Knock on my door at 11pm

Rob228 said:
Knock on my door at 11pm

Nothing wrong with your response, worse case someone is surprised you have a pistol in your hand, but I agree a peep hole is a good idea.

My similar experience: We were in one of those motel rooms with outside access. It was late and my wife was in bed. I was watching TV with the volume very low. I had my XD9 close at hand. All of a sudden someone was hitting the door so hard I could see the hinges flex. Not a knock, someone was putting their body weight against the door. I had my XD in my hand in about 1 sec. and looked out the peep hole. I could see a apparently drunk guy on his cell phone telling someone to open the door. He had the wrong room. If the door had come down he would have had big trouble. I did not open the door but just yelled to him that he had the wrong room and to leave...he did.

PS. My wife said she was up at the first hit on the door. She said she first saw me with no gun, then in a flash she saw me with my XD in my hand. I guess I can still move fairly fast for an old guy.:)
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Rob, First off thank you for your service. Second, you reacted the way you did based off your human instinct. We can all say you shouldnt have opened the door, or shown your firearm. It is what it is, thankfully noone was hurt including yourself and your wife. I would call that a good day. Dont be so hard on your self.

I had a knock on the door at about 0130 hrs one morning, I got out of bed, grabbed the Glock 19 with +P JHP in it, told the Fiance at the time to grab the shot gun and wait in the bed room with police on on standby. Looked out the windows first from a small splinter, saw a woman standing back a couple of steps from the door. I asked through the door what she wanted? She replied, to use the phone to call for a ride she had just been involved in a DV scenario. We called the police, my fiance came out of the room, I handed her the G19 and took the shotgun from her. With the shotgun at the low ready I told my fiance to open the door slowly with her foot behind it and her body off to the side gun down by her thigh. I then placed the shotgun by my side and concealed it in my hand while cutting the pie, standing behind the refridgerator. She came, face a little swollen, fiance quickly closed the door, and police arrive 3 minutes later. Come to find out, they were looking for her, her sugnificant other had been loving els where and she attacked him in front of her kids. All this happened before I went out and got some training and became a LEO though.

Knowing what I know now, the door never would have been opened. So I know exactly what you are going through. It worked out. Consider it a lesson learned.

I don't acknowledge knocks at the door if I'm not expecting company. Period. I don't understand why anyone else does either - especially after dark.

I don't use the peephole, either. The person on the other side can easily see the change in light coming through when you cover the peephole with your eye.
Ive answered my door at night with my 45 put to the door and look out the glass that is about head high. If some one tries to force there way in they would get a whole lot of splinters with the lead. But around here you cant shoot anyone till there in your house so if I dont see a car I reconize I just stand in the hall a see what happens. I kinda have a reputation where I live so I really dont have to many visiters.
First I want to thank you for your long service to our country! Your job is a hard one and you should be paid better so you and your loved ones do not have to live in areas such as this!

You did the right thing. If you are in a known crime area and you don't "normally" have visitors at 11pm then by all means have your guard up and watch out for bad guys. Heck in this day and age we need to be on guard even in the middle of the day! There have been a number of daylight robberies where they are cleaning out the houses with moving vans in our area out in the country! :mad:
Nice job and thank you for your service to our country. Guy I went to school with since 2nd grade was Marine Recon. Not sure on what unit but I know he did 2 tours in the Sandbox and is now on his way today to the Stan. He said he got out of recon in '05 so I think he's standard infantry now.

Anyway, yeah it depends on what you wanna do. If you know they can hear the slide from outside you can rack it and play with their head a lil bit by not showing the pistol. The won't see it but they're not sure you don't have it either. That would be more my style, let the unknown start messing with their head. Same trick as a sniper in battle just a lil different. "I heard the shot where is he?" except now "What's in his hand behind the door frame? Was that a gun I heard?" "Geez I don't know about this anymore I don't wanna get shot. I need to get lost."

