Modern day pistol to win 1881 gunfight?

When your ammo is out. Let's see that auto loader handle the reloads with the available black powder of the those days! I think a gp100 6" with speedloaders would be suiting. Might blend in a little on appearance to the 1880's guns but yet hold an advantage.
Ruger Redhawk in .45Colt.

What is the point of having a gun of tighter tolerances, refinement and accuracy if all you can shoot is what came in the mag/cylinder.

At least with the .45 you'd be able to get ammo for it....
When your ammo is out. Let's see that auto loader handle the reloads with the available black powder of the those days!
Um I have a time machine I can get more ammo.

But now I want to change my answer first I'm gonna go forward and get me a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range and take it back.
I would choose a S&W 66 (or M19), for its light weight and ergonomic handle design. Autos are designed around a magazine, a revolver can be of a more natural shape without consideration as to a magazine. Also, no need to fumble with levers and/or safeties. Why do you think that there are no fast-draw contests that use autos?

I would not choose a single action because of the poor ability to deliver fast follow-up shots.

A model 66/19 is just as fast on the first shot as a single action. If you do not think so, research Bill Jordan.

I would carry it in steel-lined Jordan holster on a Sam Browne Belt as shown here:
If you can time travel, why not go forward, pick up a couple of calrotic pistols, and mow them all down?

this one I think, in a Yaqui belt slide of good quality. It is a .44 spc, so I could find something that would fit in it and function and I'm fast and accurate with it.
What type of gunfight? You mean movie style gunfight...stand face to face with one man and the fastest to draw and fire accurately wins? No question in my mind about what handgun I would choose.

In my opinion no pistol is faster to draw from an open holster and fire than the Colt Single Action Army. I would use a 4" barrel "Storekeeper Model" because the shorter the barrel the quicker it clears leather. This would lack an ejector rod so reloading is way slow but in classic movie showdowns there is no reloading.
Cajunbass has it right, I got the two gun set of fanner 50's for Christmas one year, forget if it was the Roy Rodgers or Hop a Long cassidy rig. Never ran out of ammo (just like Roy and Hopalong's), deadly accurate even at 5000 yards, never needed cleaning even with mud stuck in the barrel which, by the way, never effected accuracy. Yes I remember it well, Pow Pow your dead, no I'm not I got you first, couldn't have I got ya right tween the eyes, no you missed an I shot the gun out of your hand, etc etc. Give anything to go back to those days. Feel sorry for todays kids who will never know about life in the 50's.
What type of gunfight? You mean movie style gunfight...stand face to face with one man and the fastest to draw and fire accurately wins? No question in my mind about what handgun I would choose.
A fantasy gunfight as the original poster stated in the movie with Sharon Stone, "The Quick and the Dead", that bears no similarity to the real gunfights of old...a movie style, just for the fun of discussing it.

In my opinion no pistol is faster to draw from an open holster and fire than the Colt Single Action Army. I would use a 4" barrel "Storekeeper Model" because the shorter the barrel the quicker it clears leather. This would lack an ejector rod so reloading is way slow but in classic movie showdowns there is no reloading.
Before making up my mind, I would research what Bill Jordan had to say about the subject, and his real gunfights and accomplishments.

The few single-action fast draw exhibitions I have seen, the shooter "slaps" the hammer back with his thumb as, all in one motion, he twists the gun up and fires from right on top of the holster...a technique that I would imagine only would be good for a person so close that he could not miss. The Jordan approach was quite different. But, I am no going to put words in Bill Jordan's mouth, buy his book, "No Second Place Winner", as see for yourself.

In short, even if a single-action shooter got off the first shot, unlike stopping a timer, he would actually have to hit his our fantasy that is.
this one I think, in a Yaqui belt slide of good quality. It is a .44 spc, so I could find something that would fit in it and function and I'm fast and accurate with it.
25 yds. S.A.??!! As in single action? This is a fast-draw going to take time to thumb-cock? Bang, you're dead.
Man. You watch REALLY BAD movies.
Yeah, that movie lost me when the Gene Hackman character looked down at his shadow and saw daylight showing through his silhouette after he was shot. Speaking of Gene Hackman movies, "The Unforgiven" was a much more authentic gun movie, with misfires, Spencer rifle, Schofield revolver, mystiek of the gunfighter exposed as part of the movie plot. "The Quick and the Dead", not so much.
Dahermit, you do understand that most pistols of that era were single action right? and that rossi is double action so in a hurry heck no draw and fire all one motion, but truthfully I can draw and fire a blackhawk or vaquero just as fast because of the grip and hammer design. at 10 yards from an owb holster I will be hovering around 1 second for a draw and kill zone hit with any of the 3 and I'm slow as dirt, but i can empty the Rossi faster
Dahermit, you do understand that most pistols of that era were single action right? and that rossi is double action so in a hurry heck no draw and fire all one motion, but truthfully I can draw and fire a blackhawk or vaquero just as fast because of the grip and hammer design. at 10 yards from an owb holster I will be hovering around 1 second for a draw and kill zone hit with any of the 3 and I'm slow as dirt, but i can empty the Rossi faster
I was questioning why you had "S.A." on your target in the picture. I drew the inference that you were firing it in single action mode relative to the discussion on this thread.
I do applaud your choice of handguns. I have a three-inch S&W 696 (.44 Spl.) myself, albeit I have removed the hammer spur. It is one of my favorites.
On drawing an SAA for speed it's not "draw and cock," it's drawandcock as in one motion. When the pistol is leveled on target the hammer is already back.

This another of those debates where everybody knows he is right. I still go for a Colt SAA in a fantasy movie gunfight.
M1927A1 pistol with 50 rnd drum mag. :rolleyes:

Seriously? ok, a little more seriously..

Ruger Vaquero .45 Colt. Because ammo would be available back then, because they are tougher than the Colt, because I've had some for decades and am very ..comfortable with them, and because, its not the gun that wins the fight...