LIVE from the Stand!

Nice work, he looks like a nice buck. I'd say you earned that buck after what you went through after the first shot at him. Now you get the bonus of being able to see what went wrong the first time, very few get that chance.

I think I'm getting him mounted.
By far my biggest buck in 20 years of hunting.
He is 15 3/4 inside, 8-pt, 136 lbs field dressed. Almost perfectly symmetrical.

At 136 he's obviously not very old. I'm thinking he's probably only 2 1/2. I need to try to get some good pictures of his teeth so the guy that's running the Cornell deer program can age him.

I have broken the curse. Now I just hope I can keep doing it. I don't want to wait another 20 years. :-)
Good job! Nice to be able to close the book on that buck. Were you able to tell where you hit him first time?

Looking forward to being up in your neck of the woods in a couple of weeks. Plan to hunt Jamesville/Pompey with my Encore muzzleloader, and Cortland/Cincinnatus with a Rem Model Seven now that they've allowed rifles. I have seen many deer within rifle range on the farm I hunt there that I had to let go with my shotgun. Can hardly wait, and this thread has added to this year's anticipation. Congratulations again!
Yep, he still has a wound where I hit him before. It is very, very high... an inch or less from missing completely... and quite far back. I'm glad it was high as it would have been a dead-center gut shot if the height was correct.
I can't say I'm 100% absolutely certain that this is my deer from before, only because there was another 8-pt wounded in the same area on the same day as mine and my uncle thinks the wound angle doesn't look right. I can't say as I can tell the angle looking at the old wound so I wouldn't argue it either way.
However, the wound is on the correct side, another hunter that saw the one I wounded said he saw him licking his back in that spot and it was from the same tree at almost the same time of day. So, I'm pretty darn sure.

Keep the thread running guys! The season is still young!

I expect to see you posting a few hunts, Legionaire! ;)
A special CONGRATS to you Peetza.

So much for the saying, "you NEVER get a second chance". Albeit rare.

Have that buck mounted, you earned it.

Again, congrats!
What direction did he come from?

How far was the shot?

How far did he go before he crashed?

Fill us in on the details, please.:)

My stand was facing NE. At about 445 (15 minutes before "dark"), I stood up and turned to face W and look SW, the direction I expected the deer to come. I was leaning against the tree watching and heard a noise directly behind me.

Looking over my shoulder, I could only tell "deer". As it went behind a small brushy area, I turned quickly 180.

Everything went nearly perfectly. He was angling away from me but there is a sharp ditch about 30 yards out so I knew he'd turn.

As he went behind a large tree, I drew my bow. As he came out, he turned 45dg and angled toward me. He was on his way up the very steep hill by now. I said "Maatt... Maatt" but he was having none of it.

Range finder said 17 yards where he was. I aimed slightly forward (an inch or two) to compensate for his movement and let fly. I actually thiught I was a bit high but it turned out not to be.

He wheeled around 180dg (3rd consecutive deer shot by our party to do this after I have never seen one do it before) and ran back down hill.

He got about 75-100 yards down the hill and was down to a fast walk when he went out of sight.

I whipped out my phone and told my uncle "Deja Vu anyone?" and then as I was posting here I heard a crash where I last saw him.

This is how steep the hill is... He was 17 yards, I'm 25-27 feet up the tree, the entrance and exit holes where almost level.

Turned out he was quartering toward me more than I thought. I wasn't worried about the angle because I shoot a Hoyt Katera XL with 55 ft/lbs energy and had a Slick Trick broadhead, a combo that will penetrate BOTH shoulders at 17 yards.

Anyway, I hit the front of one lung, nicked the heart, back of second lung and right side of liver.
Take a photo of the buck with his mouth open so that his teeth show. Then contact your game department for one of their little pictorial charts showing a deer's teeth at various ages...
My buddy connected with a rather large buck living in Conn. He usually gets very small ones, but this one was huge for him, and probably similar in size to yours. He's getting his mounted as well. Glad you're having him mounted. I've been following this, and you certainly deserve it!
Take a photo of the buck with his mouth open so that his teeth show. Then contact your game department for one of their little pictorial charts showing a deer's teeth at various ages...

The Cornell guy that runs the program is a PhD biologist. He ages all the deer... but he's in Hawaii at the moment.

I will do the picture of the teeth though for when he gets back.

Thanks Dr A. It's a great feeling :)
He is no 2.5. Gotta be at least 3.5. If I could see more of his body, or esp. his mouth, it'd be easier.
I'll get some teeth pictures tonight.

He's not large bodied, for sure. Could be smaller body genes, could be young. I was expecting 175 lb field dressed based on yanking him through the woods.
Last year I shot a 3 1/2 year old doe that field dressed 149, not 50 yards from the tree I was in last night.
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If its towards the end of the rut where you are, he may have run off 50# the last 3 weeks or so. Ours have already started running off quite a bit, but I was tickled to get a buck at the beginning of our rut (Nov.3), as they are significantly fatter at that time. Bucks I have seen are not eating now and won't eat much for the next 3 weeks or so. They will be a good 50# less when rifle begins at the end of the month.
Here's the best I can do...
