Just bought L85!!

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Were not trolling here.
Just would like its serial number.
So we can find out if it was stolen or lost in combat.
We are not asking for the thing back. To be honest, my Royal Military Police friend would like to know. to see if we have an armourer selling rifles.. which the RMP are very interested in.
The A2 has never been sold to the public. As it was an upgrade on the A1.

And we have enough of our own 'full autos' infact, i have an armoury full about 100m away from me. Want some pics of the new gpmgs we just got in, not a round through them, except the proof round, gun **** :P

Humm, abit funny he runs away after someone asks where the gat comes from dont you think?
We'd just like to know the history of this particular rifle as I've already said, the A2 version has only ever been used by the British Army.
Its quite possible that this has come onto the market via a route that may actually be directly funding the Taliban.
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If you have a problem with his lawfully owned firearms, perhaps you should take it up with the government of Pakistan. They are the ones who approved the sale.

We don't demand serial numbers of arms from people on this forum, and they are usually not provided. Guns are assumed to be legal as it is a basic human right to own them. Perhaps you brits should take a moment to remember that.

Or go back to field-stripping your airsoft guns and leave the firearms to free men.
Field strip my airsoft gat? Ill remember than next tour.

Sorry for being concerned at a possible act of arms trafficking, forgive me?
forgive me?

Sure, and thank you for your service.:)

But this is really not the proper place for your inquiry. The government of Pakistan has all the info you wish. The serial number, the name of the dealer, and everything else.

Fire up the diplomatic channels and you may get somewhere, Firepower! is just a lawyer with a legal firearm.
No issue with him. Id buy the thing if i could, well if i didnt have access to them.
Just wanted to see where the rifle came from, possibility of rifles being stolen from stocks etc.
Were not getting at him, mainly whoever nicked it, looking at it, its a reserve rifle, as it has an A1 handguard, and its freshly painted, susat is broken by the looks of it aswell.
So, it appears to be a reserve rifle, if they are ending up in Pakistan, then i really need to report it to the RMP, who'll do all the democratic crap, just a seiral number would prove its pinched, and who was responsible for it when it was nicked.
Also, watch out if its a Kyber pass special..
yea how about yall quit profiling someone because of their national origin. for the love of christ your first post basically said " this dude is a terrorist because he is in Pakistan and has a gun!"

So why dont yall quit with the accusing about something you don't know anything about. Hell most likely it was traded off by some British solider for god knows what. The nerve

P.s we still love you firepower even if these gun-less brits dont
M4, I like firepower...but as a policeman, I can see where a member of the British military would really want to know how that weapon got lost...because hell we know it came from Afganistan, its no big guess. I even ask in a nice way.

Owning it doent make firepower bad anymore than one of us buying a M1911A1 that was stolen 40 years ago from the USMC and purchased over the counter at the local Cabelas store. Stuff like that gets into channels. Especially in that part of the world. i allways liked seeing what he would buy next. Im all for him having what ever he is allowed to have, and as many as he can afford.

He would get to keep his L85,he purchased it through channels with gov't ok- the squadies just want to know if there is a crook in thier army, or it was spoils of war/battlefield pickup from a IED ambush site.

in the same situation, I woulnt be offended when ask to help authorites clear up a mystery...hell I would want to know if I had a dead troopers gun.

profiling..that was a laugh.
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I was only an Army Cadet, but I did get to use the L86A1 LSW when I was a senior Cadet. Up until that point I used the L98A1 single shot rifles.
I've not used an L85A1 or A2 at all, though the L86A1 LSW is close enough.

