Mauser 98 EJECTION issue


New member

I'm having weird brass ejection issues with my Mauser 98 in 7x57 and I can't identify the problem.

Extraction and feeding is perfect, but the ejection is erratic, no matter the speed I work the action with.

Sometimes the case would just barely jump off the bolt face and stay in the action, sometimes the case would almost-eject and stay in a 45 degree angle in the action, sometimes it would eject just fine. With both empty brass and live rounds.
Ejection gets much better with an empty magazine. Ejection is especially bad with the third round of the magazine.

I made a video showing the ejection issue:

This happens: (The case mouth is damaged from repeatedly feeding and extracting it)


I disassembled and cleaned the ejector but that didn't help, I swapped the entire unit with that of my K98k and the issue didn't resolve.

I took out the bolts and with empty brass compared the extractor tension of my K98 bolt with the 7x57 bolt, it was the same. I swapped extractors and the problem persists. I carefully examined the process of extraction and ejection, the brass does not slip from the bolt face.

One thing I noticed is that when I very slowly pull the bolt back all the way till the spot where the ejector kicks out the case I need much more force on my problematic 7x57 Mauser than on my k98k mauser which works fine.
I have to pull like 10lbs or so till the ejector kicks out the case with an audible ''ting'', my k98k does this with half the effort.

However, I did not find any burrs or stickiness with the ejector- and as I said, I swapped the entire unit and the problem was still there.

The rifle had a problem with the follower, it would get stuck at the rear of the magazine box resulting in feeding problems. i polished it till that problem went away. Could this ejector issue be a remnant of that problem? As I said, feeding and extraction are flawless and smooth , and I cannot get the follower to get stuck even if I try with my fingers.

I took my vernier gauge and compared the extractor slot in the bolt face with that of my working K98k and they are basically identical. Also, no visible burrs.

Thanks for any help! :)
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Can you swap the bolts between the two rifles (don't shoot it!) to see if the problem persists? Do the screws from your rear scope mount protrude?
I just tried, I can get my troubled Mausers bolt into my working K98k, with this bolt it does eject flawlessly too.

Unfortunately I cannot get the K98 bolt into my troubled 7x57 Mauser, its an incredibly tight fit and its grinding everywhere. No can do.

I just checked the screws, they don't protrude and I have no odd scratch marks on the bolt.
I think it might not be the ejector. I have two 98 Mauser actions - I took the entire ejector box off of my working German K98 and installed it on my Spanish 98 with the ejection issue. Its still had the same ejection problems, no change whatsoever.
I've got a 1916 spanish mauser with the same problem, I've been thru it trying everything to fix it and have come to the conclusion that the rails inside the action have worn to the point where they are allowing the bolt to turn too far thus not allowing the ejector to slide into the groove, try opening the bolt and letting it float back while just pushing it lightly, it should then eject because the bolt will not bind the ejector.
I've got a 1916 spanish mauser with the same problem, I've been thru it trying everything to fix it and have come to the conclusion that the rails inside the action have worn to the point where they are allowing the bolt to turn too far thus not allowing the ejector to slide into the groove, try opening the bolt and letting it float back while just pushing it lightly, it should then eject because the bolt will not bind the ejector.
I don't think that's the case with my Mauser, its brand new. I got it as a kit in the white from the factory.

I also compared it to my German K98, the K98 has far more bolt wobble at the rear end, it still ejects fine. I measured the extractor grooves in the bolts, they are identical.

Try measuring the width of the feed lips and compare between the 2 rifles. The 1916 could be letting the next cartridge rise up to high, putting pressure on the case being extracted.
Most ejection problems are extractor problems. Try putting a brass on to the bolt face, and slight shaking the bolt. The brass should stay put. If not, the extractor may need fitting / replacement.


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Most ejection problems are extractor problems. Try putting a brass on to the bolt face, and slight shaking the bolt. The brass should stay put. If not, the extractor may need fitting / replacement.


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I liked the idea with the feed lips - it was very hard to get the gauge in there, and the feed lips are not entirely square but round at the underside, but right at the very edge they were both at around .040 - .045 in the same areas.

