Multiple loaded guns in the house


New member
A question for those of you that leave multiple loaded guns strategically placed throughout the house:

Are you concerned that a bad guy might find one and use it against you during a home invasion?

If the proper thing to do is hole up in a room with a gun and wait for the police, doesn't that leave a criminal with the opportunity to find one or more of your guns and come after you with a greater degree of force?

I'm not that paranoid. If I'm home, I have one loaded gun--all I need. All of the others are locked up safely. Who in their right mind needs to stash loaded guns all over the house "just in case"?
Are you concerned that a bad guy might find one and use it against you during a home invasion?

Nope. One thing I learned by working at this pawnshop for so many years is that burglars are so nervous that they miss alot of easy pickins while often making their job twice as hard by missing unlocked showcases and doors. Heck one time I left my work gun in plain view under the counter because I was scheduled to work the next day.....BG's missed the gun in a holster attached to my belt. Another set of morons smashed the glass tops of several showcases even though the doors were open (literally open). Yet another incident had the burglars cutting the locks on our metal shutters and breaking the glass on the door underneather....which was unlocked.

So I have to say no here. You still have cover or at least concealment should the bad guy find one and come at you. If you feel real worried about it hide them better and increase your bedroom firepower......maybe a shotgun or rifle.
"I'm not that paranoid. If I'm home, I have one loaded gun--all I need."

That's my feeling as well. One loaded .38 by the bed, and the rest locked up in the safe. That was good enough for my dad, is good enough for my LEO brother, and good enough for me. I do keep a small pepper-spray in the kitchen drawer (good for wayward dogs), and a 13" stiletto (primarily used as a letter-opener) by my favorite chair, and I always carry my cell-phone. IMHO, that's all I need.

Only two live here, me and the GSD and a large house....there is a loaded gun everywhere:D...if a home invasion happens where are you likely to be ? I keep mine with me,within reach,but my wife doesn't so it works better for us to have them around so no matter what door or what room we are in there is access to those who know...:cool:....nevermind the dog beware of the owner....Just a few months ago I had to fix the door of a 73 year old Vet who was held for half an hour buy three thugs just six doors away at 2:00 in the afternoon so better safe than sorry...
I keep 4 loaded and ready, but all but the one I have on me are in the safe. That is until close to time to go to bed, then the USPC comes out for it's HD duties. (In fact, it's time to get it out) The safe also contains a fully loaded AR mag and a fully loaded FAL mag.

Personally, I don't hide guns around the house, but I have no problem with those that do, as it's probably a good idea.
Are you concerned that a bad guy might find one and use it against you during a home invasion?

No...because all are locked up in safes and a vault except 'just a couple' which would be extremely hard for any home invader to find,but easy access for the wife and I to 'grab and use'.When out,or at home..the wife and I carry,and when in sleep time,if awakened we have access enough.
Personally, I don't like wearing a gun when I'm at home so I make sure there is one always at hand. If that makes me any more paranoid than someone who has more than one smoke detector in the house, then so be it.
I never used to either until about a 9 months ago when there was a sudden 'gang fight' in my front yard...called 911(took and hour to show up) and I realized how 'vulnerable' my house 'could have been' and wife and I.

Funny thing is,im not paranoid...just prepared!(only a few letter difference between to 2 words and their meaning)
Not one to leave loaded guns about the house. Hell, I have to pay attention to where I leave my keys, I don't need more memory quizzes.
I had a LEO buddy who would leave guns everywhere, in the kitchen cabinets, garage cabinets, etc. These were places where people could easily find them, and in that, I did not agree with it.

As for me, Rem 870 12ga. and a Kimber. The 870 stays in my bedroom, and the Kimber is usually not far from me. Locked up if I go out. I figure if I've got a problem there isn't anything that a 12 gauge and a .45 wont solve or prevent. Also I dont want to be worried about my niece finding one when I'm not around.
The .45 stays on me or within easy reach......usually. However if I'm working in the yard or in the garage I can't have it on so the P-11 is in the tool box or on the workbench under a rag.
"If that makes me any more paranoid than someone who has more than one smoke detector in the house, then so be it."

Well, you caught me there. I have 4 smoke detectors in the house. One in the kitchen, one in the family room, one in the upstairs hallway, and one in the bedroom. I've also got two large fire extinguishers, one in the kitchen and one in the trunk of the car. I guess I'm paranoid in my own way. :o
All of my guns are loaded and some are scattered through the house(not noticeable). If you can't get to it in a heartbeat what good is it? Call me paranoid if you like.
I have 6 loaded guns in the house. 5 handguns and 1 shotgun. I'm not paranoid by any stretch but I figure an unloaded gun is just a rock if you actually need it. My wife and I don't have children so there is no reason not to have them loaded.
Since everybody put a disclaimer that they are not paranoid, I'll be different

I AM PARANOID. I have a reason to be paranoid. I live in a crappy area of town. If I lived in a gate million dollar community then my paranoia would probably be an illness.
Where I live its called survival instincts. So I got guns everwhere :p