Magpul leaving Colorado?????

Starting to not be such a happy place for me to live. I cannot even begin to tell you how dissappointed I am. but, boo hoo and all that. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out in the end. How will they enforce a 15 round limit, and what good will it do? It will only hurt local buisnesses since they can no longer sell them(15+ rnd. mags).

Still, my Glock 23 with 2 extra mags still can keep me warm wherever I am, with 40 rounds to feed it.....
I hate to say this, but I have seen more people moving to Colorado in the last 10 to 15 years from California than anywhere else. They are bringing their clouded restrictive views, and their votes with them!
Also happened when I lived in NV. They want to escape what they feel is a bad living scenario, but then they vote to change their new home into what they fled. made a mess of Reno and the housing market there.

One thing I saw - these folks get into their agendas and they vote, so folks need to be diligent and counter any 2A attacks by getting the message AND the vote out
They also like to make the world a better place when they get into the housing associations. Just two couples got in where we own a condo in Tucson. First they got on the HOA council, then one was made president.

We had several straight years of increasing HOA fees followed by ... go ahead and guess..... They got bored of running it themselves and hired a business to do it for them. Now part of our fees are this company's profit line.
Reference the loss of jobs/revenue in Colorado, or anywhere else Liberals, I mean "Progressives", advocate and vote for more restictive gun control, Loss of jobs and revenue comes in a very distant second to the desire to restrict anything related to guns. It is a tenet of the Liberal/Progressive faith that guns are bad and the "Gun Cultue" must be eliminated. Loss of revenue matters little, valid, logical arguments against resrictions matter Not At All. They fully realize they have the momentum to pass Draconian restrictions and they are going to do everything in their power to make it happen at Federal, State and Local levels...
I hope Magpul shuts down production immediately in CO and moves to a gun friendly state. When the employees whine... they can point out that they are doing exactly what they said they would do. Talk to your legislators. Blame them, not Magpul.
Consider Idaho

This was the letter I sent Magpul two days ago:

Dear Sirs,

I have recently read about your possible move from the State of Colorado if the legislature passes one or more gun control laws. I am a retired individual having fled the State of California 9 years ago because of the harsh laws and settled in the State of Idaho after researching the laws and politics of many states including Colorado.

Please consider Idaho as a possible relocation point. The areas within the state are in many cases very simular to the climate and activities that you have in Colorado.Hunting, fishing, and shooting sports are large in our state. I live in the northern part of the state near Coeur d'Alene and I know the people and the area would welcome you with open arms. There is a location south of here near Moscow which has been promoting their area for arms and ammunition companies to consider as a possible site. A large company, Buck Knives fled California a couple of years ago and relocated to Post Falls, Idaho. The terms were so good for the company that they moved a great majority of their employees to Idaho.

I am sure that you have already contacted various State representatives of other States in your preliminary inquiries and I hope that Idaho has been one of those.

Once agaiin, please consider Idaho as your selection.

Retired Lockheed Martin Engineer
Harrison, Idaho
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Texas was too hot and flat (and fat) for my liking

ha! I'm in ATX where people are very fit. I notice when I go outside of town just a bit, people are more than a bit bigger, but about 10x more friendly too.

Hope MAGPUL bails on Colorado. We could use more light manufacturing here in Austin, come on down!
The "progressive" mindset of many in Colorado does not surprise me. I left the state in 1967 after returning from VN to a most hostile reception.
The state has an undeserved reputation of rugged individualism and the liberal persuasion of the voters since then has resulted in a lot of "lefties" in the government.
It's a sad day for gun owners and fans of the constitution in Colorado. I take no pleasure in the demise of God given rights anywhere.
In reading some of the comments to the various newspaper articles concerning Magpul's statements, I'm shocked by the outright hostility of the anti-gun folks.

Do they not realize the impact this will have on thier local economy?

And to generalize and foreshadow, if my Criminal Behavior professor was to be believe, as an area looses job, the affluent people of means and education move out, tax revenues plummet, schools decline and crime rates rise.
Do they not realize the impact this will have on thier local economy?
I fear they don't care, and they'll do their best to sweep the impact under the rug.

Remember, these people know that new laws won't reduce violence, yet they still keep pushing.
Apparently Governor Hickenlooper still isn't quite sold on it. Yes, he's wishy washy politically, but he was a very successful BUSINESSman. SO, maybe his business sense will get the better of him. Not holding my breath though.

While I am very far from holding my breath regarding the bill being vetoed... is there any way that if it is vetoed, the veto could get the votes to be overturned?
Apparently Governor Hickenlooper still isn't quite sold on it.
Hey, it looks like I may have been wrong. Nobody let word of that get out, though ;)

I do object to the author's incorrect usage of the word decimate, however.
Hey now, a couple of Dem's in the house did vote against some of the bills. It was the freshman reps that got calls from Biden that will lose their jobs and voted for the bills.

That said, I'm CERTAINLY not standing up for them.
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Hey now, a couple of Dem's in the house did vote against some of the bills.
And I hope voters remember that next election. Voters are just as guilty of blindly towing party lines. If this law passes and it results in politicians being voted out, I hope some of the Democratic supporters don't suffer the consequences of their peers' actions.

If that does happen, what's the encouragement for Democrats to ally with us in the future?
While I am very far from holding my breath regarding the bill being vetoed... is there any way that if it is vetoed, the veto could get the votes to be overturned?
from the sound of it, the votes were extrememly close as is. 49/51 is not a veto breaker.