Made in China???

Ken/WA, re: post #40

couple of months ago, I called Smith Enterprises and spoke to the owner about Chinese M-14. I also contacted Lee Emerson who wrote a book on M-14.

QA on old M-14 clones were inconsistent but receivers itself was/is xlnt. Some were tack drivers and exhibited very little problem, and some were not.

According to Canadian shooters who get to shoot latest generation of Chinese M-14 clones, it's supposed to be accurate and reliable. I guess 10+ years of manufacting technology know-how and QA must have helped.
I don't find Chinese commies to be nearly as threatening to America as I find American Democrats to be threatening to America. Those Chinese-made Canon cameras sure do work well! ;)
My little Canon Elph has served me well for several years now. I take all my pics with it.

That`s probably because the Japanese own the company. If the company was owned by the know. :rolleyes:

Curiosity yields evolution...satiety yields extinction.
Went by the local American-owned auto parts store today to inspect some ball joints that I'm contemplating buying. Looked pretty solid, but, drat it, they're made in China. Guess I should go somewhere else and pay twice as much for something "built" by an American Union worker. Hope mine wasn't built on Friday or Monday! ;)
This is actually hilariously funny. You see, when I want to see what Fulton Armory can do, I go to my gun safe and take out the M14 they built for me a number of years ago. They used to have a photo of my rifle on their web site, don't know if they still do or not. No matter.

The Chinese rifles are what they are, hope they resume selling them soon.
hey now

I like my chinese firearms thank you. I have a 9mm tokarev and it works beautifully. I also have a chinese sks and it's just as good as the russian and yugo examples ive came across. I also had a norinco shotgun, "sold it to my cousin" which also ran fine, and was amazing for what i paid for it. and my uncle has a makk 90 that never jams, and looks beautiful. It looks alot nicer then my cousin's romanian wasr 10. I think people who dislike these guns are just because their made an china and assumed crappy or junk.

oh and i also like my Ipod, i know it's not a gun but yeah. their assembled in china! :D
It seems the Dog Food is Toxic! The Toys are Toxic, The Tooth Past is Toxic!
The Shrimp is Toxic due to some wierd antibiotic not fit for dogs. Thank God My Norico Model M Is Toxic to the Bad Man!

I am concerned about our jobs going over there!

I am concerned about Why they are feeding us so meny Fire Airms!

Japan did not Invade us because so meny citizens had fire airms!!

Slow Death Via Wall Mart?

What you all Thing??????:confused:
Don’t underestimate the Chinese. They are building increasingly more sophisticated products and to be successful at that, quality must improve. They will sell automobiles here someday soon and there is a certain level of quality required to build a car suitable for export to the U.S. They already have the capabilities to produce firearms of suitable quality and I think you will see those here also. Mori Seiki (one of the largest Japanese machine tool manufacturers) as well as others, have been making huge inroads into the Chinese machine tool market. Don’t think that the Chinese won’t leverage the capabilities of those machines and their own ingenuity into competing in that market also. It will be a while before they catch up to the Japanese or Germans, but it will likely happen. In fact, won’t take a hell of a lot to surpass the U.S. in machine tool quality. Bottom line is that a huge proportion of us buy on price-point alone and will settle for junk in most items, but for every piece of junk the Chinese make, they learn something. Don’t ever underestimate them!
Japan did not Invade us because so meny citizens had fire airms!!

I have seen some outlandish stuff but that one has to take the cake.

Are you certain there weren't any other factors which had a much larger impact on that decision? Perhaps the Pacific Ocean, relative populations, etc...

Nope, if it were not for the NRA and American Gun Ownership you too would be speaking Japanese today!!!
I have nothing against free trade, but buying foreign-made guns goes against my grain. This quote says it all.

due to US import regulation, it's probably not possible to import most centerfire non-sporting guns from China,

If US gun manufacturing is gone, banning guns simply becomes a matter of protecting the children from "unsafe" imports.
I suppose...

if Colt moved their manufacturing to China, we would finally get a very high quality 1911 for less it like Springfield does with Brazil...forge the slides, barrel, and frames in China, send back the rough pieces for final fit and finish...the made in USA remains, or rather, incomplete, rough forgings of theses three major pieces do not have to say "Made in China".;)

Handmade is no longer the same today as it was several decades ago...CNC technology allows for more precision and a higher quality product. Saying Colt is better because it is more "hand" labor intensive to make is precisely was it is wrong with Colt today...too costly and too in-precise. Virtually everything you own today is made wholly or in part overseas...nothing wrong with that...Harley Davidson figured that out not too long did America's love affair with SLR cameras...Made in Japan today means the opposite of what it meant when I was a kid in the 50's and 60's.
Right, have Colt's made in China...

