Kroger: New policy of no CCW 4/28/10

Thanks for keeping us updated on this incident. (I just sent an e-mail showing support from the Kentucky area.) I guess every little e-mail helps with rectifying senseless restrictions on law abiding gun owners.
Still no news in my Kroger

I talked to the head pharmacist at Kroger yesterday when I got medicine. She hadn't heard of the issue. Said she tried to say in the loop on corporate news/policy. She did say, "who will know if you have it concealed?" I explained the issues that could present, trouble we could get into. She understood that. She is going to ask around. I have 2 customer comments posted on their site, haven't heard back from them yet.

What is everyone's thinking here? Should we all boycott them because they are wrong in 1 state? Or should we be loyal to the ones that allow us to carry? Maybe each ccw holder speak to manager after each visit, thank him for the respect and tell how much we bought that visit? Feedback to HQ with numbers might mean something to them and cause them to rethink.

We are more than a few but not a large enough group to shut them down by staying away. But we are enough people and $ to move the sales revenues up or down a few points.

Like to hear from everyone, especially people in central NC. Let's see how much we collectively spend at Kroger stores in a week or month. Kroger is our main store; we spend 400 to 600 each month, sometimes more.
My feeling is we supported Starbucks because they stood up to the anti's. Why shouldn't we pull together and protest this. I don't care much for Starbucks but I buy at least a Venti Cafee Mocha a week now to supoort them.
The protest is still going. Now Kroger is telling anyone outside the Cinci Division that emails to complain that this is over two OC incidents, not true. If you email them and are within the Cinci Division customer base, they are saying its about class D liquor license also not true. So which is it and why the two different reasons depending on where the complaint comes from??

Kroger, do you really think we are stupid and we do not share information?

Keep the pressure on...
Disappointing. In Georgia, Kroger's Atlanta division has been a corporate sponsor of (our grass roots right-to-carry organization). I wonder if it has changed corporate wide.
But it sounds like most of them are on the right track, twhidd. Our local group (Grassroots Gunrights) has been very successful in persuading businesses who post to remove the signs, and I always contact them
immediately when I see one. (Personally, I'm just too p*****off to even speak to a manager when I see these signs.)
This Ohioans for Concealed Carry contact was prompted by a ousting of a licensee at a Kroger's for printing. Printing isn't illegal in Ohio.

Still, they want no more OC and that pi***** me off. He wasn't OC'ING!

You still don't get it, do you? No printing is not illegal and open carry is legal, but that doesn't mean that Kroger wants to see people walking around with guns. It isn't an issue about whether or not it is against the law.

He wasn't OCing? No, he wasn't. He was printing so badly that the presence of his gun was discerned by people in the store. It may not have been open carry, but it sure the heck wasn't properly concealed.

As noted in the original thread, if you are going to carry concealed, then make sure the gun is concealed. If it isn't fully concealed, then folks will notice and if they notice, they may choose to act ... which is what Kroger has done.
Double Naught there is no law regarding "Conceal Properly" in Ohio. Your saying that one must keep a gun concealed at all costs. That's simply absurd and right down Brady Lane.

Doesn't it seem a little odd they are saying its for one reason to everyone outside the Division yet everyone in the Division they are saying its all about the D liquor issue? Why do you suppose that is? Do you like being lied to by a business and do you like them purposefully misstating the law to justify it when hundreds of people keep showing them that the law isn't what they are saying.

They won't say its because of OC here as they know protests are sure to happen when you flout state law. No chance of that happening out side the Division because the policy doesn't affect them. If they maintain the "I'm sorry the law says we have to post because of our D8 license" in the Division then they can deny they are going against state law on OC knowing full well that D8 isn't a prohibition.
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Call backs are happening from Kroger top brass to OFCC. Keep up the pressure folks. Perhaps we can get this resolved soon. Until then keep calling and keep emailing.
Following from OFCC coordinator from OFCC forums:

NavyChief UPDATE! said:
OK, I'll be honest, that was simply to grab your attention and offer up a plea - don't let up. I can't go into detail, but I'm hoping that by sometime Monday I can offer up a definitive "Yea" or "Nay" on this situation. I have been able to talk to a few people in K's HQ that are generally sympathetic to us (whose names shall forever be protected by me), and just missed a callback (what can I say? ...even NavyChief has to do something to keep food on the table...) from someone that may have the power to make this whole situation go away - I'm off Monday, so even if I have to wait for a callback, no biggie.

In the meantime, let's take Admiral David Farragut's most famous quote to heart...
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What is everyone's thinking here? Should we all boycott them because they are wrong in 1 state? Or should we be loyal to the ones that allow us to carry?
These are franchises that probably cross state lines. What am i supposed to do, look up every stores franchise then contact that franchises office for their carry policy? I don't think so. I will just assume they are all part of the banning franchises.
It seems, and I don't have a reliable source for this, but the rumor mill produces:

A guy was in kroger with a young child. Picked up young child and was holding them in one arm. young child pulled on the shoulder of the fathers shirt and untucked the shirt at the waste. Someone saw a pistol. It was NOT OC and it was not printing before the child pulled on his shirt.

To state again, the child pulled on the shirt around the shoulder and was nowhere close to the gun. At least that is what the rumor mill says.
Kroger is one of the largest corporations in the US. They operate over 2,400 grocery stores, 750 convenience stores and 370 jewelry stores. They are not franchises, they are all corporate owned. Their headquarters are in Ohio.
Corporate has taken notice and the calls an emails have started a dialog so it is working. Keep it up.

Kroger has Divisions a while they say its a Division thing they have been giving two very different reasons for the policy depending on where the compliant originates. That tells me its a run around if not a flat out lie. They are giving each reason based on their idea of what will quell the complaint at that local.

Do you like being lied to? I don't and no one else should.
I think I need to contact the Fl. panhandle owned outfit, "Tom Thumb" as I noticed any "private label" generic type goods are from the Kroger bunch...

Will call corporate Monday and ask that they contact Kroger and ask of this issue before i start slingin' mud and stirring the pot locally.

Keep up the pressure, guy! We appreciate all the help you have given us in the Buckeye State. Remember, if it goes through here, it may extend to your part of the world.
Worked the BFA booth at the OGCA gun show in Wilmington over the weekend and told almost everybody I talked to about it. Asked them to contact Kroger and let them know they weren't happy.