Lets have a little fun, 1 company 1 gun

new and under $400?

Man - I don't know - - maybe a dozen Hi Points? :D :D

Opps - I forgot - only 1.... ;).

I'm with a lot of the others. That $400 is killing me.
I just bought a S&W M69 snub (.44 magnum) - that could easily replace every gun I have for every purpose - - But - with tax and holster & a box of JHP's it set me back $1000.
You can see answers all over the place here. I guess some people are VERY optimistically estimating how low they may be able to find gun prices, others may be basing it off prices from years ago, while some areas may have VERY low gun prices. Based upon local and recent prices (within the past year, not the past few weeks with panic buying), I don't think I could buy 1/2 of what people have put on this list with an under $400 limit. Though, at least 1/2 do seem to be realistic choices (and many are very good choices).

Strictly keeping by the set limits, I'd be looking at:
  • Bersa Thunder .380. The size and caliber aren't ideal, but they work. They are a little big for a small .380 carry gun, but it works (and can work well) in all except the most discrete carry situations, but is big enough to run a couple boxes of ammo through it at the range without too much discomfort. The caliber isn't ideal for defense, but is workable, it is a little expensive for a lot of range practice, but isn't too bad.
  • The new Taurus 856 Defender. J-frame sized, 3" barrel, 6 round .38spl. Get it in steel and not aluminum and it would be OK at the range (especially with a full grip), though their website lists it up to 35oz (no way it is that heavy) it would also work CCW. The cheapest runs at a $425MSRP, and the most expensive at $477 (all with night sights), so they'd likely all run at or under $400 at the store (maybe the most expensive would be out of the price range).
  • S&W M&P40c. Around here you should be able to get a 1st gen for under the $400 limit, good luck finding a M2 anywhere near that. My 1st gen M$P40c is comfortable at the range, and when in a carry state, I can conceal it well and it is comfortable to carry.
  • S&W SD40VE. Inexpensive, proven, reliable, reasonably accurate, a good intermediate size for both CCW and the range.
  • USED Taurus 65 or 66 (preference to the 7-shot 66 over the 6-shot 66). There is no way anyone is getting either for under $400 around here new, but used that may be possible (though one is more likely to find the 6-shot 65 at that price). Medium frame, 4" revolver, would be possible to CCW, though not ideal. It would be a great HD and range gun.
  • Used RIA 1911. It might be possible to get for under $400 in decent shape in most areas of the U.S. An Officer sized or Commander sized gun would carry well, even if all steel, and a Commander sized lightweight aluminum gun (likely not to be found under $400 though) would still be comfortable at the range.

I think my first choice on the above list is the M&P40c, but all would be strong contenders.

Now, a more realistic scenario, and less arbitrary, should the current situation lead to enough of a personal economic/financial catastrophe that I need to sell everything off, but want to keep one, which would I go with. It likely wouldn't be a gun that sold for less than $400, though I wouldn't keep one of my more expensive guns since they'd bring me more money (that I'd probably desperately need at that point). The S&W M&P is still high on that list, but so is my Officer sized RIA 1911, my CZ 75B Compact, my .40S&W SIG P229 (bought used and only in fair condition cosmetically for $499), my S&W 65LS (though it is worth enough that in such dire financial straits it may have to go), and my CZ PCR. There is a slim chance that I'd go with my Taurus 85CH, not ideal at the range (but doable since it is all steel), I'd hate to only have 5 rounds, but it isn't worth much (so I wouldn't get much for selling it) and it is 100% reliable. If I had to choose right now and not spend time thinking about it, it may be the 65LS only because it will be the hardest to replace later (appreciation and increasing scarcity). If I had to grab one that would most likely come with me if I had to leave my home right now (and thus abandon and not sell my other guns), that would be my CZ PCR, P01 or 75B Compact. Due to lower cost ammo (an important criteria if I was in such bad financial shape), one of the 9mms may win out from that angle as well (thus if I kept my M&P40c, I may try to trade it on a 9mm version).
Maybe a Les Baer.

I know...”only $400” but hey, it’s your scenario; I’m just explaining what would really happen. Everyone can only ever own one gun. There would be a surplus of used guns on the market. Supply and demand would force prices to drop.

“It’s the economy, stupid” - James Carville.
There was a time, a few decades ago when I made exactly such a decision. At that time, I purchased a Ruger GP100, new, for just under the stated price limit.

