McCain's pay grade

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"Wasn't Truman a senator for 10 years before becoming the VP?"

I believe so but he took the job of VP simply because no one else wanted it. When FDR died and he was thrust into the top spot he damned near wet his pants. Remember, this was during the last days of WWII and no one had briefed him on the new weapons system that he finally decided to unleash on Japan. He knew nothing about it until after getting sworn in.
Right so I think the comparison is not correct. Someone who was a 2.5 term Senator from Missouri is not a real comparison to a Gov who has only been in office for 2 years.
There have been quite a few Senators who became President-
John Quincy Adams
Van Buren
William Harrison
Andrew Johnson
Benjamin Harrison
Lyndon Johnson

A bunch of Governors too-
Thomas Jefferson, Governor of Virginia, 1779-81
James Monroe, Governor of Virginia, 1799-1802
Andrew Jackson, Governor of the Florida Territory, 1821
Martin Van Buren, Governor of New York, 1829
William Henry Harrison, Territorial Governor of Indiana, 1801-13
John Tyler, Governor of Virginia, 1825-26
James Knox Polk, Governor of Tennessee, 1839-41
Andrew Johnson, Governor of Tennessee, 1853-57, Military Governor of Tennessee, 1862-65
Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Governor of Ohio, 1868-72, Governor of Ohio, 1876-77
Grover Cleveland, Governor of New York, 1883-85
William McKinley, Governor of Ohio, 1892-96
Theodore Roosevelt, Governor of New York, 1898-1900
William Howard Taft, Governor of the Philippines, 1901-04
Woodrow Wilson, Governor of New Jersey, 1911-13
Calvin Coolidge, Governor of Massachusetts, 1919-20
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Governor of New York, 1929-33
James Earl Carter, Jr., Governor of Georgia, 1971-75
Ronald Wilson Reagan, Governor of California, 1967-75
William Jefferson Clinton, Governor of Arkansas, 1978-80, 1982-92
George Walker Bush, Governor of Texas, 1995-2000

I know there were a few Generals also. Who are we missing? Lincoln?
Right so I think the comparison is not correct. Someone who was a 2.5 term Senator from Missouri is not a real comparison to a Gov who has only been in office for 2 years.
True. The Governor has true executive powers & experience.
Old .... said:
I know, this puts me back in the group that's voting against Obama rather than for McCain but when was the last time we really had a chance to elect anyone with integrity. We can argue 'experience' until hell freezes over and still be divided. When we toss honesty and integrity into the discussion though, Obama, Biden and even McCain have to retire from the field leaving only Palin.

Good enough! Both Harry Truman and Sarah Palin are from small town
America. Maybe you just like the simplicity and honesty from a bygone era.
I love that arguement. The Gov of a state with less people than RI. :barf:

Palin has been slugging it out as an executive for all of 2 year.

I have a nice trivia question about Palin. How many colleges/universities did it take for her to get her BA?
Intune said:
For me, the mere thought of installing Obama/Biden's STATED positions/rhetoric (never mind the thought-provoking innuendo surrounding BO,) in the White House would be an irresponsible, reprehensible abomination to all the ideals that I hold dear.

What gets me is that Obama promises that he'll lead the country to the
land of milk and honey where nobody has to work and everything will be
provided for without raising any taxes.

Has Obama fallen off the wagon? Or is he just lying through his teeth?
Or is he really the Messiah?
I have a nice trivia question about Palin. How many colleges/universities did it take for her to get her BA?
Hang on, I'll look it up.

For you're perusal whilst the "Jeopardy" theme music plays-

Abraham Lincoln's formal education consisted of about 18 months of schooling, but he was largely self-educated and an avid reader.

At the age of 15, Einstein decided to educate himself.
At age 16, Einstein took the entrance exam for the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology—but failed the language and history sections.
You are not seriously comparing the pitbuill hockey mom to Einstein are you?

Lincoln lived in a different time.

That is a complete red herring and has no relevance to this discussion.

Hang on, I'll be right with you...

Harry Truman had a degree from Independence High School.

You are not seriously comparing the pitbuill hockey mom to Einstein are you?
Who are you comparing her to? It's "pit bull" btw. Since we're discussing education. ;) No problem, glad to be of service.
Again a red herring that does not apply to a modern woman running in the modern era for the VP of the United States in 2008.
Again I will ask. What has McCain lead?
Despite the fact that you want everyone else to do your research for you (try in which you will find words like Ensign, Captain, Commander...)
a leader doesn't have to be a formal leader of anything to prove leadership. Commitment, experience character to name a few attributes can make a leader
I love that arguement. The Gov of a state with less people than RI.

I keep hearing this, but I'm not sure why its relevant. Because AK doesn't have cities with the population of NYC or LA, does that mean she didn't have to show up for work 5 days a week? Does that mean she didn't have to deal with a budget or a state legislature? The answer is of course, no.

You see, while AK might not face the same problems as a more populous state, that doesn't mean they have LESS problems. I can guarantee you that America's largest state, that shares an international border with Canada and more or less Russia is going to present different challenges than say virginia or NC. There are going to be far more infrastructure issues given the makeup of the state. And then there is the oil pipeline and all of the environmental issues that go with it.

So this argument that because AK isnt very populous is merely a kneejerk talking point.

Palin has been slugging it out as an executive for all of 2 year.

Yup. Thats true. However thats 2 more years of executive experience than the entire democratic ticket combined. Of course time really isn't the issue. I think that how long someone has been doing something is far less important than how well they did the job. Palin is the most popular governor in the entire US. She was able to balance the budget and crete a surplus. She booted several less than scrupulous people within her own party.

