Just bought L85!!

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Might I point out to some here that if the Rifle in Question was a U.S. Issue M-4 taken from the body of one of Our Men, some of you here might not be so "Golly gee, Kewl rifle doood". Myself I would be outraged, but maybe that comes from seeing friends bled out and their gear missing.

The Revolution ended 227 years ago, since then we & the Limeys have fought and bled together all over the world. I really got to wonder about someone so flippant as to crack jokes about the Sunset of the British Empire......

Imagine the L85 was carried by your Son/Daughter who's dead, or a close friend, then laugh about it wise guy.(Gyvel, Looking right at you). You dont have to be a Dick all the time.
lol, great we managed to fit right into the mold of the stereotypical idiots we are thought to be by the rest of the world allready.

eeew wee, standby for hopalong Dingle berry, and his trusty sidekick, Numb nuts next poke at inter-nation-al reletions with Nato Allies.

11B3H, Spot on!
I don't know how much of it was us fitting the stereotype, or just the fact that the stereotype is out there. They were pretty quick to whip out "redneck" as well as calling us "disturbed individuals", saying that we need to "get out more...without our guns".
I suppose that I should prostrate myself before the gods of political correctness. I have in my posession a Arisaka bring back from Korea. Some poor Korean's son died an unfortunate death and I have profited from it. Please of gods of all things touchy feely, I beg your forgiveness.

Seriously gentlemen, pull your heads out of your ...... and get over it. The man scored an awesome weapon with a very unique story behind it. The fact that it happens to be an allied weapon wouldn't have stopped me from buying it either.

Firepower if your still here PM me and let me know where your new internet home will be. I have always enjoyed your posts and would like to continue to do so.

The rest of you can kiss it.
if the Rifle in Question was a U.S. Issue M-4...

Firepower! has an M4. In fact I think he has a few. And yes, they are still neat.

Arms move freely through the world, and they don't come with histories engraved on them. As long as laws are followed, there is no cause for screeching.

That forum is a sick reminder of the decline of the British culture. Your forefathers would be ashamed of your fear and loathing of simple steel objects.
God Forbid, but maybe if one of your grandkids gets shot by a Taliban and his weapon is now a trophy for another poster here, you might understand P8riot, though I doubt it.

And If you ever served in the Stan you'd understand that if they got the Rifle, they also Mutilated the Man carrying it pretty gruesomely. A Good Buddy of mine, a SFC. had his weapon taken and his head used as a soccer ball while still inside its ACH helmet. A Reuters cameraman filmed it in 2008. I bet you'd buy the helmet if they sold it.
My impression is that Firepower! hasn't acquired his weapons as any kind of "war trophies" or with any interest in whether or not the gun has a gruesome history. In fact, he seems to know very little about the histories of most of the guns he's posted about. To me, he just seems to be a guy that enjoys neat guns and has the monetary means to acquire them.
Lahey, I've served for over 28 years in the Infantry of this Nation, in War and Peace. My Forefathers served in the Irish Brigade, WWI, WWII, Korea And Vietnam. Sorry if I dont think this is an appropriate Souvenier. Would you be as cool if someone had SSG. Keith Maupins M16A2?

Or PFC's Tucker & Menchacas M4's?
That's the thing - if you're buying a weapon as a souvenir because of its history, or because of who it belonged to before they were slaughtered, that's one thing. But the simple fact is that military weapons get into civilian channels, often legally. If you're buying it for the weapon and not because of the story, I don't really have a problem with it. How many people on this forum have a 1911 that was in some G.I.'s hand when he died?
Would you be as cool if someone had SSG. Keith Maupins M16A2?

Or PFC's Tucker & Menchacas M4's?

If Firepower! were to end up with one of those rifles, it would actually be one of the better possible outcomes. They would be in the hands of a person who would give them the respect they deserve, and there would be zero chance of them being used against our allied forces.

Would it be the best outcome? No, of course not. But we do not live in a candy unicorn rainbow world. Notable arms both respectable and nefarious are bought and sold every day, and most do not find a home as legally compliant and above-board as Firepower! can provide.
I am amazed at reading this forum do none of you care where this SA80 came from have you really not thought how it came to be in Pakistan.

1. Stolen from a dead British solider

2. Stolen from an Arms store.

3. Battle field salvage.

I respect how the Americans view their gun laws but for gods sake use your brains there is no way that this weapon was bought legally and to it being legally registered in Pakistan I realy do not think so. A stolen weapon in any Country is a stolen weapon.

To clear things up all he has to do is provide the serial number as remember he says He bought it legally so would have nothing to hide or does he?

How would you all like it if it was an American weapon that had been acquired and was now in Pakistan you would be screaming the house down and demanding a drone strike on his house.

So stop bitching and ask for the serial number to be shown and jobs a good one .

But alas I do not think he will show it because we no ITS STOLEN.

And as to the sun setting on the Empire very sad we are I do belive allies but please remember.

