LIVE! From the Stand, Season 3!!!

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Well, here I am again, after and uneventful season last year... hope springs eternal. Sitting on the NE corner of a property, bordering cents on the east and grass field on the north. New spot, wild guess based on wind and deer sign.

Hunting in my blue bubble again. ;) Google made it much smaller this year. Kind of crowded in here.

Glad you're doin 'Live from the Stand' again this year.

Looks as though you have a good spot picked out covering the corner of the woods and getting the travel from woods to fields.

Keep us posted and...

Good Luck to ya!
Thanks :)

All should feel free to post their own hunts too. Only counts if it's "Live!" though.

Right now, I'm wishing I had a pellet gun for these squirrels and Blue Jays. :mad:
Here we are again. Hunting our tiny lease (about 75 huntable acres). This time in a ground blind accompanied by my lovely wife. Only second time she's hunted with me in 14 years. :)

Seems unlikely at the moment... it's unseasonably warm, about 75, and there's been very little deer movement so far. 3 of us have spent probably 60 man hours hunting in 4 different areas and seen precisely one deer.

We still have our hopeless optimism though. ;)
It's bow at the moment.

We have some things working against us. First is the unseasonable weather, second is that they've started the season 2 weeks early than tradition and there's still untold thousands of acres of standing corn in various places near all our hunting areas.

The weather's the worst of it though. I'm sitting here in jeans and a t-shirt. Never in my life hunted in such persistently warm weather. The deer can't dress down, so they just sleep all day.
Pretty good doe too. If I hadn't weighed so many I'd be saying it was 150 pounds dressed. Unfortunately, I know the real weights. Average around here is 95-105lbs dressed. I'd put this one at 110-120.

We'll be headed back out this afternoon, hunting a golf course with some acorns around. Hopefully there's some movement this year. It was gold the first couple years we hunted it but either pressure or lack of acorns (or both) has made it fruitless the last couple years. This will be our investigatory hunt for the year.

On stand again... is it better to climb a bad tree in a great place or a great tree in a mediocre place?

Anyhow, found a spot finally, not really where I want to be but I'm mostly hoping to learn from this trip.

Still, every time I've ever had a chance at a really nice buck it's been in a place I'd never hunted. Here's hoping.

That's Robert Trent Jones golf course off to the west. Anyone who remembers my buck from 3 seasons ago, he was taken just south of that field to my East in this pic.

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Looking at Google Maps, I learned that we can actually see my stand. It's got a green fiberglass roof and those four odd-green pixels are the roof of the stand on a pipeline in LaSalle Parish, LA. I hunt it with a variety of family, mainly grandsons, and it's one of my favorite places on earth.


Here's a picture taken from the stand late last winter.


We've got two more weeks before deer season opens here, but I'll be there opening morning, and hope springs eternal.
I lived in LaSalle Parish until I was 13. Then I moved to Ashley County, Ark

My Dad still lives there close to Jena. I own 15 acres off of the Aimwell Road.
Well, giving it a try again. This time on my FiLs land. I'm sitting in a small ravine with trails on either side. Wind is variable but more or less west north west should be good for either trail, give or take. I'd be better with a south wind so I could get farther up the ravine closer to both trails.
Oh well, here's hoping. :)

Oh boy, that's always exciting... Leave the beef jerky at home next time:D

I guess maybe! Man, somebody needs to thin them suckers out up there. That was a sizable pack.

Anywho, here I am again, even the glutt... uh, optimist. My dad's camp this time. Pines to the west with an old logging rd at the edge. Hoping for N-S travel toward the field to my S but they also go W-E here. West wind and I'm east of the trail so they'll probably be coming from the East instead. :rolleyes:

My uncle had a small buck go by already, possibly spooked on my way in. No shot though.