As for the peephole, you could do a quick check, peep and as you do, roll away from the door towards the knob, if they level your door you're prolly gonna be able to get them on the way in as your motion carries you away from the door and away from the direction the door will want to swing while being broken.
Thanks for all you do for the rest of us who have "normal" lives. You did good, I think, I had a similar experience a good many years ago, just a bit scarier. Don't over think it and judge yourself, very often that little voice in your head that says "THIS ISN'T RIGHT!!" is correct. I know, I've buried friends who didn't listen to it.
Thank you for your service and commitment. Maybe you should consider some sort of paddle holster that carries the pistol behind the hip. That way you can answer the door and not run the risk of scaring or offending somebody. What would have happened if it had been a police officer or deuty sheriff looking for someone? How would the officer react to someone in front of them holding a gun even if it is pointed in a safe direction? Just a couple of things that could be avoided or at least smoothed over with the holster behind the hip. Also if your door has a peep hole cut the lights off before you look through it at night. Some gangbanger who just wants to "hit" anyone would see the light in the peep hole go out and think you are standing there and shoot through the door. If you cut the lights off first and wait a few seconds and they do shoot, the rounds might not hit you; particularly if you stand to the side of the door during those few seconds.
I have a few holsters that would do the trick, but it being that late at night I wasn't about to get one set up. I did ask who it was, had it been the police I'm fairly certain they would have announced it through the door.
Luckily the only light that was on was the TV, but I didn't use the peephole, that is very sound advice you give in that respect, it is completely telegraphing to the person outside that you are right there. Thanks for the input!
I kinda like the fact that you opened the door with a gun in your hand. I doubt you will have as much trouble out of the locals now that you've done that. That guy, confused teenager or armed robber, will tell that story many times.

Cowering inside deters no one. They'll be back. You need to do something to let them know that you are "That Guy" Clint Eastwood spoke of in Gran Torino.
If someone is maddog killer enough to instantly blast you with a shotgun when you open the door. They probably wouldn't have knocked softly to see if you were home.
Should I have gotten the pistol out?

Unless I can see that I know the person knocking... I never answer the door unarmed.... regardless of the time of day or who is knocking... even if it's a female

People could send a female to knock and then rush the door once it's unlocked.
Marines :) solve every problem with a gun :) works for some. My nephew was in Okinowa last year he is a marine too. Now he is in Afgan, I expect he would have reacted the same. Good defense, glad you didnt shoot the kid.

My Uncle is also a marine living in CA, he is like that guy in gran torino :) Korean war vet. He answers his door late at night with a 1911 too. :)
Should I have gotten the pistol out?

I live out in the woods, it take waaaaaay to long for police to get to my house to rely on their help. Any time I'm alone, I keep a firearm close by to keep me company (usually my Colt 1903). When it's late and someone comes to my house unannounced my gun comes with me to answer the door. I don't brandish it, but just because they don't know I have it doesn't mean I don't.
Just because someone says they are "Police" when you ask doesn't mean they are. Even if they are in uniform they could be BGs intent on home invasion. Ask them their name and unit number so you can call the station and verify that they are legit. Years ago I worked a midnight - 8 AM shift and was in bed when there was a knock on the door. My wife went to the door and saw through a window in the door two men dressed in police uniforms. She came and got me up. I got dressed and answered. I was extremely familair with the local city police uniform (Police Explorer in the late 1970s). There had been a break in at neighbors garage behind our apartment and they wanted to see if anyone had seen anything.I also told them that with so much police stuff being bought through the mail my wife wasn't sure if they were real or not. They understood and were glad someone took the time to check. Also remember that uniforms do occasionally get stolen.
You did good Marine. Thanks for your service.

The only thing that concerns me is that he now knows you have firearms inside the apartment. They can probably assume that you don't take the with you when you leave for the base. Make sure you have them secured so they can't get them during a break-in while you're gone.
Howdy all! I do not post to internet forums because I have certain family and career responsibilities that take up the bulk of my time. However, I decided to make an exception in this regard. Keep in mind, I am not attempting to "jack" this thread or make anyone angry, but simply trying to provide a second viewpoint. I am not trying to be insensitive or argumentative, but simply trying to provide information that would be helpful to the OP.

