Keystone State Roll Call!

Sorry about some delay ... been jawing on phone for ages!!

Here ya go Jamie ....


FYI .. this ol' phart is front row on furthest left ... and our Jamie is front row fourth from right.
Ain't that a fact!! I forget who they were for sure but yeah .. some had gone already when we took this about 2.00 pm. I think pappy John was one .. but forget who others were. That Jamie was one Mother of a good turn out eh. Great day.
PappyJohn is there.

The three in the back (from left to right) are Geoff Ross, Marcus and PappyJohn.

Missing from group picture:

My roommate Steve and his girlfriend, Armabill and his friend, Tigersharks girlfriend, my Mom and two Uncles. Yes I took my Mother to a THR gathering. LOL!!

That was memorable.
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took my Mother to a THR gathering.
Dammit ..... now I find out - and I'd like to have said 'Hi' too ........ oh well .... bring her again another time eh when I come along.

BTW ... I have just finished my NRA Instructors Course .. which includes RSO .. so if I come another time .. would be happy to RO for you to help out. You had a lot on your plate that last time.

I want more instructors next time because training 7 people by myself was a little much.

Dave Markowitz said he'd RO next time, too.

We gotta bump more people up to the rifle range. I think I'm going to force people with rifles to shoot at a minimum of 100yds. Too many rifles crowding the 50yd range.

By the way..... How many of you fellas are NRA Instructors?
How could you forget Mrs 9mm mike, next to her not so better half and Mrs Quantrill and grandson (?) next to Quantrill.
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Saturday, June 19th is a tentative date for the shotgun gathering.

I have to clear it with W&W first.

I'll fire off an email and make sure no other events are going on.

What time do you guys think you want to start?

We will be going on groups so it would be best if we are all there at the same time. Otherwise people may end up going by themselves.... which would defeat the purpose of having this gathering. :(

Stand By...

It's possible I might be able to make it. Need to check schedule, bah

I'll bring my toys. Never shot clay before, but I'll be willing to give it a try if everyone promises not to laugh too hard.

As I'm rather new here, might as well introduce myself. I'm RevDisk, and I'm from the Lancaster area. New to civvie shooting, but I've fired almost every major service rifle used in the world. I've fired everything up to and including automatic grenade launchers.

I personally own a SAR-1, a 1911, a Mossberg 500 and a Mossberg 5500MkII. Tuesday I pick up my Tikka T3, chambered in .308. I'm not used to bolt action rifles, but I plan on spending a decent amount of time learning.

As I said, I'm new to a lot of civilian ish weapons, but I'm always ready to pick up advice from others! Be nice to meet other shooters from the area.

We've only done this once or twice before.

Its great practice and lots of fun.

Non everyone is a Pro so don't think its going to be some fancy shmancy thing.
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Hmmm ........ wish I could come over .... enjoy smokin clays!! But .. summer schedule will remain too tight till around fall so .... gonna be a while yet before I make it over.

Look forward tho to something later ... be good to meet up with you guys again.

We are on for Saturday, June 19th at 12pm for "9mmMike's Holy Shotgun Gathering." :D

Water and Wings has informed me that they are closing the 5 stand and putting in a new FITASC course. I'm not sure exactly what that is.......

This is for fun and nothing serious.

Everyone is welcome.

Who is gonna be there and how many guests are you bringing?
I'm in for the 19th right now. Hopefully nothing work-related will come up. I might be able to bring one or two people, but I only have one shotgun. Are there rentals available?

FITASC sounds interesting. Apparently they get rid of the "stands" in 5-stand and instead you stand in a hula hoop out in the field. Since you're moving around like in sporting clays, you rarely see the same clay from the same direction. Some pics are here: