More NRA shenanigans.

"No doubt that is where the $12,000,000 in lawyer fees over 90 days came in."

That amounts to over $130,000 every day, paid by NRA members.

Been a NRA Life Member since 1960. The NRA will receive another donation after the BOD and WLP are gone.
You point out some numbers and say they are not justifiable (if that amount is indeed correct) Just curious, how much does a Prestigious Law firm charge for High Influential clients? I mean we are not talking about looking through the yellow pages and calling Lowell the Hammer Stanley.
Can you give more information please?
Also, since the NRA represents gun owners in Courts across the US, can you please provide the cost of those or some samples from recent case's and their cost?
I do not know, but think that the cost of a LAW firm with specialty lawyers and a staff of accountants etc. would most likely be more than just say $300.00 per hour.
You point out some numbers and say they are not justifiable (if that amount is indeed correct) Just curious, how much does a Prestigious Law firm charge for High Influential clients?

$130,000 per day is $16,250 per hour. I don't care how prestigious the law firm is or how influential the client.
wlp and his circle/bod have ruined the nra. they fattened themselves and can let it die while keeping private security for themselves.
"Not sure why lifetime memberships come with mailings asking for more dues?"

Because people often do give more. I have a lifetime membership and I have given other memberships as gifts for example to family and friends . NRA uses all kinds of Marketing and I am sure they hire some of the best agencies you can get. Direct mail, telephone solicitation, trade shows. They use them because they work and they bring in revenue. There are winning odds in numbers. You might get annoyed at receiving numerous calls, but on the other hand, when I get a call, it just means they are out there working. Some people will say no 5 times and the sixth time give a donation or increase membership etc. This has been proven. Direct mail for instance, is one of the most effective and least costly ways to generate business.
NRA is a large and a very powerful Organization. And a organization that has a lot of enemies. And the enemies spew a lot of hate, in the form of lies and propaganda against them. And as a large organization or Corporation there are always power struggles, take overs etc. Just part of the game.

Enemies of the Anti groups can take a lie and repeat it over and over and over until the sheep all believe it. We see this on CNN on a constant daily basis. And it works. And they and others have done this to the NRA. Actually a brilliant strategy for them . I do not know about all the truth behind WP and others, but I do know the enemy sure wants you to believe that. And they want YOU to focus on it true or not. A a lot of people falling right into their lap.
Anyone that does not know the organization or what they actually do, and come on this forum will think one thing from the comments. Just a wicked corrupt organization that has never done a thing for it's members.
One comment said they have done this to themselves. Really? And others against them have done nothing?

But again, the left has targeted the NRA for years. And if it was not Wayne they choose to go after it would just be something else. They always do.
And if you want more ammo to destroy the NRA like we see on this forum, go to CNN and they will give you other quotes to smash them as well.

I find the OP's original post interesting. More NRA shenanigans.
I laughed when I saw it. And thought " oh God, more slamming of the NRA, here we go. Same fodder that you see on so many many anti gun, publications and talk shows.
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$130,000 per day is $16,250 per hour. I don't care how prestigious the law firm is or how influential the client.
I doubt any of Trump's bankruptcies cost anywhere near 130 grand a day.

The $12m in legal fees to declare bankruptcy where the outstanding debt is largely legal fees is like, the sort of stuff you'd see in a comic strip.
I doubt any of Trump's bankruptcies cost anywhere near 130 grand a day.

The $12m in legal fees to declare bankruptcy where the outstanding debt is largely legal fees is like, the sort of stuff you'd see in a comic strip.
I doubt they did as well. But were these Bankruptcies on the scale of the NRA's present case? Or were they just typical of many of the IRS declared bankruptcies of many large companies and even small business? IMO we really do not have a lot of information and real facts. Again, It will be interesting on how all the evidence is submitted in a Court of Law rather than on the internet.
I find the OP's original post interesting. More NRA shenanigans.
I laughed when I saw it. And thought " oh God, more slamming of the NRA, here we go. Same fodder that you see on so many many anti gun, publications and talk shows.

Well, the NRA isn't filing for bankruptcy because of being a well run, financially responsible organization. The infighting of the NRA was internal, not external.

I am sure you remember the NRA's own letter to members on 22 May 2019
stating that it was a FACT that their financial affairs were in order and that
We have full confidence in the NRA’s accounting practices and commitment to good governance.


Simply put, we are well-positioned on the regulatory front and poised to handle all challenges that confront us.

That letter, as you may recall, was written specifically to address the media's claims that the NRA was in financial trouble and was vulnerable. Danged if the media wasn't spot on.

And even if the NRA wasn't lying on 22 May 2019 about being in good financial shape at the time, then if they were in good shape, then they completely screwed up so badly as to need to file for bankruptcy in less than a year and 9 months time.

Careful to not drink too much Kool-Aid. It's a killer.
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Lol, there is a lot more of this case than you obviously seem to know. It goes back years with doing business with Ackerman, among other's etc. You say the media got it right? How do you know this? This case has a long history and extremely complex. So you want to take left wing media and AG James at face value and let them win? Should the NRA just lay down to anything the left and James throw at them?
Maybe some are actually drinking the Liberal Coolaid. I will wait and see how this Lawsuit by NEW YORK and JAMES works out first.