1. We had an Empire

2. We founded America

Buts thats history and the past the Brish support the Americans and visa versa you will im sure agree that a stolen weapon is a bad thing.:rolleyes:
I've served my country for over 20 years.

I've seen more than 38 of my fellow Soldiers killed during that service. From wars to training accidents. Mogadishu saw many of my brothers killed and their weapons lost to the bad guys.

If an M4 shows up in a Pakistani's personal arsenal, I'm not going to worry about whether or not it came from my friend Tommy Field or one of the many others who lost their life doing a job only those who serve know the satisfaction and the love of doing.

I will not disgrace their memory by worrying about petty things such as that. Their memories mean so much more to me than that.

The weapon Firepower has isn't supposed to be "legally" acquired by civilian's in Britain or even America I would imagine. That does not mean, however, that it is illegal to own it in Pakistan. Unless you know the laws concerning that particular weapon in Pakistan, I suggest you stop getting your panties in a wad over the friggin Internet forum and insulting people for no reason.

If I were in your shoes, and this was a weapon that was only issued here in the U.S. to Army folks, I would contact my S2 and CID. I wouldn't make it SO MUCH MORE DIFFICULT to track down that weapon, and it's path to someone who by British standards shouldn't own it, by directly confronting the individual who has the damned thing. Now, the guy who has it that probably did acquire it through legal means in his country, is going to make sure it disappears. Making it that much more difficult to track it down should your country even care to expend the resources to get it. But by creating such a row in this thread, anyone associated with the theft, if that is indeed how it was eventually moved to this guys possession, will now be forewarned of any investigative measures taken to figure out how it got there in the first place.

So chill out. You've just made the investigation SO much harder with your e-peen crap.

And YES. If this were a weapon in a person's hands that I knew shouldn't have it, I would be upset too. But I wouldn't cheapen the loss of my friends by bringing that aspect into it and I certainly wouldn't forewarn the very people I was hoping to catch by getting all this out in the Internet. :rolleyes:
as a soldier i also feel uncomfortable about the idea of a private owner with this weapon. it is possible that this gun came to pakistan in an honest manner, however i believe that is extremely unlikely. I realize that everyone here is sensitive about the right to own weapons but we cant just ignore a potential moral issue because the firearm is cool.

i myself would love to own a LA85. but i would not be comfortable owning one that may have come from a dead soldier, whether the law said the gun was ok or not.

for those of you who wish to just ignore the weapon's past and say "well at least the gun is in a collection, not shooting at our troops" think about it. you can buy a lot of AK's for the money that an LA85 will get you. and someone got a lot of money for this rifle

i cant believe people on here seem to be fine with someone spending thousands of dollars for a weapon that was quite possibly taken by violence from allies fighting with us in afganistan.
Imagine the L85 was carried by your Son/Daughter who's dead, or a close friend, then laugh about it wise guy.(Gyvel, Looking right at you). You dont have to be a Dick all the time.

The fact of the matter is that he has NO idea of who possessed the weapon, nor the circumstances under which it was acquired before he LEGALLY purchased it (at considerable expense, I might add).

I resent the high handed manner in which you have hounded, humiliated and badgered him. I don't think the man has any obligation whatsoever to supply the serial number of said gun.

And you can look at me all you want; I LEGALLY own many Lee-Enfields, Webley & Scotts, Inglis and FN High-Powers and, yes, even a real live, legitimate L1A1. So why don't you imagine if one of those guns was carried by one of your grandfathers/fathers/uncles/brothers or a close friend. Furthermore, I served next to ANZACs in southeast Asia, so I am well acquainted with the horrors of war.

Stop making ridiculous speculations and leave Firepower alone. War is Hell. People die. Guns are sold all over the world.
The real point is that this rifle wasn't sold by the MOD. If it is indeed a battle field find I'd like to know who found it and passed it on. There is a very good chance that it was the Taliban so by buying this rifle (either from the person who found it or from someone way down the chain) you are actually helping to fund them to buy yet more weapons to kill and wound British and American soldiers.
Well good luck with that, you have already destroyed any chance of a fruitful investigation with your bumbling.

If you had approached the man in private and arranged for the sending of a letter on proper letterhead, or even a respectful phone call, you may have got somewhere.

Instead, you and a pile of other extremely low level subjects of the crown came on to a public forum and rudely started asking pointed questions and insulting the only person in a position to immediately give you the information you want.

Great move, Sherlock. Pass this on to your superiors so they can try to undo the damage you have done, if you want to risk the repremand you will surely receive for your conduct if you do so, that is.

The incompetence and arrogance you have displayed in your crude attempts to learn about this rifle are shocking. You may want to stop talking at this point and bring in somebody with a sense of tact and common decency to respectfully ask the man for his assistance IN PRIVATE.
How about lockin the thread? I am sure we have had enough idiots form accross the pond castng slights at Firepowers character and accusing him of crimes with no proof. Hopefully he is willing to continue to be a member of this forum.

The brits are just jealous anyway, they let their own government disarm them.............thankgod for the revolution :)
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