More NRA shenanigans.

exactly. the NRA itself said it was in good shape; the liberal propaganda wing said the NRA was in trouble. 9 months later we see that the NRA is in trouble. that's not media hype, that is fact. that's not the media's doing, its the doing of the NRA leadership.

Lol, Well,Maybe you right. Seems the NRA is Dead. Here is another liberal website that you may enjoy. A lot of good ole NRA bashing. I wonder why NRA is even fighting, might as well just lay down now and avoid the beating.
I personally think it is the end of the NRA, but NOT because of this lawsuit or CEO shakeup. Heck they might ever WIN the law suite and Wayne vote out this year. But they will just find another way to attack and you can believe them as well.

Could This Be The End of The NRA? We Can Only Hope
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Lol, Well,Maybe you right. Seems the NRA is Dead. Here is another liberal website that you may enjoy. A lot of good ole NRA bashing. I wonder why NRA is even fighting, might as well just lay down now and avoid the beating.

I don't think anyone here wants to see the NRA die, but we must look at reality. Even if WLP and his cronies on the Board resign today, it will take years for the NRA to get back to it's once former self.

We don't have years. We don't have the time.

WLP and his cronies are not going to give up without a fight. They are hell bent on destruction. WLP will go down with the ship, then laugh all the way to the bank with a big fat retirement account. Wayne doesn't care about you, he doesn't care about me, he doesn't care about the Second Amendment. All he cares about is making his bank account grow. If WLP cared, he would admit he made a mistake, step aside, and pass the baton.

The time to act is now, not years from now because by then it will be too late. If WLP will not resign, we need to find another organization willing to step up, and we need it quick. Let the NRA die off. Maybe out of the ashes of the once great NRA something new will arise?
I don't think anyone here wants to see the NRA die, but we must look at reality. Even if WLP and his cronies on the Board resign today, it will take years for the NRA to get back to it's once former self.

We don't have years. We don't have the time.

WLP and his cronies are not going to give up without a fight. They are hell bent on destruction. WLP will go down with the ship, then laugh all the way to the bank with a big fat retirement account. Wayne doesn't care about you, he doesn't care about me, he doesn't care about the Second Amendment. All he cares about is making his bank account grow. If WLP cared, he would admit he made a mistake, step aside, and pass the baton.

The time to act is now, not years from now because by then it will be too late. If WLP will not resign, we need to find another organization willing to step up, and we need it quick. Let the NRA die off. Maybe out of the ashes of the once great NRA something new will arise?
Lol, yea right, something new will rise alright. It already did.

Just curious, just who or what is the magic organization that will be the new fighting force for 2A? Which has been around for 100 years or more?
And just what do you mean "get back to it's former self". Got news for ya, the NRA is operating now all across this country doing the same good things they have been doing for years. I do not know where you have been, but where I live they are very much alive and doing great things.
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Lol, yea right, something new will rise alright. It already did.

Then pray tell what did?

I'm not good with sarcasm, so maybe I missed your joke?

You sit back and procrastinate, smile that apathetic smile, and do nothing. But please, don't get in the way of those of us that care.
Just curious, just who or what is the magic organization that will be the new fighting force for 2A? Which has been around for 100 years or more?

You seem to have the misguided assumption that having been around for 100 years is somehow salient.
Carl the Floor Walker said:
Just curious, just who or what is the magic organization that will be the new fighting force for 2A? Which has been around for 100 years or more?
Second Amendment Foundation? Gun Owners of America? Perhaps some organization that doesn't even exist at the moment?

"Nature abhors a vacuum." I don't remember where I first heard that or who said (or wrote) it, but it's true.

And just what do you mean "get back to it's former self". Got news for ya, the NRA is operating now all across this country doing the same good things they have been doing for years. I do not know where you have been, but where I live they are very much alive and doing great things.
I'm happy for you. Where I live the NRA hasn't been doing anything to help us. Could you please name three "great" things the NRA has done in your state is 2020?
Don't want the mailers, tell the NRA do not contact. I haven't seen an ad from them in years.

WLP and his chronies saw the NRA as a cash cow and rode it as hard as they could. Too bad he beat Neal Knox as Knox was scrupulously honest and accounted for every single penny that came across his path. I bet WLP on the other hand has a warddrobe more expensive than my library (over 100 shelves).
Second Amendment Foundation? Gun Owners of America? Perhaps some organization that doesn't even exist at the moment?

