Mary Lou Sapone, 2nd A heroine.

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Times change, things aren't the same. Go around thinking you will be the one with the M60 killing those evil US soldiers coming to take your guns, but its not going to matter.
Times change, things aren't the same.

Not that much. Handguns, rifles etc, all existed at the time of our nations founding. SO did gun violence. The fact is the British armies weapons far outclassed ours, yet they still won.

Go around thinking you will be the one with the M60 killing those evil US soldiers coming to take your guns, but its not going to matter.
Dont put words in my mouth. I dont expect to be the one, in fact I doubt anyone will have to revolt in my lifetime. Then again I dont ever expect my house to catch on fire either, but I still carry fire insurance.
Different set of people, different political climate. You can't compare then and now.
I hear that argument a lot. Of course I never hear any good reason (or to be blunt even bad ones) why this would be so, other than someones "assurance" it is.
People are no different now, than they were 100, 200, or 10,000 years ago. Thye human animal has not changed, andwe are exactly the same as we were then. Every problem that exists now, existed then in some form, every danger to society thate xisted then, is still extent now.
People have changed allot, so has the world. They are incomparable.

Back then one bomb couldn't decimate a city and mustard gas didn't exist.
People have changed allot, so has the world. They are incomparable.

Back then one bomb couldn't decimate a city and mustard gas didn't exist.

Actually chemical wepons date back millenia, in various forms, and were used by armies before the war of independance.
from wiki

In 1672, during his siege of the city of Groningen, Christoph Bernhard van Galen, the Bishop of Münster, employed several different explosive and incendiary devices, some of which had a fill that included belladonna, intended to produce toxic fumes. Just three years later, August 27, 1675, the French and the Germans concluded the Strasbourg Agreement, which included an article banning the use of "perfidious and odious" toxic devices.

More to the point, theatres as diverse as Afghanistan in the 80s, Iraq today, and many, many others have shown that an insurgency, backed by popular sentitment, is still able to challenge and in som cases defeat an modern army. Are you hoenstly saying you dont think Americans could do at least as well as the VC, or AQI, on our own soil?

Again, people havn't changed, just the tools we use.
I trust the government more then I trust most of the whack jobs running around saying they will fight it.
Tennessee Gentleman said:
I am not in league with Sarah Brady or Al Gore and do not share their opinions. I think you might want to dialougue a little more with me before you just throw out something inflamatory like that comparison.

I am a gunowner and a CCW but I am not in a "militia" nor do I believe in any gun anywhere anyplace either.

You have essentially called me an enemy because I am not 100% in line with what you and a few others believe politically. That is a mistake. An old mentor of mine once told me not to shoot my friends, I might need them when the really bad guys come along.

Ok I'll take you at your word and I sincerely apologize again for everything of a personal nature, most especially the remarks I made on the Joe Horn thread.

Tennessee Gentleman said:
I am a gunowner and a CCW but I am not in a "militia" nor do I believe in any gun anywhere anyplace either.

I also am not in a militia, nor have I ever been.

Let us now put any personal animosity aside and as we engage in these debates strive to keep them friendly and a good reflection on gun owners.:)

P.s. Stagger Lee if you are reading this I also apologize to you for saying your views were in league with the antis.
Let us now put any personal animosity aside and as we engage in these debates strive to keep them friendly and a good reflection on gun owners.

P.s. Stagger Lee if you are reading this I also apologize to you for saying your views were in league with the antis.

Agreed. This will be better for us all.
OK, once again, I got here late and missed the finale.

Nate45, apology accepted.

But for the record, I think I'm going to like S832. :cool:
If you want to own any firearm without any paperwork or background check and you believe its only real purpose is to fight the government - head over the Africa, their is always something going on over there.

Just wanted to let you know you are not alone on your views. It might seem that way from the heat you are getting but most of America is with you on this. Don't worry about the heat though it is mostly wind.

