McCain Selects Alaska Gov. Palin as Running Mate

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Sarah Palin is a LIFE MEMBER of the NRA. And she's a whole lot better lookin' than Joe Biden!
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FoxNews just reported than someone inside the campaign just confirmed she is the choice. Congratulations to McCain for a bold choice. No guts, no glory.
I heard the same thing, but not official announcement. I think it is a GREAT choice if true. I was so worried McCain would choose Liberman. It is a bold choice. Gongrats to McCain if this is true.
Palin is the choice for McCain.

Palin, 44, is a reform-minded governor in Alaska who's challenged the party's old guard, attacked pork-barrel spending and taken a keen interest in energy and environmental issues. A former Miss Alaska runnerup, Palin hold a degree in journalism and has five children, including one with Down Syndrome.

Where is Wild Alaska?

Even though she's three-years younger than bHo, she's got more relevant experience to be POTUS than bHo.

She's actually been in an executive position in politics.

Also, imagine the speeches she can make about Hillary and the Dems' statements about the "18 million cracks in the glass ceiling."

Let's see....Dems, the "womyn's party" has zero women on the ticket.

The Repubs, well, they've got more than the Dems.


I love it!


This is going to be a hell of a horse race!

1 year ago I would have said no Rep had a chance. I think this choice will cancel out any bounce Obama had hoped to get from the convention and may immediately put him behind. This sets us up for a real jump at the RNC convention.
Fantastic pick!!!

This is the absolute best pick McCain could have made. I love this lady. 100% 2nd amendment supporter, very conservative values, and all around smart "non-DC" person. Yep, fantastic pick!

My faith that the marxist obama, the pied piper, the annointed one, can be defeated is restored!

Clearly McCain's going after the Hillary voters. Very smart move. This is going to be interesting.

Actually, he's going after environmentalists, anti-big oil groups, gun owners, conservatives, gay and lesbian groups, the disabled, etc. Hillary supporters are a small subset of the constituency Palin can bring in.
Conservative gun packing hockey playing woman.....gotta get a yard sign, a BIG McCain/Palin yard sign for this election.
Of course she's in the mist of an ethics investigation, is fairly unknown and she certainly doesn't have the experience that McCain has been stating Obama lacks either.

He's got himself a double edged sword since the Obama ticket's weakness is now his weakness as well.

Interesting choice none the less and clearly going after disgruntled Hillary voters.
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