Regardless here is a interesting article.

Monica Connell, assistant attorney general for New York, filed a response on Thursday opposing an MDL, insisting that the cases have nothing in common.

“Each of the complaints includes different federal statutory and state statutory and common-law claims with different elements and potential defenses,” she wrote. “The defendants differ in each action, and the complaints do not allege common conduct that could be proved with common evidence.”

She also noted that an MDL in Texas would result in “substantially increased litigation costs” for her office.

Sorry, I will not be shedding tears that NY's attorneys office will be having increase cost.The NRA gets points on that one alone.
Aces and eights

Since we are now under a 4 year total democratic government control, a leadership at the top level NRA is critical.

Rather than begging members for money they should have been reaching out to the new gun owners as a new source for the NRA.
A missed opportunity...missed management.
Enemies of the Anti groups can take a lie and repeat it over and over and over until the sheep all believe it. We see this on CNN on a constant daily basis.

I think I speak for most folks here in saying that the only time I watch CNN is when I'm stuck at the gate in an airport and it's on a tv mounted to the ceiling.
I think I speak for most folks here in saying that the only time I watch CNN is when I'm stuck at the gate in an airport and it's on a tv mounted to the ceiling.
In the past 4 years CNN runs constantly. Also many other responsible networks will show clips of the Propaganda they spew. You should IMO at least have some knowledge of their Rhetoric. From some of the Post, I would say many do listen to them. How the heck would you even know what they are up to, if you do not pay attention. Thank God others do and will set the record straight.
I will say it is unbearable to watch them. Disgusting. You will at least need to take a shower after watching them.
I just don't understand why for all these decades people haven't donated much money to a second national gun lobby organization so we didn't have all our eggs in one basket? The GOA and the SAF are fine organizations, but they have a pittance of the financial support. Why is it the firearms industry and all the companies out there haven't donated to GOA, SAF, etc.? Beretta and Benelli can apparently throw the NRA millions every year, but they can't give GOA, SAF, and state based 2A groups a few bucks?

The NRA is not the be all and end all of gun lobbies and what we're seeing right now with the NRA is what happens when you operate on blind faith.

You stroll off a cliff.
I just don't understand why for all these decades people haven't donated much money to a second national gun lobby organization so we didn't have all our eggs in one basket? The GOA and the SAF are fine organizations, but they have a pittance of the financial support. Why is it the firearms industry and all the companies out there haven't donated to GOA, SAF, etc.? Beretta and Benelli can apparently throw the NRA millions every year, but they can't give GOA, SAF, and state based 2A groups a few bucks?

The NRA is not the be all and end all of gun lobbies and what we're seeing right now with the NRA is what happens when you operate on blind faith.

You stroll off a cliff.
Do you think the Anti's even know about these other organizations? The NRA IMO, to them mean more than just a organization, to them it represents the heart of People they despise. Proud Americans that stand tall for the American Flag, the Military and Police, law and order and Proud of American Heritage. The NRA represents "Power" and they want to destroy that Power. Just like they burn down the American Flag, Monuments destroyed etc. They Know the NRA has been around for a hundred years and the main force that has fought for the 2nd Amendment rights. Many times, I do not even believe it is gun rights that motivates them. It is more about their own power of having the knowledge that they will win big by taking down the NRA. It is a symbol to them. If GOA or another smaller Pro 2A rights were resolved tomorrow, would mean nothing to them.
I would guess Beretta for example, which sell guns all over the world chooses to send support for the NRA to keep it alive.
Maybe the NRA should divert funds to the smaller organizations as allies. Not sure how that would play out.
Well, the NRA isn't filing for bankruptcy because of being a well run, financially responsible organization. The infighting of the NRA was internal, not external.

I am sure you remember the NRA's own letter to members on 22 May 2019
stating that it was a FACT that their financial affairs were in order and that


That letter, as you may recall, was written specifically to address the media's claims that the NRA was in financial trouble and was vulnerable. Danged if the media wasn't spot on.

And even if the NRA wasn't lying on 22 May 2019 about being in good financial shape at the time, then if they were in good shape, then they completely screwed up so badly as to need to file for bankruptcy in less than 9 months time.

Careful to not drink too much Kool-Aid. It's a killer.
exactly. the NRA itself said it was in good shape; the liberal propaganda wing said the NRA was in trouble. 9 months later we see that the NRA is in trouble. that's not media hype, that is fact. that's not the media's doing, its the doing of the NRA leadership.
Not sure why lifetime memberships come with mailings asking for more dues?

I've done some computer work for charities and they all work like that. If you give them money once, they know you're sympathetic to their cause and you're much more likely to contribute again than some random person.

Pick a charity at random and give them $20. Your mailbox will never be empty again.
I've done some computer work for charities and they all work like that. If you give them money once, they know you're sympathetic to their cause and you're much more likely to contribute again than some random person.

Pick a charity at random and give them $20. Your mailbox will never be empty again.

It would be one thing to ask for donations like that. It is another thing to ask you to pay for something again that you have already paid for - dues.