Knock on my door at 11pm

Rob, you came out alright; your family is safe--and that's what matters.

Something to consider...the suggestion of a small surveillance camera is actually a very good idea. You can go low price, and get up to four area type cameras, with a receiving monitor for very little money. These usually come equipped with what we know as "fish eye" or wide angle lenses. Place them with overlapping fields of view, and you should be covered.

These cameras do NOT have to be in the open, either. You can set them up in covert locations, or even set them AWAY from your house (wireless transmitters), or even use enclosures that will protect your cameras from vandalism.

I believe you mentioned that you live in CA. Here are the people to talk to, especially if you live in the Fresno area:

To those who mention the age of the suspect at the door: I have personally arrested 14 year olds with MJ and loaded guns on their persons, wearing Level II body armor! Age means NOTHING.

Well met, Marine.
If you live in an apartment complex where you have to worry about burglary or forced entries, then you should insist that your landlord install a security screen door with a deadbolt. You would be able to see out, but the person on the other side of the door would not really see your image. (Light outside, dark inside...)

The security screen door is commonplace in questionable neighborhoods and is oftentimes tougher then the actual residence door. It could even help deflect or slowdown bullets. I wont say they are bulletproof, but I would be much happier with one of these in the way of bullets as well as the actual door. Since the door does not swing out, it hardens your entryway against forced entry. A person who runs into this thing at full speed is going to break their shoulder.

These doors can be found at any Home Depot and easily installed.
Rob...let them break the threshold of your door, window, etc... & lower the boom! Lord knows you'll be able to put rounds on TGT, you know...being Recon & all!!!

I'm a Marine, an old Machine Gunner, & now field MP (never worked the Blue/PMO side so don't judge me!!! :D) However, I know that I have now entered POG status regardless of how much combat I've seen!!! lol

Don't get spun up on all the nay-sayers. Practice good common sense. You know how restrictive ROE's are in country...just know that they are 100 times stricter here in CONUS.

BTW, you are hardcore brother for making it through BRC & becoming a Recon Marine. My hats off to you! I worked at 2d MEF SOTG & the Recon Bubbas out there were a great group of folks & some of the most Elite operators I've had the pleasure of meeting...& I've been OPFOR against SEALS & Recon so I can compare. Both units are elite & have to have unwaivering dedication to duty to earn those titles & status.

Back to the topic though...don't go chasing folks around the matter how bad you want to. Firm Up in your house. Announce that you are armed & will defend yourself. If the harrassment continues, call the cops & stand to for any breaching of your home. Make sure that you tell the 911 operator that you are armed, to pass that info to the responding cops, & to have the cops announce their presence once at your door. Once you have positive ID that they are actually cops, let them know that you are making a condition 4 weapon & placing it away from you & them.
But - but - but that'd be child abuse!!!

Not in Iowa, a Judge told me so after my kid called the cops after I spanked her rear end. You may spank your kids here, just dont go overboard. No 2x4s etc. Just the hand.

God I love living here :) my kid takea squirt gun to school, why? Teacher thought it would be a good thing to have a squirtgun fight on the playground. They did and it was fun for all I was told :) good old farm teachers, they know what is what and take no crap from upper admins. Other places? not so much which is a shame on them.
read thru madmags 1st commet so far about drunk guy@wrong door:

brought back memory from last month in nags head, NC(actually grandy just outside nags w/those hotels that come right outside on walnut island. drunk two doors down partying no biggee + seemed like a nice enough guy and I have no idea if he was involved. pregnant wife sleeping, almost 2yr old seeping in playpen, and I'm watching tv with my CCW on shelf. someone is trying to come into the room. heres the deal, I'm watching dual survival on discovey in my boxers enjoying night one of 2nights,3days off work& I have to open door. this guy has a key!!! Its an old man and very apologetic and frightened when I confront him. I never even grabbed gun off the shelf and only cracked door in a frenzy because it was apparenty about to open anyways (and I guess thats my fault about not having time for the gun). the waitress at the bar gave him the extra room key and forgot to log we were staying 2 nights originally when we checked in- found this out 10min later when knock knock . I am ready this time and dont open door but its manager and I see thru window. she is apologizing and I tell her I have both keys and mailny she needs to know who registered me night before(ok this must've been night 2 lookin back and all this is w/door open and me in my boxers). halfhour later someone turns door knob and my wife is very upset, I have weapon in my lap; I'll never know if it was mnger, drunk guy, or what the heck happened but we were very close to calling police and I had to keep an eye out(was up late anyways due to my biological work clock). nothing else happened- things can get hairy and you just never know;things happen quick. I didnt want something to happen(mainly getting in a shootout.killing someone, courts, my imagination runs wild but I would be lying if it didnt cross my mind)! a ws a little weary of this nonsense t say the least. There i a 1st for everything&I'm skeptical about this being a coincidence. I HATE to add this part because there is no way of knowing anything but my friend in FL told me it might've had to do with this being biker bar/restaurant with motel and we got the20% LEO discount at the restaurant(only tme we ate there). I dont know but it was uncomfortable. we stayed here 3other times and never ever had an issue. its a quaint place and my cousins all have bikes. I am not speculating but those are the facts of that stay
ps-the hotel/mote rooms were very nice with all the usuals EXCEPT no phones and I had never seen this before ever. we could not call lobby?!?
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*have read every post now*

rob you opened the door and that's what my rambling was partially getting at: things happen

someone mentioned so be it(or something to that affect//had trouble finding while scrolling back); "it is what it is"

you didnt do anything wrong, but next time you'll improve. the same can be said when someone does not call the police and then, whammo: monday mrng quarterback says I should've called them immediately when somethng serious happens. my situation baffled me (see first post) and I probably should've called the police. I didnt think here was a threat but I felt threatened if that makes sense. I also haven't been CCW long so, like someone pointed out, I was worried about escalation improperly. I am glad I am not like some people: thats why they have NO gun to defend their home in the first place(completey @ mercy of armed intruder). I know instinctively I would've defended my family. the 2nd amendment and MY family and MY home is the main reason why I CCW sometimes and have protection in case of robbery as one example(and a good alarm system+an outside light from phone company for an extra few bucks). I am going to be ready if necessary and its a work in progress.

you did the right thing and/or your best accordingly despite the danger of the door(which we all know was not he safest move//it happened real time). I always tell my wife if I am working as an example. 911, dont stay on long, hunkerdown and play defense.

ps- glad to have joined. any disabled vets? $375 NRA member for LIFE if you are. heck of a deal!!
ps- you guyz are the 1st ones in and the last ones out, kick some serious but+Ilove the marine broads, but army is the biggest and oldest branch(just going there//4yrs army active here 2004-08). pres lincoln ws a CPT in the Army.theres lots of history for all military branches to be proud of&thats just one example. Coast Guard is falling under LEOSA lots now due to being Homeland Security. My grandma's(may she rest in peace) brother is in his 80's and recently went CCW in NY(he knew about the long fight, but hadn't realized LEOSA passed until I told him earlier this year. He had to deal with he NYC/NJ problem his whole career). He was 17 in Iwo Jima and is still a badass Marine(retired 25yr NY state police)