"Nature abhors a vacuum." I don't remember where I first heard that or who said (or wrote) it, but it's true.

I'm happy for you. Where I live the NRA hasn't been doing anything to help us. Could you please name three "great" things the NRA has done in your state is 2020?

I will not in any way try and support the NRA on this forum. I will be at the Virginia Rally this year again where we have many supporters and supporters of the NRA. You are quite welcome to attend the next one, although, I not think it would be to your liking. Too many supporters of the NRA from Virginia attend.
I could tell you a number of things the NRA has done for my Gun Club like support the Boy Scouts each summer and help with our Bern etc. Help sponsor the rally etc. But then that really does not matter.
Virginia is home to one of the most anti 2A enemies in the US. Gov Ralph Northam. You can go online to do your own research at the bills he has introduced and see if the NRA has helped in any of those.

Here is the deal. I give my word NOT to post any support for the NRA again on TFL. My Bad.
It is akin to fighting to support B] saving the monuments of Heritage and their destruction across the state, and against those that destroyed them and attempting to destroy our heritage. (and I will continue to fight them with full vigor, and I will continue to support the NRA the same to the end) But not on this forum.
You like the GOA then I am happy for you. Along with other's as well.I wish you the best of luck.
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Lol, yea right, something new will rise alright. It already did.

Just curious, just who or what is the magic organization that will be the new fighting force for 2A? Which has been around for 100 years or more?
And just what do you mean "get back to it's former self". Got news for ya, the NRA is operating now all across this country doing the same good things they have been doing for years. I do not know where you have been, but where I live they are very much alive and doing great things.
You do realize that what makes the NRA the NRA isn't just its name or that it has been around over 100 years or Wayne and his cronies, but the members, many of whom have been posting in this very topic who are "Life" members that have donated thousands to the NRA over the years.

What's stopping the members from leaving the NRA and going to any other organization and making it just as strong, just as powerful, just as well funded as the NRA?

It's obvious that we cannot continue to rely solely on the NRA to protect our gun rights, they've done a horrible job of it anyway.
As to which other pro-Second Amendment might one day achieve similar clout in Congress....... I have no idea. None at all.

* I'm appalled by the NRA's financial waste.

But I'm not familiar with the other organizations.

My last gun friend moved away a year ago, and my shooting at the private club is always solo. Don't have any friends there.
I wonder what WLP thinks of all this in private talks with friends and staff...

I'm no Psychiatrist, but I don't think Narcissists take accountability or responsibility for anything they do wrong.
"The NRA" has millions of supporters, however the one being run into the group by wlp does not. get rid of wlp and the bod and watch membership increase. until then, wlp with help from the bod will continue to profit handsomely while membership and organizational clout fall. wlp and his bod will not step down as that would signal that everyone else was right. his ego simply won't let that happen.
Ego aside, the one man with the power to save the NRA, is WLP.

While I'm certain that he has legal limits on what can and can not be disclosed to the public, if he actually valued the rhetoric he puts forward, he would have the board of directors approve changes to the bylaws giving the rank and file a voice in the organization again, and then step down. For the good of the NRA.

His decision to play legal games and obfuscate the truth from members in order to retain his position is all I need to convince me that his actions are not in the best interests of the NRA.
I am the NRA.
I just renewed my 5 year membership.
I really do not like Mr. LaPierre.
BUT we need the NRA!

I hope they get things straightened out soon and get back to providing the shooting sports with the representation, training and support we all need.

I would also join other organizations. What are they? How do we join?

Thanks, Wyoredman.
Dollars to these other organizations obviously help. That said, one of the things that made the NRA the (or at least "a") 800-pound gorilla was the 5 million members. So joining the other groups (I don't think the SAF is a membership organization, but GOA and CCRKBA are) even at the minimum dues level adds to their membership numbers, and that has to help when they address congresscritters.
....(I don't think the SAF is a membership organization, but GOA and CCRKBA are)....

SAF does have memberships, you can sign up at this link.

Other than the NRA, has any other 2nd amendment organization even hinted at their membership level? It would be interesting to see how they compare to the roughly 5 million NRA members. I suspect that most, if not all, are under the million member mark. Probably some are only in the thousands of members.