Most everyone who has replied to this thread have been saying "good job" to the OP because of his military status. It is an officer's job to arrest anyone who has broken the law. Of course, there is discretion, but when the crime involves a minor and especially firearms then the discretion becomes limited. I would not be able to let someone off with a warning for committing the crime of menacing against a minor. I would simply make the arrest and allow the Prosecutor to figure out the "next step".

Remember that children will be children. They will knock on doors, step on your toes and maybe even take their paintball guns and spray your garage. However, there are very limited circumstances where you can respond in kind. For example, if a 5 year old stamps on your toe with all his might then you cannot do the same in return. The court system and law enforcement tends to take a very dim view of any assault against a small child no matter what the reason. Even convicted criminals tend to take a very dim view of the issue.

You stated you believed the child was part of a burglary ring, but that is your assumption not based upon any fact. Simply because a child shows up knocking at a door does not demonstrate anything. I have had neighborhood children knocking at my door and running off...I have even had neighborhood children egg my house and spray it with paintballs. There is nothing I can do, but grin and bear it. Its just how it goes with children. Of course, I could call the police and make complaints against the children, but I think that would make it worse and provoke them further.

Lets say you had clear and convincing evidence the child was part of a burglary ring in the area. Lets say you had a video tape of the child conspiring with a group of known burglars discussing how they would rob your home. Even in that circumstance, there is still no reason to display your weapon to this child...that is still menacing. If you believe the child is part of a ring, then call the police and let them handle it.

My not ever display your weapon to a young child. You might be committing the crime of menacing. If you were to point that weapon then that would be assault. You may say you did not point it, but then the child might say different and then it will come down to who they believe... The judges in my locality will give you a hefty sentence for any crime against a child. There is also a few other crimes that I could probably fit this circumstance under like child abuse. It doesnt matter what the child was there for, the fact is that you were mentally abusing this child through intimidation with a firearm. You could easily be looking at a few years in prison if you got in front of the wrong judge.

Buy renter's insurance. Do not go around trying intimidate the neighborhood kids with your firearm. That will land you in jail and I would arrest you. You can say you are a Medal of Honor can say that you thought the kid was part of a ring, but I have to do my job in the end which will include taking you to jail and impounding your weapon. Your fight should be with an insurance company and not someone's child.

Frankly speaking, if you displayed your weapon to any of my children then I would take it personally. Even if my children were actively causing trouble, then I would still make a complaint against you. The simple fact is that these are my children and, even if they were knocking on your door, there is no reason to be racking your 1911 or displaying it to them. I would take serious offense at the issue, file a criminal complaint as well as sue you in civil court.
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Rob, hey brother, if I were you then I would've went to condition 1 before opening the door. Additionally, if you didn't have to open the door then I wouldn't have. I would've told the dude to leave & observed the outside. If the guy didn't leave & continued his questions or began harrassing you, then I would announce that you were armed & were calling the police.

That in itself could've sent the guy running. If worse come to worse & the guy attempted to make entry to your house, you could've fired from a covered position & additionally the guy is "IN" your house & would make your case of self defense much more beliveable in court.

Semper Fi brother;
SSgt Hoskins
I think you did an excellent job. Always best to be prepared than not. You kept a good mind set during the event! Whatever their intentions were, they now know that your door is not the door to be knocking on at 11 pm.

1. Knocking on someones door at 11 pm?
2. Running off as you open the door?
3. Your knowledge of the crime rate in the area.

Sounds pretty shady to me. Great job Marine!

SEMPER FI Devil pup!
There is a difference between a 16 year old and a 5 year old. The last group of kids that went around paint-balling from their car got arrested on assault charges, so you don't have to simply grin and bear it. I did not state that he was part of a burglary ring, I stated my assumptions as to what he was up to. I do have renters insurance, and I do not go around trying to intimidate neighbors kids with a firearm. This was someone who I have never seen in the apartment complex before, and I have every right to stay within the threshold of my apartment with a firearm in my hand at 11PM when someone starts knocking on the door.