Nevertheless, I do endorse diligent political vigilance because power must always be watched. I am a NRA member even though I may not agree with them on everything I know I will benefit from their work generally.

I do not support their hiring a spy to infiltrate the Brady Campaign and wish they hadn't done it. Whatever, gossip or useless intell they may have gotten will be small compared to the bad PR they will get from sending in the spy. I doubt she was able to give them much but they paid her a lot! Waste of money.
Yea, I know. I just feel gun rights groups do more harm then good when they start talking about how they need RPG launchers.

We aren't going to get the 86 registry re-opened by saying we need machine guns to take down the government.

Regarding the spy, I think it was stupid and gave the "antis" an example to use on how "gun people" are "crazy".
Yea, I know. I just feel gun rights groups do more harm then good when they start talking about how they need RPG launchers.

We aren't going to get the 86 registry re-opened by saying we need machine guns to take down the government.

I guess they really don't care and are totally convinced they are right. However, if they only knew how many people (even gun owners) would oppose that stuff I think it might give them pause. I wish we could concentrate on the real dangers without all this "overthrow the tyrannical government stuff" The American People aren't buying it and meanwhile we'll get another AWB or lose CCW.

We have met the enemy and he is us!
I wish we could concentrate on the real dangers without all this "overthrow the tyrannical government stuff" The American People aren't buying it and meanwhile we'll get another AWB or lose CCW.

Where are you seeing or hearing this? I've never seen anyone on this board call for a violent overthrow of our government.
I've never seen anyone on this board call for a violent overthrow of our government.

No, but that's only because the people who fantasize about it change the dynamic and pretend that they're the victims of a tyrannical government that's out to get them, and they're therefore "defending themselves" and only killing in retaliation. But it's still evident in the claims that we supposedly need military arms to protect ourselves against the United States and/or local government. Not foreign invaders or criminals, but our own fellow citizens, and elected officials, police officers or military members.
Recognising one of the putative purposes of the militia is easily distinguishable from calling "for a violent overthrow of our government".
To return to the main point of this thread, I don't see anything particularly wrong with what Sapone did, and, in fact, I'd consider it LESS repugnant than the anti-gunners setting up a "shell" group that claims to support the 2nd Amendment, but actually supports every "gun control" law that is proposed (such as "Americans for Gun Safety", and the "American Hunters and Shooters Association", two groups that were set up specifically for that purpose).
(S832) Yea, I know. I just feel gun rights groups do more harm then good when they start talking about how they need RPG launchers.

Where did anyone in this thread say that? Can you quote it please, becasue while I may be mistaken I dont recall anyone else mentioning rocket launchers.

(Nate45) I also am not in a militia, nor have I ever been.

Actually, technically you are, and probably have been for years. As the founding fathers defined the word, the militia was essentially all able bodied men between certain ages, I beleive something like 18-45 or so. Given our views on sexual equality in America, we have to logically extend the defintion to include women of the same age groups. There fore every man and woman in America, with a very few exceptions, are in fact "the militia".

(Tenessee Gentleman)I guess they really don't care and are totally convinced they are right.
Ill ask you the same thing I asked S832, can you show anyone in this thread other than yourselves mentioning rocket launchers?
Because if not you are both arguing strawmen, which is not only decietful and dishonest, but completly ungentlemanly.

I wish we could concentrate on the real dangers without all this "overthrow the tyrannical government stuff"

Unfortunately this "overthrow tyrannical governments stuff" Is the very constitutional basis for the RKBA. The federalist papers, which were a series of documents written by the FF in order to communicate to the public what rights where being guaranteed and why, state so specifically. The men who wrote the constitution and the Bill of rights gave us the second amendment specifically for this purpose. Not for hunting, or even personal self defense, but national defense from enemies both foreign and domestic.

It has, with a few isolated exceptions, not been necessary for the American people to exercise thier RKBA for the purpose it was originally granted, but that does not mean it will never be so. Again, much like insurance, you carry in the hopes of never needing it, yet secure in the knowledge that if you do, its there.
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