Mom here, looking for my first handgun, to use for CC

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Went today and tried MANY out!

Hubby and I went today to many many stores and gun shops, pawn shops, and even an indoor range that rents out many handguns for use in their range. I shot over 30 different ones (don't ask me to name them all) and held about 100 more. I was worried about the slide, how hard it would be for me to pull, and i narrowed out quiet a few due to that and the handle part being too thick for my hand to comfortably grip it.
I also checked to see if I could comfortably reach the safety.
I even tried out a couple of revolvers. Altho, I honestly wasn't too happy with the ones I tried out but that could have just been the specific ones I tried.

I wrote down a list of the ones I liked best out of all of them that I got to not only hold but also shoot.

Bersa Thunder .22
Bersa Thunder .380
Bersa Firestorm 9x19mm
Glock 26 Gen 4 9mm
Ruger LCR .38
Beretta Px4 Storm 9mm

were the ones that I found I felt most comfortable with. I know, they are all completely different in many ways. What my husband did, is he did not tell me WHICH one I was shooting until after I shot it and gave him my opinion on it. (which I was happy he didn't try to tell me what I HAD to get...)

Anyhow.. I REALLY liked all 3 Bersa and the Glock 26. My 2 favorites were the Thunder .380 and the Firestorm 9mm
I also had extremely awesome shots with them hitting betwen 1.5 inch to 3 inch below the center of the target every time. I impressed even myself!
The glock.. eh, I broke to the left a little and hit the shoulder of the target but I think with practice I could get a lot better with it.

So thank you all for your suggestions! I'm going to go shooting with the ones listed above a couple more times before I purchase just so I can make sure that I am 100% with my decision.
Nice work out. My experience with the Thunder 380 was the same. Besides being pleasant to shoot, I also found it extremely accurate (something that can not be said for the smaller guns like the LCP).

IMO the PX4 is probably the best gun on your list but it's a bit large for concealed carry (not that it can,t be done though, I carry my Cougar easily in the cooler months). The PX4 makes an excellent home defense gun though. Personally, I've been relying more and more on my Bersa for carry because it's so easy to carry it.
Your certainly on the right path, I can't tell you how many guns I have purchased and then later sold after shooting them.. and I sell them for a living. Holding one and shooting one are different experiences over all. I understand most people in most situations can't shoot all the ones they want but your definitely a step ahead of the crowd and it sounds like your husband is doing the right thing and letting you base your experience off what you felt rather than what he likes or prefers.

Find one that suits you the best feel wise and shooting wise, there are countless options to dress around a gun IF you are willing to do it.

One of my personal carry guns IS on your list, but to stay unbiased I won't say which one, but I have sold countless of every gun on your list to happy customers so your on the right track.
All of your choices are quality pistols. (I don't own any Bersas, but those who do are usually happy with their reliability.) Trigger and safety systems vary. It might help you to think about what you might want in that regard, keeping in mind that that decision is another one of those compromises about which Pax wrote. A thumb safety is another step to firing, which may be safer in some situations but may also be a hindrance under stress.

Be aware that the PX4 comes in three different sizes. The full size and compact have rotating barrels that absorb some of the recoil. The subcompact does not have the rotating barrel system.
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