Mosin Nagant or Mauser 98?

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I find it so amazing that instead of learning from an expert people would rather call someone else a liar and perpetuate their own ignorance. I've got nothing to prove and I don't have to put up with these insults. say la vee
I find it so amazing that instead of learning from an expert people would rather call someone else a liar and perpetuate their own ignorance. I've got nothing to prove and I don't have to put up with these insults. say la vee
Well, you have so far. I'm an expert. My 4 year old is an expert. Any clown can call himself an expert about anything. So, instead of whining, tell us from whence you claim your expertise or quit whining that everyone here is insulting your arrogant butt.
I find it so amazing that instead of learning from an expert people would rather call someone else a liar and perpetuate their own ignorance. I've got nothing to prove and I don't have to put up with these insults. say la vee

Look guy, this is the internet. We're not at the range watching a demonstration. We've all seen our share of sixteen year olds who come in trolling claiming to be Force Recon snipers etc. Got to take things with a grain of salt and what you're saying is close to rediculous. Like Shorthair said, we're all experts unless you can prove your claims. No insults meant, just look at it from our point of view.
Hey Axel, I just read all of his posts. I doubt he's even 12, and I apologize to the forum for wasting bandwidth calling his dumb a** out..
FWIW, back on thread, I am a Mauser junkie, and I can't gin up any love at all for Mosins. None, not one bit, so my advice to OP would be full of my opinion and personal preference with little room for objectivity.
Shorthair, consider yourself reported for violating rules #2 and #3. I fully expect the moderators to respect my first and second ammendment rights. Also consider yourself on ignore, but I suspect that wont matter too much. Perhaps you will see the light one day and we can have a laugh about it over a beer.

2) Language that would be inappropriate in the polite company of strangers is quite unwelcome here.
3) No spamming, trolling, flaming or other personal attacks, be they acrimonious or veiled in humor. If you take issue with a Member's position, by all means speak your mind. If you have a problem with a Member's religion, creed, national origin, sex, politics, associations or personal hygiene

Ok, so you're not a Marine. You whine way too much.
You come here spouting garbage, get taken to task on it, and respond by whining about requests to back up your ridiculous claims. There are many, many people on this board who deserve the utmost in respect for their knowledge and decency, (I may not be one of them) but you have merely come off as a pompous, self-important, immature child.
If the moderators consider anything I've said a personal attack consider me banned.
My apologies to the forum for the distraction.
Why not address each other as if in person?
This is exactly how I would address him in person, and I'm sure others would as well. I'm out of this thread, again, I apologize for my lack of tolerance.
Tell you what Shorthair. Name the time and place and bring your best rifle. Name the bet, but make it worth my while. Winner takes prize and the looser not only coughs up cash, but resigns from the forum in disgrace. Offer's open to anyone who called me a liar.:rolleyes:

Put you're money where you're mouth is.
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Claims of expertise...

are often difficult to document on the Internet. But refusal to provide anything but outrageous statements does tend to weaken your arguments.
I find it so amazing that instead of learning from an expert people would rather call someone else a liar and perpetuate their own ignorance.

We are happy to learn from experts, and there are many on the board here. None of them are unwilling to provide at least a thumbnail sketch of their background and experience.

And just so everyone knows, this is a private forum. No one has First Amendment rights here. First Amendment rights only apply to government restricting your speech. Claiming First Amendment rights in private forum carries no weight. At all.

Gentlemen (and ladies) the subject under discussion is the Mosin Nagant vs the Mauser 98. lets get back to it, shall we?

The Mosin is an earlier, and in my opinion cruder design than the Mauser 98. It is less ergonomic in several aspects. Fine quality examples of both, with good ammo are accurate rifles. Beyond that, it becomes a matter of personal appeal, and choice.

However, consider that Mauser 98s have been made into fine sporting and target rifles in a wide variety of calibers, for generations. Mosins have not.

Mosins have a large popularity today because they are the last of the military bolt guns to be available to the public, and because of the low price of most models, combined with the low cost of surplus ammo.

Many beginning shooters get a Mosin today, for those reasons, as in my generation we got a Mauser, or Springfield, or Krag. And we all get and keep a deep affection for our first rifles, deserved or not.

I have a couple of Mosins, and several Mausers, some in military trim, and others in calibers ranging from .22-250 to .458 Win Mag. I think that pretty well shows which I prefer.
My Yugo version of the Mauser carries many "proofed" parts and is a tack driver. We shoot off hand at clay pidgeons on the wall of a local quarry using ammo made in the '30's. We figure we're a good 150 yards from the target. It's a ton of fun. It always impresses us that these weapons and ammo are so darn accurate. Hats off to the Mauser boys.
We have avoided the Mosin's but I know of several folks who really like them. My neighbor has one and he likes it. Ammo is cheap, etc. It's real interesting that the Mosin sounds different than the Mauser, or '03, etc. It sounds more like a shotgun shot than a rifle shot.
Anyway, I'll take a Mauser over the Mosin any day and I'll take an '03 or 1917over the Mauser any day. Don't overlook the '03 or '17. I'm one of those strange shooters who would even take the '17 over the '03. But, that's what makes the world go around. And you can find a great '17 for around $400 at shops or shows.
Good luck.
Oh, my wife says you should buy one of each.
Then there's this:

Rem 1187


So I've got this 1187 that groups great I mean like .5 MAO at 100 meters with 7 shot and I've been practicing alot and I want a longer tube to put more ammo in. I understand it's a gas operated gun and so far it hasn't needed a refill, but I'm worried I might run out of gas when I might really need it like a home invasion or something. How do I top it off so I never run out of gas? Plus I want to make it my avatar. How do I make my 1187 my avitar.
I'd be curious as to exactly which model of Mauser Fast Eddie was looking at. If it was as cheap as the Mosin Nagants, it may be a Turkish Mauser.

Not sure what difference it makes, I have Turks and like them. Just curious.

If Eddie gets the Mauser, he may be back after a while for the Mosin Nagants, too.
I'll wager good money you can't do 2" at 300Meters.....LOL

2" at 600?!?!?!:) balderdash!!!!


edit: Know what? I'd pay for Wild to fly down to shoot with you, as long as I get the plane ticket fare back from him when he wins...

which I am sure he will!!!!
I posted this before, but this is the deal for me.

A long time ago, in a forum far, far away, I read a post in which the poster explained that he conducted warfare, "on a budget" when he purchased a SW K frame revolver as opposed to a more expensive SA on the chance there might be some unrest on the horizon.

I always thought that was wise, and ever since, I have done the same. The cost matters. It is part of the pie.

When I wanted to get a surplus rifle, a former war implement and not a hunting rifle, I looked around (at prices) and within a few days bought an M44. I am no collector. For me, the point of a surplus rifle is a cheap, utilitarian shooter, first and foremost. Beyond that? Gravy.

This gun will never be purposely used for SD, nor would an Enfield or any other such rifle I considered. Never say never, but.....Never. The only way I could ever see using it in this manner would be if goblins attacked me coming from, going to, or at the range. Even then, I would probably have something better suited for that with me.

Since then, I have picked up quite a few spare parts and a tin of ammo. I think the total investment has been about 250- and with that I have parts in case something ever breaks and enough ammo for a few years of shooting (for me with this rifle).

I refinished it without a care in the world about authenticity because I hated the reddish varnish that was standard. It now is a dark brown almost blackish color with a couple top coats of BLO. I like the look now.

Haven't had a chance to shoot it yet, but it won't be long...
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