That way Colt could finally put the last nail in their coffin as a commercial market gun manufacturer!

I am a quasi job shop / sales office that does screw machine work at our main facility in Switzerland, some work at our American location (lower volumes and complex engineered assemblies), and more recently work out of facilities in Singapore. China is the Wild West of Manufacturing. You have NO IDEA what you are getting. The material certs you recieve stating what steel you have are often not worth the paper they are printed on. Inspection reports are often meaningless. We tried working with Chinese manufacturers for high quality work and it was a disaster. You would get an inspection report stating an 8 micro inch finish on a part that you could see was well over 128. When confronted the reason given was "That was done very close to New Year's..." There is also the attitude in Chinese manufacturing that it doesn't matter if the first several runs are no good, as long as you had the price to get you in the door quality is negotiable. Telling them you expect the parts to be per print THE FIRST TIME AND EVERYTIME, is laughable.

Perhaps some loosey goosey AK clones can be made well. We all know that Soviet manufacturing technology was, with the exceptions of very high priority programs, mark it with a crayon and chop it with an axe type tolernaces and the AK was designed for such production. They can also throw a couple hundred people at a cheap 1911 to find the one slide that fits the one frame... I have seen such an approach in Malaysia where people were just thrown at sorting work for peanuts. That is NOT quality manufacturing though and you can never be certain of what you are getting, especially from a nation like China where fake documents are all too common.

Colt putting their name on Chinese goods would be a disaster. The first occurence of a Chinese Colt 1911 coming apart would be a knife through their heart. The very concept of paying for a REAL COLT 1873 SAA but having it made in China is ludicrous from a marketing standpoint as well.
CNC technology allows for more precision and a higher quality product.

Garbage in = Garbage out is applicable to CNC manufacturing as it is to computer programming.

If you do not understand tool wear, chip build up and the vast array of other details pertaining to metal cutting having a CNC machine doesn't matter squat. Not having quality driven processes or a culture focused on quality will kill you unless you are making something meant to be grabage and disposable (like what you get on the shelves at Walmart).

CNC is a tool to help you do things efficiently, manufacture items previsouly unable to be done on a single set up, and allow rapid turn around on jobs do to shorter set up. CNC does not = Quality.
Virtually everything you own today is made wholly or in part overseas...nothing wrong with that...

Ridiculous, the idea of turning all manufacturing over to the third world
is a recipe for disaster. The selling of America to make wealth for those
at the top is a true shame. Greed folks, it will destroy America.Not a
popular view in the world we live in but in my opinion true.
Opinions are like .... know...every mall ninja has one...the reality is that we already outsource virtually everything we consume in this nation...maybe not in the near future, but I see Colt going that way...

BTW...come from a family of tool and die makers, still in business in NYC, Miami, El Salvador, and San Fran...I have a teensey weencey bit of knowledge about what CNC can do...the days of so-called "expert hand fit and finishing" of Colt pistols are slowly coming to and end...get over it and get with it...the winds of change have already passed you diehards a long time ago.;)
Ridiculous, the idea of turning all manufacturing over to the third world
is a recipe for disaster. The selling of America to make wealth for those
at the top is a true shame. Greed folks, it will destroy America.Not a
popular view in the world we live in but in my opinion true.
Don't forget that in many cases those products made in third world countries are superior to ones here and cheaper. Being "American-made" does not mean it's better.
If it says...

Made in Japan on your electronics or your car, it absolutely rocks as far as function. Face it, if American car companies were as concerned about quality in their vehicles as Japan, they could sell their cars cheaper and still have the same quality as a Japanese car would.

Go look at your Sony

Sony is a Japanese company. Japanese electronics and some of their other products are of the best in the industry. And, without Sony, there would have been no Microsoft, or internet (at least that which we have all come to know). And, I don't care what anyone says, Microsoft is one of the best Operating Systems out there. Everything has its glitches. There are many more Microsoft users than users of other OS's, so it is inherent that we hear about more problems concerning it. I would say they sock-it-to-us when it comes to prices sometimes, though.