I don't think it was a bad choice, but there are so many other options now that I doubt I would make the same choice again if I had to make it today. Besides the fact that it wouldn't be simple to find a GP100 for $400 or less these days.

From what's available today, I would probably look at trying to find a good quality CZ75 Clone. Tanfoglio is still making them and it should be possible to get one for under the price limit.
No one else taking future breakage into account (in the OPs scenario), huh?
For that reason, I would go with either of my .40 caliber flintlock pistols.

If the lock on my pistol goes bad, I can just keep on shooting, albeit using a match to fire the pan.
By placing the match under the frizzen, the gun would be capable of being aimed until the match hit the prime.
That would allow accurate fire.
How many of the previous posters can say the same about their choice?

There is no new $400 gun that I would want. Even used $400 puts a crimp on you. The good guns bring more than that used. 1911 starts out about $700 used, I have no idea what S&W revolvers are these days new. I know what used ones go for. Adj sight models going over $400 used, N frames $1k. I guess best option would be LE trade in S&W revolver m10. I don’t by plastic or second rate firearms.
I'm surprised my choice hasn't been mentioned yet. It would be one of the Philippine 1911s in .45 ACP and in the commander size. Like this ATI bought for $379 last month. I'd be satisfied with 9 rounds of .45 if I had to.

DING, DING, DING! We have the winner! Never entered my mind but you are so right. Great post!

They are such ridiculously simple firearms, which helps make them so reliable and tough.
Like an AK, they are overbuilt for the cartridge.
Makarov's can be disassembled down to just the (pressed in) barrel, trigger guard and frame with no tool other than the cleaning rod.
In all my decades I have yet to find a more reliable pistol, the closest I've come across is the Steyr A1 series.

Not at all scientific, but entertaining to watch none the less ----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAEbbhRJNYw


I think I would go for a gen 3 Glock. I actually bought a used Glock 26 gen 3 a few years ago for $350, was less than $400 OTD. Interesting reading all the replies.

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S&W M&P 2.0 Compact if I had to buy new, but then again a Glock I already own would be used so that would be under $400 too. I pick Glock because I have spare parts and can use 33 round mags for HD.
If I had to only have 1 gun under $400 the rest of my life, it would have to be something I could pocket carry. I usually carry a Kahr CM9, which has done well for... 5-6 years? I even shoot it regularly. But as for parts support decades later, I can't be sure. I may go with a S&W 642, because I'm more confident the company will be around and take care of the revolver as it ages and wears. If I knew a S&W shield could be pocket carried I would consider that too.
I would seriously consider a gen1 Thompson Contender. Except for CC'ing it would do everything I use a gun for. I've seen them sell around $400 fairly often and extra barrels wouldn't count as separate guns, right? ;)
S&W or Ruger.
Would NOT be Stoeger. Nope. Never again. When you send it in for Warranty work, the 2 previously mentioned Company's send you a shipping label... paid. Not Stoeger. Had to pay $109 Fed Ex overnight shipping to have a Brand New Uberti Stallion .22 fixed, as it wouldn't stay cocked. I even sent them the receipt and requested they pay it, which was ignored. :mad:
I do have to say, that once fixed, the Stallion is a very slick little revolver. It's just the customer service that is disappointing. I'll stick with S&W or Ruger if I had to choose 1 for under $400.
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Also you were not allowed to spend more than $400, WHICH gun manufacture from the CURRENT ones available right now would you purchase from. I'll go 1st and I would pick RUGER. What would be your pick?

So, that sounds like I don't have to pick a NEW gun, I could get a used one from any CURRENT manufacture.

In that case. . . There area a lot of pretty decent options on the used market if you LOOK and WAIT. S&W, Ruger, Glock, CZ, etc.

I don't think I'll play the used game, because in my mind there are too many possibilities.

That being said, if I have to pick NEW. I'm going to say.

Wait for it




That's because I managed to snag a basic R1 1911 brand new a few years back (so I think that still counts) for only about $420 after sale price and rebate and the like. So I'm going to round down and say that counts.

A solid 1911 45 acp, made in the USA by a USA company. Great overall reviews. Lifetime firearm. And you said nothing about spending more on simple modifications and general maintenance. RIGHT around $400. (yes, I'm cheating)

I think that would be my best bet for a life long brand new $400 purchase.