McCain's pay grade

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John McCain is a leader. If he has a conviction, he will not sway
from it because that conviction is unpopular. He understood what it was
like for soldiers to be left to founder in an unpopular war with no clear
strategy for victory. No soldier wants to be left to fight and die in a
senseless meat grinder of a war. He understood that. So, even if it meant
losing an election, he championed the Surge. He didn't know for sure that the Surge
would work. It didn't matter to him. He didn't want to betray the trust
of American soldiers.

John McCain's pay grade is presidential. He will not vote Present.

If we the American people are wrong, he will lead us and not be lead
by us. The American people can be fickle and we're sometimes dead wrong.

Who do you want in office? Do you want someone who will show you the
way or someone who will tell you you're right, you're a victim of circumstance
and that you're entitled?

We need a leader! After eight years of weather vane Bill Clinton and
<<sigh>> after eight years of mini-Me, we need a leader!


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Who do you want in office? Do you want someone who will show you the
way or someone who will tell you you're right, you're a victim of circumstance
and that you're entitled?

Can I have an Option C, please?
Marko Kloos said:
Can I have an Option C, please?

We have plenty of other options, but a third party candidate has never
won an election, not even Bull Moose Teddy Roosevelt. ;)

As some others have pointed out, we Republicans may have served up
John McCain as sacrificial lamb. But no one knew that Obama would be
nominated. No one knew that Obama would not pick Hillary as running mate.
Nobody counted on Sarah Palin.

It's like that female Chinese archer beating those three Korean archers to
win the gold medal. It wasn't supposed to be possible. :confused:
I'm not suggesting that we the people give up our right to govern. I'm saying
that we need to elect someone of principle who has the moral courage to
tell us we're wrong when we're wrong.

Mob rule can be destructive. For example, mob rule in Athens caused Athens
to lose a war at sea to Sparta.

That's why we are a Republic.
Yes, I will vote for McCain. Made easier now with the addition of Palin. McCain's past record (with me) is just what I call OK...sometimes barely acceptable. Palin brings interest for similar reasons Obama supporters find him interesting. They are both different (in their own way) than the old guard. Certainly McCain made a bolder choice than Obama. Biden is the old guard.....nothing new there.

McCain & Biden are knowns. I think this election will turn on how well Obama & Palin perform. I know normally a VP is not that important, but this time it's different. I am close to McCain's age. I think he will be OK for 4 years, but I doubt he would have the steam for 8 years.

PS: If I thought McCain was even going to be similar to Bush I would not vote for him...period. More direct. I think McCain is smarter than Bush.........I Hope.
madmag said:
Yes, I will vote for McCain. Made easier now with the addition of Palin. McCain's past record (with me) is just what I call OK...sometimes barely acceptable. Palin brings interest for similar reasons Obama supporters find him interesting. They are both different (in their own way) than the old guard. Certainly McCain made a bolder choice than Obama. Biden is the old guard.....nothing new there.

McCain & Biden are knowns. I think this election will turn on how well Obama & Palin perform. I know normally a VP is not that important, but this time it's different. I am close to McCain's age. I think he will be OK for 4 years, but I doubt he would have the steam for 8 years.

Obama will only make the government bigger and take more of our
money. I know McCain has not always toed the party line, but he's better
than the alternative. Also, we don't really need somebody who marches
in lock step to party ideology.
Originally Posted by JWT
If John McCain is a liberal leader what's Obama???

A socialist follower?

Actually if you pay real close attention to who Obama's suporters are on the money side of things, He is a trojan horse, for the Carbon Cap and Trade system that is first, asource of unlimited revenue for folks on Wall Street (Goldman Sachs, Berkshire Hathaway, T-Boone Pickins, George Soros) 2nd. a source of tax revenue for the Govt., and third a Marxist wealth redistribtion scheme that will leave us all poorer and less competitive in world markets.:mad:
Master Blaster said:
Actually if you pay real close attention to who Obama's suporters are on the money side of things, He is a trojan horse, for the Carbon Cap and Trade system that is first, asource of unlimited revenue for folks on Wall Street (Goldman Sachs, Berkshire Hathaway, T-Boone Pickins, George Soros) 2nd. a source of tax revenue for the Govt., and third a Marxist wealth redistribtion scheme that will leave us all poorer and less competitive in world markets.

I'm not sure about the puppet masters, but I am sure if Obama becomes
president he'll have a whole lot of people pulling his strings.
What revelation about Senator McCain or Governor Palin would sway anyone currently opposed to them over TO their ticket at this point? Nothing?

And if you ask them, "are you aware of any innuendo/rumors pertaining to Obama/Biden?" Yes.

"Does it concern you enough to change your vote?"

For me, the mere thought of installing Obama/Biden's STATED positions/rhetoric (never mind the thought-provoking innuendo surrounding BO,) in the White House would be an irresponsible, reprehensible abomination to all the ideals that I hold dear.

No, I take that back. MOST of the ideals. In some ways I am liberal, in others, conservative. But in NO WAY am I a socialist, Marxist, communist or anti-capitalism in any way, shape or form.

That is my opinion of their platform SANS innuendo/rumor.

To take into account anything further, (innuendo/rumors) and should they turn out to be true.... And they gain control of the reins at the White House, would be nothing less than devastating, if not catastrophic, for this nation.

Trojan Horse indeed. Well coined.

Of course that's just my opinion and I sleep well at night, others will definitely differ and yet still get a good night’s slumber. :eek: :cool:
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Main Entry: gov·ern·ess Listen to the pronunciation of governess
15th century

1 : a woman who governs
2 : a woman who cares for and supervises a child especially in a private household

Despite #1, I think you're right. The position would be Governor. I'll change it.

I decided early in the campaign that I wouldn't vote for McCain. I fully intended to write in Ron Paul since he was the only candidate that truly represented me and my interests.

Enter Sarah Palin.

I don't know that she's really ready to be President as a Vice President must be but neither was Harry Truman and he did alright. Sarah might not be what we want in a President but I know Obama isn't what I want. So I'm willing to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket just to keep her around long enough to better see what she's like.

I know, this puts me back in the group that's voting against Obama rather than for McCain but when was the last time we really had a chance to elect anyone with integrity. We can argue 'experience' until hell freezes over and still be divided. When we toss honesty and integrity into the discussion though, Obama, Biden and even McCain have to retire from the field leaving only Palin.
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