Most importantly, she was commander of the AK national guard and was visiting troops overseas long before she ever thought she was going to be VP. IE its wasn't for a photo op or to get some quick foreign policy experience.

I have a nice trivia question about Palin. How many colleges/universities did it take for her to get her BA?

My question to you is why does it matter? Does a BA have ANYTHING do to with running the country? No. This is just more of the same irrelevant crap that people are bringing up to smear the woman. I didn't see anyone talk about how many times Hillary took the bar so why is this an issue.

I honestly think this whole thing is really funny. If we were talking about surgery or an airline pilot folks would pick the guy with 2 years of experience over the guy with none every time. However for some reason in this case people are saying its irrelevant.
Again a red herring that does not apply to a modern woman running in the modern era for the VP of the United States in 2008.
Wow! Get sexist much?

A President that authorized the use of atomic weapons is not "modern" enough for you? :confused:

Oh, you're playing the Wii upgraded version of this game...

What were you saying again? Oh, yeah. Governor Palin. Hang on. Thanks for your patience. This is FUN! :cool:
I think with such a short public record her educational back ground is important. When you don't have a long track record people are going to look at things like this.

I find it odd that she attended X number of colleges and took 6 years to get that BA.

As for the number of people in AK I think it matters. A person who has dealt with a large diverse population makes a difference in how they view the world. It does not make or break her but it is worth exploring.

The best part is that this thread is about McCains leadership but the OP have refused to answer exactly what McCain has lead? Why can't someone answer that question?
VP hopeful Palin attended 5 colleges in 6 years

By NICHOLAS K. GERANIOS – 22 hours ago

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin attended five colleges in six years before graduating from the University of Idaho in 1987.

Federal privacy laws prohibit the schools from disclosing her grades, and none of the schools contacted by The Associated Press could say why she transferred. There was no indication any of them were contacted as part of the background investigation of Palin by presidential candidate John McCain's campaign.

"Our office was not contacted by anyone," said Tania Thompson, spokeswoman for the University of Idaho in Moscow.

Palin, the governor of Alaska, was born in Idaho. Her family moved when she was only a few months old to Alaska, where she was raised.

She began college at Hawaii Pacific University, a private, nonsectarian school in Honolulu. She attended only as a freshman during the fall of 1982, school spokeswoman Crystale Lopez said.

Then known as Sarah Louise Heath, she was in the business administration program as a full-time student, Lopez said.

"We're trying to track down someone who knew her," Lopez added.

From Hawaii Pacific, Palin transferred to North Idaho College, a two-year school in Coeur d'Alene, about 30 miles east of Spokane. She attended the college as a general studies major for two semesters, in spring 1983 and fall 1983, spokeswoman Stacy Hudson said.

"We were not able to track down club affiliations or anything," Hudson said.

The school identified one of her professors but he did not remember her, Hudson said.

Prior to her selection by McCain, the North Idaho College Alumni Association notified Palin in June she would be the recipient of its 2008-2009 Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award.

From North Idaho College, Palin transferred 70 miles south to the University of Idaho, the state's flagship institution. She majored in journalism with an emphasis in broadcast news. She attended Idaho, whose mascot is the Vandals, from fall 1984 to spring 1985.

She then returned to Alaska to attend Matanuska-Susitna College in Palmer in fall 1985.

Then she returned to Idaho, for spring 1986, fall 1986 and spring 1987, when she graduated. Despite her journalism degree, she does not appear to have worked for the college newspaper or campus television station, school officials said. She worked briefly as a sportscaster for KTUU in Anchorage after she graduated college.

The McCain campaign did not have an immediate comment on Palin's higher education record.

In a recent interview with the school's alumni magazine, before her selection to run on the GOP ticket, she explained that her curiosity and love of writing made journalism a natural choice.

"I was always asking everyone the questions, and I still am today," Palin told the magazine.

The University of Idaho is taking advantage of Palin's nomination. A prominent photograph of her is featured on the school's Web site.
To sum up the anti-Palin crowd... a woman running on a major party ticket is only to be celebrated if she is a leftist. The same goes with a non-white person. If they are in a conservative party, they are not to be celebrated. If they are in a leftist party such as the democrat party, then and "only" then are they to be celebrated.

If you disagree with the above, I would gladly listen to your explanation with examples as to why I am wrong.
Newt had a good response about Palin's experience. Looks like when confronted with the facts no one really has a come back.:)

Sorry, this link does not work. I will try to fix.

This should work. Newt shuts this guy up about Palin's experience when he asks him to talk about Obama's experience....great.

Probably due to a vast left wing conspiracy.
To sum up the anti-Palin crowd... a woman running on a major party ticket is only to be celebrated if she is a leftist. The same goes with a non-white person. If they are in a conservative party, they are not to be celebrated. If they are in a leftist party such as the democrat party, then and "only" then are they to be celebrated.

If you disagree with the above, I would gladly listen to your explanation with examples as to why I am wrong.

You are wrong. This is the first time a woman has be nominated by the right. How can you take this one example and now make it a rule.

Your logic is flawed. X=1 is not a rule. It is a example. It does not apply universally.

People celebrated Colin Powell until the Bush admin cut his nuts off. People love Condee. I know I do.

All you are doing is apply the reaction to this woman who has major holes in her persona, whether you want to admit it or not, as if it is universal. Your assumption had not been proven. Sorry but thats the facts.
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