Knife Tactics


New member
Anyone know a good webpage with information about tactics with folding knives and such? I've been looking around but haven't found much of anything. Thanks!
1) Avoid a knife fight at all costs. Nothing good can come from it (except, hopefully, surviving).

2) Be like Nathan Bedford Forrest. "The firstest with the mostest."

3) If your adversary is armed, "defang the snake."
Best tactic in a knife fight:
Look youre opponent dead in the eye , show no fear,
Turn around
Put your weight on your left foot , lift your right leg and put it down,
Do the same with your left foot,
Now speed it up.
If you fight like that , you'll live to fight another day
No , serieusly , look on the internet for US army field manuals. Try to find FM 3-25.150 , it has a lot of info on bare handed and knife fighting.
Follow the Jim Bowie method: Be enormously strong, ruthless, and insensitive to pain. Use enough knife. Close quickly with your enemy and ply the knife with a will. Then, be gracious and downplay the seriousness of your wounds during your long convalesence.
I only asked because I don't have my CCW yet. So I have a pocket knife with a 4 inch blade or so. Of course running would be my first choice if face to face with someone else with a knife but that isn't always an option, considering my wife runs as fast as a slug, I would essentially be leaving her to her death. So basic ideas was all I was looking for.
You asked a question about fighting with a knife and everyone says "run away!" Strange.

We all know the best idea is to extract yourself from the situation, but if you cannot...

Knife fighting is extremely dangerous but not necessarily difficult to become effective at against your "average street thug". The idea is to make it extremely dangerous for the other guy.

However if you have NO CHOICE and HAD it defend yourself with a knife nothing will beat good training.

Check out the US Army Field Manual mentioned above it has some very good basic information.

While I do NOT in any way consider myself an expert (regardless of my High Speed Low Drag nickname:) ) I completed a basic training course in the service and then progressed to advance H2H.

Nothing much scares me more than the thought of facing off against a skilled knife fighter, or even a thug for that matter.

I have however, defended myself a couple of times with a knife. I have been cut twice and stabbed in the back once (nicked a lung and a nasty scar). Nothing I would ever want to repeat.

After training with the service I pursued training with a martial arts school, as I previously could not carry a gun back home, (another country). The "kung fu" school taught similar techiques as the military and focused completely on effectiveness. They were very very good.

So get a good sturdy knife within the legal requirements of your state (over 3" here in Colorado is considered a weapon and if concealed is a crime without CCW) Obviously if possible fixed blade over folder, longer over shorter. Try and find a good school.....

oh and don't forget to stab more than slash.

Anyone know a good webpage with information about tactics with folding knives and such?

Not too sure about info exclusive to folders, but IMO if you get quick at bringing your folder into action, you incorporate the same techniques as a fixed blade with a folder. At least those techniques that aren't limited by the folder's ergonomics.

Kill or Be Killed is an interesting read. 17 megs, kinda big, but IMO worth it. Can't really beat free.
Real-world gutter-knife-fights are dirty, vicious, brutal and savage.

A real-world knife-fight will be over before you find out that it has started, and luck is every bit as important as skill - if not more so.

If you are planning on going rodeo against another man carrying a knife, I suggest that you find something safer to do.

Playing chicken with a locomotive comes to mind.

If, however, you are interested in upgrading your knife skills, find and watch the video Surviving Edged Weapons, take some knife-fighting seminars, read Kill or Be Killed, and if you find that it floats your boat, invest in a Filipino Martial Arts course.

As cool as that site is, weerwolf, Clay himself will tell you that those moves have nothing to do with knife fighting. I can do aerials with a balisong, and I am also familiar with Filipino knife fighting, and never the twain shall meet.

I've just got to add to the chorus here. Nothing beats training in person on a regular basis. Seminars and camps should be supplements; videos and books little more than food for thought.

Actually prevailing in knife-on-knife combat is an incredible challenge. I've worked on my skills a fair amount, and whenever I spar I am horrified at how cut up I would be. You can spend your whole life pursuing mastery; it recedes into the distance.