McCain's pay grade

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peetza said:
This is Saab1911's thread. He's hijacking his own name. He doesn't even drive a Saab anymore and he has been officially inglockdrinated as a Sith Lord. We steal his threads all the time. He doesn't mind.

Yes, my master ;)
I'd be getting a little less tolerant to people trying to hijack this thread, too.

Thanks for the reminder....I am guilty also.

McCain's Pay Grade:
Admitting that he was human enough to break under torture shows that McCain understands real humility. And that in turn shows he does not think anything is above his pay grade. I have not always backed McCain on his views, but I never have doubted his sincere respect for this Country. His leadership experience has been listed, but I think it is his total life experience that will help him to be a great President.

He doesn't even drive a Saab anymore and he has been officially inglockdrinated as a Sith Lord.

I have pointed this out before. I had this picture of driving a saab while holding a 1911, but I guess no more. Kinda a let down.:D
a pitbull with lipstick..a female pitbull...a female dog..a b!tch..... And we think that women calling themselves such things on national television is a good thing...why?

Wow that's reaching a bit! That's hilarious, and even more hilarious if you're actually serious.

I bet Gov. Palin was really upset when people started calling her "Barracuda". They where comparing her to a fish! OMG a slimy fish with a tiny brain and nasty teeth! How insulting that must be... oh wait, MAYBE they were complimenting her on the aggressiveness and tenacity she displayed.

You guys should laugh every once in a while, its really not so bad. It's a bit scary that some of these people are offended soooo easily - and they have access to guns :eek:
I'm sorry, but I keep seeing this thread and reading the title as, "McCain's gay pride."

That is so weird, I was just thinking the same thing! I saw the post and thought "McCain's Gay Pride" ??? What in the world....:D
I am gazing into my crystal ball. I see a huge victory for McCain/Palin, and I see this thread being locked. Being right (pun) all the time is a burden.:cool:
A liberal leader, of course.

McCain is certainly more liberal than I would prefer but we have to deal with the cards on the table. If McCain loses we get Obama. That makes McCain the most conservative man in the race who has ANY CHANCE of winning. I know, I have a knot in my stomach about voting for the "lesser evil" (bad phrase as I don't think McCAin is evil) but he's the best we can hope for in THIS reality. We can't wish a true conservative into the race. We have to take the best we can get.

...and McCain is a fine, courageous, upstanding man with whom I don't always agree. Obama is a shyster with whom I NEVER agree. Easy choice.
What gets me is that Obama promises that he'll lead the country to the
land of milk and honey where nobody has to work and everything will be
provided for without raising any taxes.

Has Obama fallen off the wagon? Or is he just lying through his teeth?
Or is he really the Messiah?

He's a politician, they all say some ludacris stuff but I can't believe how many millions in America can't see through this or even think logically about what he is saying.

he talks about debt, yet says he'll cut taxes but will end up spending more money with his programs:confused:

reduce our dependence on foreign oil, but opposes nuclear power and is "open" :rolleyes: to drilling. will give tax breaks to the automotive industry for plug-in electric hybrids. he also said we'll reduce energy consumption by 15% :confused: I'm not an electrician but the more things you plug into the outlet, the more current you draw, not less:confused:
McCain is certainly more liberal than I would prefer but we have to deal with the cards on the table. If McCain loses we get Obama. That makes McCain the most conservative man in the race who has ANY CHANCE of winning. I know, I have a knot in my stomach about voting for the "lesser evil" (bad phrase as I don't think McCAin is evil) but he's the best we can hope for in THIS reality. We can't wish a true conservative into the race. We have to take the best we can get.

...and McCain is a fine, courageous, upstanding man with whom I don't always agree. Obama is a shyster with whom I NEVER agree. Easy choice.

I WILL NOT waste a vote on a write in over principle, or the lesser of two evils game etc. whatever

IF there is anytime to play the lesser of two evils game, IT IS NOW!
Caesar2001 said:
He's a politician, they all say some ludacris stuff but I can't believe how many millions in America can't see through this or even think logically about what he is saying.

Most of the public can only be reached with television commercials during
their favorite TV shows. The vast majority have very short attention spans.
So, politicians have found that easy promises and tasty sound bites are their
most effective tools.


And most of the public don't remember all of the campaign promises that
have been broken.
Most of the public can only be reached with television commercials during
their favorite TV shows. The vast majority have very short attention spans.
So, politicians have found that easy promises and tasty sound bites are their
most effective tools.

And most of the public don't remember all of the campaign promises that
have been broken.

I second the barfing at that notion. Sad state of affairs when the only time people will pay attention to the most important thing will ever do is when they are doing the least important thing they will ever do.:barf:
I think with such a short public record her educational back ground is important. When you don't have a long track record people are going to look at things like this.

Again I ask why? What does a BA have to do with being in government. It sure as hell doesn't prepare you for it. Look at how many politicians are extremely well educated, have graduate and professional degrees and are absolutely terrible public servants.

If the issue is her qualifications, she has been a fantastic executive official (both as a mayor and a governor). To ask not if but how she went about getting her BA is simply assinine.

As for the number of people in AK I think it matters. A person who has dealt with a large diverse population makes a difference in how they view the world. It does not make or break her but it is worth exploring.

Since when does the president "deal" with the population at all?
I am gazing into my crystal ball ... and I see this thread being locked.
My, my! your crystal is as good as mine!

Closed for intentional thread-jacking; personal attacks and a general low road approach. PM's to be sent.
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