Mass Shooting In New Zealand

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It’s not really a left verses right thing. Both wings flap for the same bird.
Why does everyone assume that the country can’t change? Contries change, and often in our world. Systems can be adjusted, laws and rules change as many have noted with the relatively new gun freedoms that some are enjoying. This country is heading in a new direction whether you wish to admit it or not. Revolution happens, Revolution is coming in new ways. A lot of those red spots on the map are red by a tiny margin. Lots of gun control happens under the watch of a supposedly gun friendly party.

I firmly believe that the conservative mindset out numbers th others, but the conservatives do not vote in large enough numbers, they are complacent and they don’t pay enough attention to the other side.
Not a political discussion, maybe lol.
Best case scenario things keep going in our favor, things happen slowly in our favor... and the do as many have posted. It would take another 20-50 years for gun restrictions to relax across the nation to the level that constitutional carry is universal. There’s going to still be a lot more mass shootings in that 20-50 years. So what do we do in the mean time? Just tolerate more mass shootings? What number of dead are acceptable to y’all why we wait for the good guy with a gun that isn’t going to be there? In our current state, the good guy with a gun is statistically unlikely. It will take several more years before conditions favor the chances of the good guy with a gun scenario, even if things are progressing in the gun-rights direction. Do we just wait as more people die? You can’t convince me that mass shootings aren’t going to increase in severity and frequency. There’s been so many in the last few years that I cannot even remember all of them. That should make you sad and concerned at least somewhat. But instead we sit back and say “molon labe” “come and take it” “thoughts and prayers” “good guy with a gun” “not much we can do”.

We can secure a campus, but we simply choose not to invest in real strategies.
I listened to this on a flight yesterday:

I recommend it. Basically it's the story of the father of a Sandy Hook victim's online fight against Alex Jones and his supporters. The podcast doesn't deal with the gun control aspects of the tragedy. To me it represents the intersection of challenges to (and abuses of) both our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights.

It's good insight into how ugly things can get via social media. And it strikes me as relevant to this discussion because the NZ shooting involved both guns and the internet.
Can’t listen right now, but will do so later. Social media is the real driver of the future.
For middle aged people it’s just a place to have conversations and bust each other’s chops.
For younger adults it’s their whole life and everything that happens is set in stone. Whatever political leanings you have, you should join the opposing side’s social media sites... not to argue with them, just so you can be aware of what they have planned.
This has nothing to do with NZ. I remind posters that pure politics is not allowed. Also, if the thread is about NZ - don't wander into general issues, please.

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