Mosin Nagant or Mauser 98?

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Yeah, it's quite the deal he's offering.

So he's going to bring this:


And says I can bring this:


And he's going to out-shoot me at 600 meters:


Anyone who says entertainment isn't cheap these days doesn't spend enough time on the internet :).

You are right on with the profile for the two. Just click on contacts and the email is the same. Good job there.
I'm more than happy to step up to the plate. It seems we have no takers. Pity, I could you a gun bail out slushy fund. Laugh all you want, but remember you weren't willing to risk anything. Fricken internet posers.

And Axel, I never said I would shootout with the Mosin. I'll bring my Accuracy International unless you want to limit it to milsup only.
Well, sorry I misunderstood you then.

If the playing field is level, no, I wouldn't bet. I'm a decent shot, but so are a good deal of the members here. For all I know you ARE a better and more trained shooter. Great for you. I'm only still giving you grief because of your Mosin shooting claims and wouldn't have said anymore had I understood your "challenge" properly. At that, I'll end our bickering with you claiming to shoot 2" groups at 600 meters and me saying BS.

No worries, pal. It's just the internet. I'll say one last time, you make un-backed outrageous claims, you're going to get called on it.

Cheers. :)
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