Knock yourself out....spend $1650 on a handgun

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For CCW, Para "slim" or "warthog". Also a bottle of the finer stuff for when the memories of selling the safe queen haunts you:D.
You got too much variety in your collection. A personal gun battery shouldn't be an all you can eat at the local buffet. Do you remember what you ate the last time you went to a buffet? Focus on you (the shooter) becoming one with your chosen weapon. Everything has to be automatic when the balloon goes up. Get a duplicate of whatever carry gun you already like and have and practice practice practice.

If you must get something different....

Get a lightly used Glock 19/26 or M&P/M&Pcompact 9mm (~$500)
XS Big Dot Sights ($100)
Magazines/holster/carrier (~$200)

Rest of the cash on Ammo and Training

You're welcome. ;)
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Don't need HK P7M8, HK P30, HK P2000SK, Ed Brown Kobra Carry, Colt Viper, Colt Defender, Colt Government Model 1911, Colt Mustang Pocketlite, Kimber Covert Ultra II, Robrbaugh R9, Sig 239SAS, Sig P232, Walther PPK German 1966

After all You've got, be original:
Automatic Stechkin Pistol
Tokarev TT
or at least Interdynamic KG-9

Many of the guns you listed are very concealable carry guns.

What is your primary carry gun?

You should have at least two of your primary gun. That way, you'll have a spare to use if one goes down, gets confiscated, or is lost. Your existing gear will not need to be changed.

You should also have at least 10 magazines per copy. Since I know you regularly attend training classes, 20 magazines means you have enough magazines to stuff for class and maintain a few for your carry rotation.

Additionally, you need a manual, tools, and spare parts to work on it. For example, the Glock series of guns are extremely easy to work on. Approximately $100-150 in parts and a $25 manual means you can repair everything but the frame, slide and barrel.

If you cannot repair your handgun, then you should attend an armorer's course for it. Let's face it: the carry handgun is the gun we most frequently use in this society. It makes sense to know how to maintain and repair it.
"A duplicate of your favorite CCW pistol--the one you wouldn't want to be without."

A very good point. What happens if, God forbid, you have to use your CC gun to defend yourself? The police will most likely confiscate it as evidence, and you'll be without it for who knows how long? If you have a backup, you'll be ready to go.

Unless you shoot someone with that one too...
I been looking at my collection, selling a few to get firearms that do or may have some intrinsic collector or historical value for the future. I think an SA Professional would be great or Delta Elite. 1911's seem to hold value well.
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