McCain's pay grade

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rellascout said:
All you are doing is apply the reaction to this woman who has major holes in her persona, whether you want to admit it or not, as if it is universal. Your assumption had not been proven. Sorry but thats the facts.

How you see holes in a persona is beyond me. Oh ... you have the WoW
expansion pack virtual reality add-on thingy which enhances your perception
of reality. I get it.

Let's see. She's a wife, a mother, a governor. Are you a governor of
something, other than your own fiefdom in Second Life I mean.

No we don't know a whole lot about Sarah Palin, but what we do know
we like. And what the left has dug up have been completely ridiculous
and irrelevant.

And why are we talking about Palin again in a McCain thread? :confused:

I know in WoW and in Second Life the world revolves around you and everybody
does your bidding even the toasters and tea cups, but this is real
Aw, dang. You posted the answer already. Hey, look, speaking of really smart people... He wasn't running for VP like Governor Palin but it's a great quote-

"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.

Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent.

Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.

Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.

Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race”

President Calvin Coolidge.
Originally Posted by JWT
If John McCain is a liberal leader what's Obama???

A socialist follower?

Or an "organizer".

OK men, we have a bunch of stuff here that you are going to need to lead your people in the field. Take what you need and leave what you don't need. You can't carry it all. There will not be enough for everyone or every need, but if you pick the right stuff, you'll have a high probability of success. It'll be your decision. Your people are waiting for you. Make haste.

John McCain uses his experience and leadership abilities to quickly decide what to take with him and is off to meet his people.

Barack Obama not knowing what most of the stuff is, decides to organize the stuff into community sharing packages that he can dispense to everyone at the same time so that everyone gets and equal share. It takes him a lot longer, but he's able to negotiate more time and resources to get ALL of his stuff transported out to the field so that everyone gets a fair share of stuff. Too bad that by the time he gets there, the event is over and his team loses.

That's the difference between a leader and a community organizer who is self invested in marxism and/or socialism.

I don't agree with all of McCains positions, but I have no doubts that he can be an effective leader. We have no clue about Obama's leadership qualities.
Um...I only counted four colleges there...I'm presuming she attended University of Idaho twice (the name of the school she finished at wasn't mentioned).

Anyway, what does that really matter? So Sarah Palin was an 18- to 22-year-old who wasn't quite sure what she wanted to do. Hardly unique. Is this really the kind of thing worth making an issue of?

I'd say an educational record is the kind of thing that can be used to boost, but not detract from, a candidate (at least in all but the worst cases). People often change in college, and after college...and plenty of people get their bachelor's in four years with high grades and go on to do a whole lot of not much, nor are they necessarily impressive people.

And even the boost should only be slight. Graduated at the top of your class at Harvard? That's super, and possibly worthy of some consideration. Bounced around a few schools because you didn't have your entire life planned out at 18? Man, who gives a crap?
I do. I think education is important. It think that her education record paints her as an intellectual light weight. It shows a lack of focus and a lack of depth and breath of knowledge. Your mileage may differ.
Can I have an Option C, please?
I am hoping there is an option C and that it is the old McCain. Not the brown-noser and bootlick of the last eight years but the McCain that went into the 2000 campaigns.

I lost a lot of faith in McCain after he quickly cozied up to people that were insulting his wife, father, and child mere days before. He was way to quick to try and get himself into the good graces of the administration IMHO.

I am hooping that his behavior over the last eight years has been a calculated game of biding his time and not stepping on any toes so that he could maneuver himself into a position to do things his way when the time came.
a pitbull with lipstick..a female pitbull...a female dog..a b!tch..... And we think that women calling themselves such things on national television is a good thing...why?
I am hoping there is an option C and that it is the old McCain. Not the brown-noser and bootlick of the last eight years but the McCain that went into the 2000 campaigns.

I lost a lot of faith in McCain after he quickly cozied up to people that were insulting his wife, father, and child mere days before. He was way to quick to try and get himself into the good graces of the administration IMHO.

I am hooping that his behavior over the last eight years has been a calculated game of biding his time and not stepping on any toes so that he could maneuver himself into a position to do things his way when the time came.

I agree 100%. I liked the old McCain. He used to be his own man but that is no longer the case.
a pitbull with lipstick..a female pitbull...a female dog..a b!tch..... And we think that women calling themselves such things on national television is a good thing...why?

I brought that up yesterday and was told I don't have a sense of humor. :barf:
USAFNoDak said:
John McCain uses his experience and leadership abilities to quickly decide what to take with him and is off to meet his people.

Barack Obama not knowing what most of the stuff is, decides to organize the stuff into community sharing packages that he can dispense to everyone at the same time so that everyone gets and equal share. It takes him a lot longer, but he's able to negotiate more time and resources to get ALL of his stuff transported out to the field so that everyone gets a fair share of stuff. Too bad that by the time he gets there, the event is over and his team loses.

Sometimes, you just need to make a decision and get things done.

