Maverick 88 or NEF Pardner Protector?

But the fact remains... that same chinese gun is the one imported far previous to Marlin acquiring them or Remington getting it's quality dropping meat pounders on Marlin... The shame in it all is that marlin and H&R offerings will surely go down hill as the big green did.

H&R is more than a "brand" of remington... It was at one time an independent quality arms maker that chose to import a chinese pump rather than try to build an american gun competitive with other USA made guns...

A true "brand" of a company in the way you think of H&R would be Maverick by Mossberg... A brand created by Mossberg to offer lower priced guns without putting theMossberg name on it. Remington failed to do this in the 870 express line and many folks have no idea how sharp an old Wingmaster was.

So to be fair, from now on how about calling it the Pardner Protector imported by Cerebus.

Both the H&R site and the Marlin site specifically state that there is no H&R
H&R as it no longer exists - it is a brand name like Chevrolet or Lincoln. There is no H&R for a fact

Well I read the H&R site and found the following...

In November of 2000, the Marlin Firearms Company purchased the assets of H&R 1871, Inc. Marketing its products under the brand names of Harrington & Richardson® and New England Firearms®, H&R 1871, LLC is currently the largest manufacturer of single shot shotguns and rifles in the world.
The above calls H&R the largest manufacturer of single shot shotguns and rifles... Hardly just an H&R badge on a Marlin/remington...:rolleyes:
Well, Mavericks have parts made in Mexico, the greatest inporter of illegal imigrants and now responsible for the deaths of several Americans as of late.

Where's the outrage?

But I don't hear anyone spewing vitriol or coming off with bias towards folks who like what ever they choose for a shotgun, even if parts are coming from Mexico.

There are a few on this forum who will hijack a thread to spew discord and rant and rail without backing up their comments with facts.

It's real sad that people in here have to turn this great site into a sandlot and pick at folks who want to have a decent discussion about their shotgun of choice.

If you don't like watching the "View" change your TV channel.

If you don't like so and so in congress, vote him out.

If you don't like a Chinese or wherever made gun, Leave your nasty comments to yourselves.

Back your comments with facts instead of making yourselves look uninformed and coming off sound like the people who would take our right to firearms ownership away with unsupported facts and comments.

To conclude, I like all of the guns that were discussed in this thread and I defend the right of folks to pick and choose what they like based on facts.

I dare anyone to find out if the Pardner Pump is indeed the Chinese junk they say it is and by the way, the finish is more of a matte blue, well applied to the metal and way better than the rusting, right out of the box, Remington Expresses we had a while back.

Now THAT was a crappy finish!

By the way, as far as NCstar scopes go, ya gets what ya pays for.

There is junk that comes from China and there is some quality stuff that comes from China. Just look at your cell phone and see if it doesn't say "Made in China."
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I have both and I like the NEF better. The Maverick 88 is just not reliable enough for me. (jams alot) Or I could just have a lemon. I have never had one single problem with the NEF.
Okay, the guy simply asked which of the two guns we thought we be best for him and his situation, not who can out quote each other. I do not own either gun but think you should only pay attention to the post by members who actually own and USE each gun and what their experiences have been. These posts are all turning into reruns of the same arguments over and over. It is simply pathetic!
The Pardner is the better made gun---the made in China stamp is what bugs me---I try to avoid Chinese goods like the plague even though its near impossible sometimes.
With all due respect...

I have experience with three of the Norinco manufactured variants.

Two in the form of the NEF Pardner Pump and one in the form of a 982 "tactical " style shotguns.

The Mavericka are nice for a pricepoint gun that was made to be affordable for those folks that don't or can't spend the money for a 500a Mossberg or Remington Express.

I would, as I said in my earlier posts, buy the NEF Pardner over the Maverick.

First reason being the constuction and finish of the gun and secondly, the quality of construction of the gun.

All of my opinions are based on facts and objective experience and my remarks were made to enlighten the OP as to the qualities of the gun, being the NEF over the Maverick.

There are antaganists on this forum who feel that they have to hijack threads when these guns are brought up and get into heated debates about what they think is wrong with these gun without any objective experience.

