Movie handgun attribute you want most?

I would normally limit it to just movies, but after playing the new modern warfare it would be the ability to use a submachine gun as a sniper rifle (sick of getting pot-shotted from the other side of the map by some 12 year old with a MP5. 9mm doesnt work that well!).

I like how every weapon in a movie is perfectly sighted in for the good guy to use. It doesn't matter if the bad guys are left-handed short-sighted midgets firing from the hip; as soon as the hero pulls it from a dead bad guys hands and looks down the sights.... BAM! Instantly zero'd weapon.
The unarmed actor then(by magic or chance or luck) seems to flip around and disarm the other actor without effort or being shot.

Someone actually showed me how to do that the other day. It's not that hard, you just have to be fast. Don't think I'd actually try it unless I knew I was going to die anyway, but it's cool to demonstrate.
Not a movie but a TV series. Mayberry - where Barnie gets one bullet to keep in his shirt pocket. The nice part is he never needs to use it.

Kind of the way it is in my neck of the woods. Sure beats shootings, looting, car jackings, and home invasions.:)
Movie guns are not much fun anymore for the actors, since almost all are either deactivated or total dummies with the flash and bang added to the digital master by the ILM "boys in the backroom."

Not a movie but a TV series. Mayberry - where Barnie gets one bullet to keep in his shirt pocket. The nice part is he never needs to use it.

Kind of the way it is in my neck of the woods. Sure beats shootings, looting, car jackings, and home invasions.

There was once a deputy called Fife
Who carried a gun and a knife
The gun was all dusted
The knife was all rusty
Cause he never caught a crook in his life
WOW..And here i thought i was the only one whop realized in the movies they never ever run out of bullets... God i feel better now
Love to have one of those "bottomless" mags for my 1911 ... and if I can have another, I'd like anybody shooting at me to be equipped with one of those "bad guy" guns that couldn't hit the water from a boat ...