Made in China???

not a concerted effort by the government or the people of China to harm us.
Perhaps correct but certainly a lack of concern and greed both on the part
of China and American corporations. Too defend either of these actors in this
is in my opinion naive.

In my opinion it was a grave mistake to trade with China from the start and
I believe time will prove I am correct.
Perhaps correct but certainly a lack of concern and greed both on the part
of China and American corporations. Too defend either of these actors in this
is in my opinion naive.
Oh I agree. I'm not defending greed or lack of concern but certainly defending cases in which trade with China has made things better. My point is that a broad generalization in this case simply can't apply. International trade is far too complex for a simple yes/no, good/bad response.
Trade with Japan in the end improved American manufacturing by imrpoving quality and efficiency (through automation and better manufacturing processes).

Trade with China has... dropped prices through the floor below a level any American company could hope to compete. Efficiency savings only go so far when you are competing with a company that has as close to 0 labor cost as possible and subsidization on a level that makes the best US gov't sweetheart deal look like a rip off.

What China trade did do was hold off inflation by consistently dropping prices and allowing the dollar to by more and more.
This is a great magazine on machining in the USA and elsewhere. Take a look at the great interview with John Ratzenberger (Cliff on Cheers and host of Made in America).
He makes a great point about Chinese goods and the perception that we need the low cost Chinese garbage Walmart sells.
For the record, I refuse to shop at Wal-Mart. ^_^ And I'll take Costco over Sam's Club any day of the week.

Vote with your wallet!
I like wallyworld....

...if only for their great fried chicken, and a 50 round box of WWB 45 GAP at $10.99...otherwise, I wouldn't be seen in such a place:p
Redworm: I had a IBM lap top and it was one of the best machines I had up to date. I'm just upset that IBM sold out! I had a Tashiba just three months ago die from terminal Lightening strike. It was a good machine made in China! Now I have a ACER loaded with Window Vista and it totally Sucks. Made in China Feed by Micro Soft !!!!!!!

Yes the Chines can and do produce some exceptional products! They also send us The scum of scum! What they send us , they most likely use every day and call it life on the high side!

Bottom Line? Standards!
I love my Norinco MAK-90 and I wish I could afford a Polytech Legend AK-47. I think that it's like any other purchase..choose wisely. China, like everyone else, produces both good and bad products.
Well if a major manufacture where to start having their firearms built in China I would not buy from them ever again knowing full well what I would receive.

However, my Chinese SKS is awsome! No Import marks and perfectly balanced, however it does not say "made in China" anywhere on it.;)
Yea, Redworm, VISTA is a mamory/disk hog. With 2G of memory and 200GB HD I am not having much problem .... once it comes up. And, even beginningto like most of the capabilites of the applications . Especially Acrobat 8.1 and Word 07 working together. Have to be careful what I send to others. :)
Bad products are not limited to the Asian market. Just as good ones are not limited to the American made products. I suppose Hondas and Toyotas are poor quality vehicles.

True, but at least you have legal recourse against an American, European, or Japanese manufacturer. You sure don't against a Chinese one.
WE are a goose being fattened up for slaughter and they are the meat cleaver to do it.

You're overreacting.

I once read that if the US economy continues to grow at its current rate of 3.75% for the next 25 years, and the Chinese economy continues to grow at thier claimed 12-15% for the same period, at the end of that 25 years the Chinese economy will still be only one third the size of the US economy.

There are no reliable figures for the true size and growth rate for the Chinese economy. They also have every incentive to lie about these matters.