Modern day pistol to win 1881 gunfight?

dahermit said:
Why do you think that there are no fast-draw contests that use autos?

Probably because the rules don't permit them? Kind of the same reason that you don't see NFL linemen using baseball bats on the defense to protect the quarterback. The baseball bats would make the offense MUCH more effective, unfortunately the rules don't permit them.

Fast draw rules are here:

Single-action revolvers, factory chambered for .45 Colt caliber, with non-adjustable rear sights
Ah, yes, the 80s!!

When I competed in IPSC 1980-81 we were required to draw from the holster AND hit the target.

Ahh, yes, 80's, I remember them well! The days when "GAY" meant "happy", "ERECTIONS" were BUILDINGS, and our PRESIDENTS WERE NOT GEO-POLITICAL GUTLESS WONDERS!!

<shaking head>

Almost forgot:

I'd want an alloy-framed .45 ACP Gold-Cup, 50 pounds of Hercules Unique, 10,000 rounds of .45 ACP Ball, 100 extra Wilson Magazines and Jeff Cooper, Ray Chapman, and Jack Weaver in my "gang".

OH, and enough Ciprofloxin, Rifampin, Isoniazid and Ethambutol to treat Doc Holliday's tuberculosis, if I could locate him in time. By all accounts, he was a royal pain in the @$$ to be around, but entirely too good a man to die so young. He's one of the "Patron Saints" in my personal pantheon.
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Short double barreled shotgun with pistol grip filled with dimes.;)

pick up a couple of calrotic pistols

James K, I must have missed that one in all my SiFi reading,, what is a calrotic pistol?
Please reduce the size of your pictures.
The "high noon show down" is 100% Hollywood. Very few, if any, actually ever happened.
The 'Code of the West' is more Hollywood nonsense. You don't shoot your friends. In the Stone movie, Hackman's character would have been shot in the back by a guy with a rifle. Mine would be my 1903A4 from away over there.
Bubbalouie, modern qweecksdraw competitions don't use real bullets or real ammo. Primers powered wax bullets only. Read Page 17.
"...All projectiles are to be CFDA Approved .45 caliber wax bullets only..."
"...need a Johnny 7 OMA..." Got it. None of the projectiles though. snicker.
Dahermit has the right idea, those K frame Smiths are very fast and efficient. Subhuman's .44 would be a very good choice too. But, I am getting up in age, I think I would just bush whack the scallywags with my trusty Winchester. lol
Hackman's character would have been shot in the back by a guy with a rifle.

I think I would just bush whack the scallywags with my trusty Winchester. lol

Hmmm...are there a lot of fans of the movie "The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean" here?
A lot of posters here are missing the point of the original was about a fast-draw contest, not about a gunfight. Therefore, shooting in the back with a rifle would not have won the prize. It was about how fast the contestants could "slap leather" in a totally fictional setting (not "code of the west, or historically correct, etc.) as in the movie.
My comment about "why there are no fast-draw competitions using autos" was rhetorical. I meant that revolver grip shape is superior to the shape of auto grips when it comes to the speed of grab and shoot...unless you can show me some person who can beat Bob Mundon's, Bill Jordon's, or Jerry Miculek's (revolver shooters) time with an auto.
.300 magnum with a nice piece of glass from 600 yards. Pistols are for amateurs who forgot their rifles.

If your goal is revenge, act like it. :rolleyes:

Now if you actually want to win a fast draw competition:
*STI with tactical sights and ported.
*more importantly a USPSA style holster rig.
A Sig 226 in a Blackhawk for speed and accuracy. It's so much like a revolver on the first double action shot. I was taught to draw to presentation, then press out to shoot. It's smooth, and fast. Better still, it's accurate.