There is no good coming from these kinds of attacks and they serve no purpose other than bringing out the worst in those who debase people for their individual choice of gun.

I will stand by my objective experience regarding ANY firearm and leave my emotions in check as ,as I do have my feelings and concerns about issues, I don't feel that there is any good getting off track and start a high pressure yellow steamed, wee,wee contest to prove a point and belittle others.
Update on my NEF pumpaction.

I recently posted a problem with my NEF Protector 12 ga Pump action shotgun. The problem was it started Jamming after I cleaned the darn thing. Well I figured out what caused the problem. I cleaned my NEF with Breakfree gun cleaner Powder remover, etc. Well the solvent MELTED the magazine follower. I disassembled the shotgun and What a mess I had on my hands. I just order a new 870 follower and Wolff replacement springs. I will update as soon as I recieve my new parts.
I chose the Maverick and took it AZ with me when I attended a handgun course. The instructor spent an hour with me on it and we fired 20 rounds of slugs with no problem at all.
Given the choices you list, I'd rather have the Pardner. The Maverick is all right, don't misunderstand me, but I don't like the idea of having to unscrew the magazine from the receiver to get access to the inside of the mag tube. I have the same problem with the Mossberg 500 (and I own several of them)- were I to carry/use a Mossberg, I'd prefer a 590 by far. In fact the last Mossberg I bought was a 590.

I have examples of the Pardner Protector, the Hawk 981 and the Hawk 982 (very similar shotguns), and all three of the have been solid performers so far.

You won't really go wrong no matter which you choose...

Update, Update!

Well, I recieved my Remington 870 follower & Wolff Heavy spring today. I still have the same problem with my shotgun jamming on the last round. (5th round). Any ideas what to do next? The last round jams as it exits the magazine tube; about halfway out the tube. I can bang the side of the shotgun with my palm and it will knock it loose and I can cycle it that way. But other than the 5th round jamming it shoots darn good with 4 rounds now.
Well, I recieved my Remington 870 follower & Wolff Heavy spring today. I still have the same problem with my shotgun jamming on the last round. (5th round). Any ideas what to do next? The last round jams as it exits the magazine tube; about halfway out the tube. I can bang the side of the shotgun with my palm and it will knock it loose and I can cycle it that way. But other than the 5th round jamming it shoots darn good with 4 rounds now.

How long is the Wolff spring after you cut it?

Actually there was no need to cut anything. The Wolff spring was about an inch shorter than the factory spring. But it works fine, other than the last round. Maybe Ill just load it up with 4 rounds for now on. Thanks.
I can recommend the Pardner Protector Pump.
Mine is 100% dependable, easy to maintain, all 870 accessories will fit and it's built like a tank.
If you run out of ammo you can use it for a club. (If you are man enough to swing it:D)
The one and only thing one could say against it is that it's heavy.
Actually there was no need to cut anything. The Wolff spring was about an inch shorter than the factory spring. But it works fine, other than the last round. Maybe Ill just load it up with 4 rounds for now on. Thanks.

That's your problem. The Wolff spring should be about 8" longer than the end of the mag tube for it to be extra power. Wolff universal springs come 40" long and cut it to size.

I cannot speak of the Pardner Protector but I have hade an 88 for a little over 17 years and would rate it as fair to good. I used mine most during the first 3-4 years for hunting as it was given to me as my step up from my 16 ga single shot. During that time I did have a firing pin break. When I picked it up from the gun smith I was instructed to sell it first chance I got but I held on to it for sentimental reasons. I believe it is worth what it cost and will probably serve an occasional shooter well. For the serous abuser I would suggest something better. My favorite now that replaced the 88 is a Remington Wingmaster that I bought back in the late nineties and have put a few thousand rounds thru it without the first problem.
"That's your problem. The Wolff spring should be about 8" longer than the end of the mag tube for it to be extra power. Wolff universal springs come 40" long and cut it to size."

Max Thanks for the info, Maybe I should send the 870 heavy spring back and get the universal.