George B. McClellan is another guy who voted Present a lot. His brain would
freeze under stress and he would keep asking for reinforcements even though
his forces outnumbered Confederate forces 2 to 1. Nobody doubted that
he was present at the battlefield, but he sure had trouble making decisions
in a timely manner.

I fear Obama is another George McClellan. Imagine what would have
happened to this country if McClellan had beaten Lincoln in the Presidential
race of 1864? Well, someone very much like him may be about to take

By the way George B. McClellan wasn't all bad. He was a great organizer.
He did a good job of organizing the Army of the Potomac. After organizing
it, McClellan didn't do anything with it, but it sure was organized.
Danzig said:
a pitbull with lipstick..a female pitbull...a female dog..a b!tch..... And we think that women calling themselves such things on national television is a good thing...why?

I think you and rellascout have had your funny bones surgically removed
and then cryogenically frozen.

It Was A Joke. People Laughed. There's nothing sadder than spending two days analyzing a five second joke.
I don't find anything funny about referring to women as b!tches. Maybe you have a different sense of humor than I do. Screaming on the internet is bold and a large font does not make you right. :)
If we the American people are wrong, he will lead us and not be lead
by us. The American people can be fickle and we're sometimes dead wrong.

Leaders are sometimes dead wrong as well. Frankly I expect the people I vote for to be cognizant of public opinion when they get in office. Mine in particular :)

History shows us that McCain has taken problematic postions on issues that a critical thinker would have addressed differently. He then stubbornly held fast to his position. Immigation reform comes to mind as one of the more recent examples.

Saab, let's not be to fast to fit this man for a halo. He's a spendid fellow in many ways but let's keep it real.

It's Palin I think has potential.

Saab, let's not be to fast to fit this man for a halo. He's a spendid fellow in many ways but let's keep it real.
I have always found that the harder a person tries to sell you something the less likely it is to be something you actually need.
And we think that women calling themselves such things on national television is a good thing...why?

People are always allowed to say condescending things about themselves without getting into trouble.

White men can't jump. See? It's ok because I'm white.

The "n" word is used by certain people referring to themselves and friends where others would be derided strongly (to say the least) at the mere mention of the word.

A women can refer to women ESPECIALLY HER OWN WOMENLINESS as a pit bull if she so desires.

The rest of us need to take a chill pill and maybe think about it a wee bit. If that is the worst thing you can think of about Sarah Palin then she is the least controversial politician in a long time.
I'd be getting a little less tolerant to people trying to hijack this thread, too. :barf:

Much like response to the protestors at the RNC you can expect the rest of us to start shouting "U-S-A", "U-S-A"!;)

Can anyone remember when this post was about McCain?

Again I will ask. What has McCain lead?
Despite the fact that you want everyone else to do your research for you (try in which you will find words like Ensign, Captain, Commander...)
a leader doesn't have to be a formal leader of anything to prove leadership. Commitment, experience character to name a few attributes can make a leader

Some of McCains leadership endeavors from above source:

He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981

In 1976 he became commanding officer of a training squadron stationed in Florida. He improved the unit's flight readiness and safety records, and won the squadron its first-ever Meritorious Medal Commendation.

Served as the Navy's liaison to the U.S. Senate beginning in 1977. In retrospect, he has said that this represented his "real entry into the world of politics and the beginning of my second career as a public servant." His key behind-the-scenes role gained congressional financing for a new supercarrier against the wishes of the Carter Administration

His chances of being promoted to rear admiral were better, but McCain declined that prospect, as he had already made plans to run for Congress and said he could "do more good there

Vice President of Public Relations at the Anhaueser Busch distributorship

In 1983, McCain was elected to lead the incoming group of Republican representatives

One of the main authors of the 1988 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act which codified rules regarding Native American gambling enterprises and established a balance between tribal sovereignty and state regulatory oversight over such enterprises.

Since January 1993, McCain has been Chairman of the International Republican Institute, an organization partly funded by the U.S. Government that supports the emergence of political democracy worldwide

In 1997, McCain became chairman of the powerful Senate Commerce Committee
This thread has officially gone off its tracks.

Okay. So, let's talk about Sarah Palin. This thread will be closed by sun
down again, like all threads which talk about Sarah Palin.

It is interesting though that scarcely a week ago almost nobody outside
of Alaska knew about her. And just because she's Republican the mass
media and the left can't stand her.

Yes, I think she's great because she's a lifetime NRA member and everything
coming out of her mouth turns into red meat for Republican consumption.

If I step back a little bit, I think that maybe neither side really sees Sarah
Palin for who she is and doesn't care. Maybe both sides see what they
wanted to see. To the right, she was exactly what we needed to re-
invigorate the campaign for an uphill struggle. To the left, she's a massive
This is Saab1911's thread. He's hijacking his own name. He doesn't even drive a Saab anymore and he has been officially inglockdrinated as a Sith Lord. We steal his threads all the time. He doesn't mind.
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