I do not think the issue is extractor related. I did the brass test and compared it with my k98's bolt, they both hold empty brass nicely. I also did slow-motion ejection with my rifle in hopes to spot the problem, the brass never slips off of the bolt face during the process, its just not kicked out properly. I already changed the extractor since the original one caused failures to feed.

I also put the bolt of my Mauser that has the problems into my working Mauser K98k, and the ejection was flawless.

Here is a 5 second long video I just made. This is with two rounds in the magazine, thats where ejection always fails.

And here is ejection with an empty magazine:
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The extractor indeed seemed to be holding on. But I noticed the ejection seemed "late" so that the brass gets stuck by rear of the ejection port on its way out. I have a k98k in 8mm and a Spanish mauser (not k98) in 7mm. I will check it out when I get home.


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I THINK I may have found the culprit -

At the rearmost position when the case is ejected there is a somewhat rough spot on the receiver just above the rim of the cartridge / just above the ejector. I think, when the case is ejected the rear of the cartridge is dragged across the surface by mere momentum and decelerates till it stays in that weird angle.
This would also explain why this issue is exaggerated when there is ammunition in the magazine, it creates extra pressure on the case pushing it even harder against that rough surface.

I checked the same spot on my working K98k and it is polished like glass there.

I put an empty case in the rifle and mimicked ejection, the rear of the cartridge was dragged what felt like gravel while in the k98k it was buttery smooth offering next to no resistance.

What I have to do is polish that surface, unfortunately it is very inaccessible. I'm not sure how to get in there even with a dremel.
Midway or Brownells may still carry a polishing tool that could help you get to that rough spot.

I use mine with every Mauser rifle I work on.

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Good that you found the cause. For polishing, try taking the barreled action out of the stock. You may have better access to the spot. Or I would just wrap strip of sand paper on my finger and sand down the rough spot manually.


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I polished the inside of the action by wrapping and taping sandpaper to wooden dowel and inserting it from the rear of the action. That way I got a mirror-finish super quick. I used 400, 840 and 1200 paper. I also polished the ejector hook to a mirror finish.

While the bolt travel is MUCH smoother now, the problem did not go away. :(
From watching your appears that the ejector is not coming into play soon enough...maybe bent back, cut to short etc.
That was my first thought! I immediately took the ejector + the spring and housing of my working Mauser k98k and installed it on my Mauser with the ejection issues. The problem persisted, it did absolutely nothing.

By the way, just to be sure, I also swapped the extractor claw with my other Mauser, it did not improve anything.
Your ejector is too short.

It might be the "in spec" length but its working like its too short.

You have a new made commercial action made to the Mauser 98 pattern, yes?

This is NOT exactly the same as an actual Mauser 98 and while some parts might interchange fit, function is another matter.

OR, conversely your receiver is "off" in some dimension. You've already seen it. (if I read your posts correctly) ejector from new gun works fine in old 98k action, ejector from old gun works fine in old gun, not fine in new action.

That says to me that its something in the new action that is slightly off from where it ought to be.

perhaps the ejector mounting on the new gun is a small fraction of an inch further back than it ought to be. perhaps something else.

If the mount is off it can still be "fixed" with a custom length ejector. Its not a complex part and an overlength one can be made to allow you to trim it until desired function is obtained.
Yes, its a commercial action, its a Spanish made 98 that resembles the commercial FN action. No thumb hole, adjustable trigger, no flag safety etc.

I thought about the ejector being too short, but when I pull the bolt all the way back to its stop and compare with my k98k it looks the same. Of course, my eyesight is not good enough to notice a couple thousands difference, but it sticks out a little beyond the bolt face shroud, as it does in my K98k.

But IF the ejector really is too short, wouldn't it be possible to leave the ejector alone but instead modify the bolt stop? The bolt stop is part of the ejector housing, its just a flat surface that stops the bolt by the left locking lug.
If I grind off a little material from the bolt stop so the bolt travels further back revealing more of the extractor it should solve this issue? Or am I missing something here? :confused:
The bolt would be expensive...I'd keep looking into the ejector. Just a thought, the receiver opening the same as other Mauser actions ?

Disregard my (bolt) comment...I misunderstood.
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