Mosin Nagant or Mauser 98?

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I'm in the market for a milserp bolt rifle, what do you guys prefer. The Nagant seems cheaper to shoot than the Mouser, but there is a mouser 98 with a good barrell at my local store for pretty cheap. Nagants are getting more scarce it seems.
i wanna pick up a couple 3 or 4 nagants, simply because theyre so cheap. but im also interested in turnin one into a brush/truck gun witha syn stock and 20" barrel, scope etc
I'm guessing you're buying this in person.

If you go with a Mosin make sure you check the barrel. Some may seem as if they're brand new, while others will be pitted to hell.
The Nagant is still a huge bargain, but if I could get a Mauser 98k in decent shape for Nagant money, I'd absolutely jump on it. It's more ergonomic and (usually) more precisely made.

as for their respective ammo (8mm Mauser vs 7.62x54R) it's pretty much a wash performance-wise, though there seems to be a lot more cheap 7.62x54 surplus ammo out there (just be careful, a lot of it's corrosive) if ammo cost is a concern.

As a sidenote, Mauser stripper clips work much better than Nagant clips, if that matters to you.

Thanks for the input, I think I'm going to buy the Mouser, it is Nagant cheap, and the ammo prices aren't
that much different to sway me in any direction.
I have two Mosins. I Russian M44, and a M91/30 Mosin. They both shoot dead on. The M44 was a 60 dollar gun show special with a rough stock and pitted bore.

Shoots fine though. The M91 was perfect with a perfect barrel and its shoots fine.
Yeah, I got a couple '01 mousers real cheap (free), but you have to figure in cost of maintanence and upkeep. They were both broke (got 'em fixed) and one (the boy) got kidney stones and had to go to the vet. Then there's the cost of ammo (food). Them mousers like their ammo every day.

Believe me, Mosins and Mausers will both be cheaper in the long run. :D
Yeah, I got a couple '01 mousers real cheap (free), but you have to figure in cost of maintanence and upkeep. They were both broke (got 'em fixed) and one (the boy) got kidney stones and had to go to the vet. Then there's the cost of ammo (food). Them mousers like their ammo every day.

Believe me, Mosins and Mausers will both be cheaper in the long run.


I have 4 Mousers, 1 Mauser, and 1 Mosin. The Mauser and Mosin are much cheaper to feed.

...I think I'm going to buy the Mouser, it is Nagant cheap,...

Sounds like a Yugo 24/47 (not a 98k). They are very good rifles, but have a unique action length. If you ever intend to throw a new stock on it, you'll be shelling out the cash; with one exception. -There are a handfull of M48 stocks on the market, that can be modified to accept the 24/47 action.-
Triggers and sights for any 98k will fit without a problem, but anything reliant on the standard action length will be a no-go.
I have one Mauser M48, two Mosin 91/30s, and one mouser.

I enjoy shooting the first two equally, but the wife'd kill me if I shot the third. I haven't bought ammo for either in some months, but I recall the difference in the two not being very much. Both are good rifles, so get the one that feels and looks better to you.
Axel is dead on, pick up both hold them get to feel them and pick the one that feels right to you........

Im still leaning towards the K98!
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Alright, eventually I am going to get both, but right now just one. :(

I Also had a cat named Mauser for a while, than he became a neighborhood cat, He like to eat chili. (he was an oudoor cat)
A cat named Mauser who likes to eat chili :p That's pretty funny. My parents' cat eats green olives like they're candy.

Get a K98 first. They seem slightly less plentiful in supply right now.
I was going to get a MN, but the mil surp ammo is getting so old, its not worth my time to shoot it. With 5-600 fps drops in pressure, I wont bet my life on it.

I went with a Mauser, becuase I can reload CHEAPLY for it.

It also kills mousers nicely too
I had a dog named Mauser. RIP, buddy.
Iv got a swedish mauser thats been spoterized and I love it. very accurate got a buck with it last season, cant complain. I love the rifle. My friend just picked up a spoterized mosin for 100 bucks (cdn) plus a box of ammo, GREAT deal so I would just suggest find a deal on either or.
You can be skeptical ChicagoTex, but that doesn't change how she shoots. I'm talking about the real deal a Tula Sniper Mosin.
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