our girls. She is an enthusiastic supporter of gun rights now. 20 years later I am still working on getting armed up properly!
I do some side work, scrap once in a while, save change. These are several ways I supplement my gun interests so my wife can't really say much about it. She also thinks I'm buying guns without telling her far more than I actually am, so I guess I've got that going for me. She doesn't understand why I "need" them even after I straight tell her it's not a need, but a want. I encourage my wife to spend a little on herself and find some hobbies. I think she's just jealous because I've found mine.
My hobbies include high end whiskey, gambling, working out, running, and guns. My wife doesn’t care as long as the bills are paid and the above list does not include women. Perhaps you should present alternative options
Similar, but different situation. My wife doesn't personally like guns. OTOH she is fine with my teaching the grandsons safe handling and shooting BBs and 22s. Boxing day I fell from the roof and thoroughly broke my left arm and wrist which is my dominant hand. After discussing with the ortho I would be right handed for the next few months, I told my wife I needed some 'right handed' pistols. She rubbed my back and said to get what I needed.

We'll soon be married for fifty years.
My wife does not mind guns at all, allows a crap ton of powder and primers in the house etc...but will only shoot revolvers. I'm good with that! And I love her..our..cats too. Yea I do so there
My wife didn't grow up around guns, but she has been okay with them. In fact, she has a rifle, shotgun, .22 pistol and airgun of her own choosing. Over our 21 years of marriage we went to the range together as often as life would permit to shoot together. She has her CCW.

A few days ago we went to shoot at the local range. The purveyor of wonderful toys behind the counter was teasing me with a 1911, on sale of course. My wife said, you have that work bonus coming, go ahead and get it".

She's mine, you can't have her!!!
"I'm still single. One of the reasons, a couple women who things got close with (we were talking about engagement, and in one of these cases, we were shopping rings) made getting rid of my guns one of their requirements (not brought up until after things got serious- the old idea so many women have that they'll change the things about their man they don't like instead of having to learn to live with them). We could never negotiate that issue, and we broke up."

This reminded me of my high school sweetheart. I was head over heels for that girl and was shopping rings after graduation. She knew I hunted and began making remarks about how she would not want guns in the house. Tried to reason with her then, she wouldn't have it. And that, is the reason I began backing off. We broke up soon after, I joined the Army and she got married. After being out a few years got into LE. When I was out on patrol, she was always out on a walk and she'd flag me over to chat. Still see her from time to time. And she still looks great.

I'd still bet there are no guns in her house.
Mine was initially freaked out when I said I wanted to get into shooting, as neither of us was raised around guns. She's said before she respects other people's rights to own guns. She's casually dismissed any suggestions that I teach her to shoot but also hasn't had any trouble with me teaching our son to shoot. Had him at the range today with his .22 rifle and he's a good shot :)

She's increasingly recognizing the abject silliness of the anti gun arguments and the constant occurrence of high profile mass shooting in gun free zones. She knows I carry but has never asked when and I've never told.
As long as we can pay (most) of the bills and buy the items we want/need she's fine with new firearms. She realizes the threat that exists and believes they are a great investment in our political climate and what's coming down the pike for the 2A.

I can always buy a bass boat...well at least with a trolling motor if they manage to ban petrol powered ones.
My wife also doesn't drink and doesn't particularly like it when I do, but she got me a home brew kit for Valentine's day. That's love. She tried looking into gun stuff because she knows that's where my interests lie, but she was quickly overwhelmed. Beer stuff was easier for her to figure out based off of what she knows I like. So, when on the outside she seems disapproving, I think it's her way of getting involved in my interests.
My wife and I have a joint household account that we contribute to equally. This account is for the mortgage, utilities and various household expenses. We also have a joint account for travel that we contribute to equally. Beyond that, we each have our own paychecks and separate bank accounts and we are not accountable to the other for what we buy with our own money. This approach works like a charm for us, and we came to it via previous marriages in which everything was joint.

My wife is not into guns, but she does not question my expenditures on them. I am not into scrapbooking, but I do not question her expenditures on them. We have joint hobbies and interests and separate hobbies and interests.
My wife doesn't care for guns. She didn't grow up around them. But she hasn't said anything to me in 3 decades about what I buy. I pay all the bills. Buy 95% of all the food and make sure all the necessities are taken care of.

She has seen me sell several guns for a profit. A couple of times for a big profit. So she doesn't say anything. Most of all she has figured out that I am going to do what I want to do. On the other hand I never say a word if she wants to go on a trip with girlfriends. If she wants new shoes or clothes or a new hair style thats fine by me. Live and let live works pretty well.

I admit I am always puzzled by men who have to ask their wives first before they buy anything.:confused:
My wife actually has more guns than I do...

I sold a lot of mine that were just sitting in the safe a few years back.

I still have several, but she has way more than I do.

Like others above... We keep our finances separate. She has her money, and I have mine.
My late wife was an avid shooter. She was a better shooter than I am unless I practiced a lot. Her medical issues made it tough for her to get out nearly as much as she wanted to but when she did, she did very well.

We never hesitated to buy a new gun if we had the money for it. If we didn't have the cash, I didn't suggest a gun purchase and neither did she. But if the money was there, one or the other of us would be buying a new gun.

If I ever do get together with another lady, she's going to have to be open to shooting if not an outright gun nut!

My Wife of (46 years!!) has never had an issue with me purchasing guns. Although she was never around firearms when she grew up, she "gets it"!! I enjoy them, I enjoy reloading for them, and I enjoy shooting them. She understands, and has no issue with it. As much as I would love for her to join me when I shoot, I don't push her to do so. I'm not about to push her into something she really is not interested in.

I also encourage her hobbies and interests.