Let's start the new forum with a Picture thread for fun...

but I did see loading dies for 32-20 brass... a bit off topic, but has anyone tried reloading 32-20 brass for these revolvers ??? any drawbacks ???

Search, I did a thread on reloading for Nagants which Tamara should find and make a sticky, since Nagants are the best pre 1900 revolvers made (take that Colt and webley):D

I was very impressed with your Nagant tree. Do you shoot them often? If so, I'll bet that the pointer finger on your shooting hand is so well muscled by now that it could double as a tow chain hook. Yuk, yuk.

I went to pick my nose yesterday and ended up ripping out my left nostril:eek:

OK, heres another one for you, not mine, goes up on Gunbroker today, P38 Dual Tone, all matching, 95% plus, byf 44 two line...:)

WildilikeitthoughAlaska ™


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Here's my little contribution:

1893 Turk Mauser 8mm (really got it because it was only $100, and I thought the Arabic date and inscription was cool, and something a little different for my collection)


1900 M96 C.G. Swede Mauser-by far my best condition, most valuable, best shooting C&R.The pic really doesnt do it justice with how mint this thing is.

Minty Izhmesh aresenal Russian sks from 1954 (apparently only made there in '54 and '55, so thats kinda cool)

1943 Saginaw SG M1 Carbine (my dad was an engineer at Steering Gear in Saginaw where I grew up, for 30 years-not during WWII though)
Swampghost, those dueling pistols are AWESOME! I would LOVE to have something like that. Very cool, and they look to be in pretty darn good condition too.Very nice.
I believe this one is appropriate for this thread as it was manufactured more than 50 years ago and is, at least to me, very special. My Grandfather's (1903-1979), 1953 Star Second Model F Series .22. I just acquired it this year after it sat unused for at least 30 years. Had it professionally disassembled, cleaned and checked. Fires like a dream...thanks Grandpa!



The "Y" with a small star over it (middle-left) indicates 1953 as the year of manufacture according to the table on this site.


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Recently acquired S&W .38/200 British Victory revolver with Lend-Lease markings on the topstrap. Gotta get some brighter lights for my photos...





That's a Mosin-Nagant stripper clip that I'm using to hold it up. ;)
There's something wrong with a body that owns that many Nagants. It ain't natural, I tell you.
Nagant revolvers and Mosin-Nagant rifles are like Lay's potato chips... you can't have just one. ;) At the current prices, you just can't help buying two, or three, or six at a time. :cool:

I just picked up a 1944 Tula M44... I'll post pictures after I get all the cosmo off and put it back together. ;)
a couple of mine

I have an old H&R top break revolver and a High Standard Sentinel 22 revolver.


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DoctorXring, sweet looking k98, especially when you add in the extra "neat" factor of it being Isreali. Where'd you get it? I really dont need a second k98, but I would pick one of those up just for the neatness and irony of it being an Isreali version of a gun well know for being used by the nazis in WWII. I can seriously kinda smell the irony, and hear the slap in the nazi's face, from here. That and the crest is very cool looking, and I dont have any Isreali guns in my collection, so that hole will need to be filled eventually, and I suspect I'll never be able to fill it with an UZI like I would REALLY like too.
Israeli K98 Service Rifle

jrfoxx --

Thanks. I was lucky on this one. A gunsmith sold this to me a few
years ago. He had picked it up cheap and was going to break the
rifle down for a sporter. He said the rifle was so nice he couldn't
bear to do it and put it up for sale, hoping a collector would find it.
That was my lucky day.

There were, as I understand, a number of these new condition K98
rebuilds brought in I think in the 90's. One pops up now and then.
I have two of them. The other is built on an FN action. I have two
other used ones that are built on German WWII actions. Yes, they are
definitely full of irony. They are also good shooters. This target
is from one of my WWII action guns.

The condition of these rifles ranges from total beaters with sewer or
shot out bores to these like new guns. Pay the premium for a nice one.
This is a solid collectible with a excellent future.

My checklist for an Israeli K98 is:

1. Excellent bore
2. German action desired, but not necessary
3. Numbers matching on receiver and bolt
4. 7.62 number burned into bottom of stock a plus, but
they all don't have that.
5. Star of David stamp on receiver highly desired


C&R Picture Thread

Just got my C&R app. I'd love to see some pics of your collections. I'll start with my Tannerite blaster.
My Yugo 24/47 8mm Mauser. My next will be an M1 carbine. Then ????