Accurate, but a little bit awkward, and heavy for a 5.56mm weapon.
Good God

Hey Ass Hats! It isn’t a matter of your curiosity or his legality. Why not freaking reread what you all wrote in this thread! When it comes down o it you all had to be MR FREAKIN KNOWITALLS instead of being inquisitive new members. Look at yalls post counts Christ in heaven if you have a question ask it but don’t word crap so it makes someone else look like a terrorist or bad guy or whatever! Yall have just contributed to running off a great and VERY POLITE GUY, regardless how you want to justify it. Putting it a bit more blunt I WOULD RATHER YALL LEAVE THAN A REAL CONTRIBUTING MEMER OF THE BOARD! If you are curious if it was taken off the dead body of a fallen freedom fighter and later resold ask that crap in a PRIVATE MESSAGE! If you are curious as to its legality ASK IT IN A FREAKIN PRIVATE MESSAGE! We are all friends here and we are all looking to learn more about this great hobby we all share. So if you have knowledge, share it, if you have a question, ask it, but if you are here to make people think you have something other than a banana in your pants…. Go to a bar. Or … your local gun shop! Now then... If you have just read this and it applies to you directly and it has made you even the least bit angry think about how your previous post made firepower feel and maybe just maybe you will get my rant!

With much love
Austin, take your meds.:rolleyes: most of your 104 posts are WTB/WTS releted...oh, and you can "kill with your pocket knife"
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not trying to be an ass

but I think both the sides are at a fault...

questions of serial numbers could have been asked privately [if at all]...

but firepower deleting his photobucket is also strange and unusual... he is also the owner of a gun forum in pakistan that now mostly remains off line but has never showed these weapons there apart from l85 I guess!!

this guy has been claiming different numbers of weapons sometimes it 40 Aks sometimes its 100 guns.. never been bothered really.. I am no friends with him or anything

seriously I doubt one can have that many FA licenses ( a PB license) that costs upwards of $2.5k [think: bribes etc] but well yes he is somewhat resourceful and from what I gathered he is in real estate business as well!!

in Pakistan real estate business is mostly about getting hold of someone else land, enmities etc .. that is maybe why the guy is paranoid about getting a hit on him!! :D jokes apart he's a good member and contributed a lot to this website!!

I have heard some really worrying remarks about Pakistan!! well it may have flaws but we all are not terrorist!! In fact Pakistan has paid the heaviest price for this war on terror more than 2500 soldiers have fallen and more than 10000 civilians have been killed we have had our economy slumped..

Just because you think one person is shady the whole of the country should also be the same??? :cool:

I have been a quite member learning from the more knowledgeable members on the forum but seriously I cant take the fact that I am in a company of people that brand us terrorists!

good bye and take care
who is branding anybody as a terrorist? firepower says he baught it from a dealer with govt approval......no reason to doubt him on that, but that gun,
unlike a commercial offering could have only come from the British military.
its a current model and MOD property. Needless to say its allready been written off, and arent expecting it back....but they are concerned that there is a criminal wearing a british uniform- selling L85's. The UK doent give L85's out as aid, because they have too few to go around for there own uses.
There just isnt that many of them....and they aren't in production.

if it was a brand new MK16 SCAR we americans would have the same concern.
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That is really not what we were saying..
Pakis, got to love them, worked with them, good bunch.

We do not supply weapons in 'aid packages' well not L85 as it is known that no other army uses them, so they are traced back to us.
IF anything, well throw in some M16/M4's, because they are too common to trace.
So we know where this one came from, an to be honest, the military police are quite interested in arms trafficking routes, after all the people who brought this out of afghan, are the ones bringing in the aks and ied materials..

This thread got posted on the british army's forum, caused great concern through many ranks. Conern as to where it came from, not who has it now.
OMG! I had best be silent about my Lee-Enfields, Webley & Scotts & Sniders, lest HM Government start investigating me...

I thing I owe everyone an apology for not replying before I called it a day. Please know that in Pakistan in Derra Adam Khail of tribal region all guns are available foreign as well as Pakistani. This was a burnt piece which got fixed up and was up for sale and I bought not know it would upset anyone. I will return it to seller- period. If anyone of you have been in that region yopu would know that there are tons of auto weapon with new numbers cuz they usually get their burnt or broken.
I have been part of this community and loved you guys, as I lived in the US as well and love it. To this day my best frineds are not from here but from the US. I never thought I would be accused here for innocently sharing my hobby. I hate Taliban (bastards) as much as you guys. They killed more Pakis then any other nation. They are the desease that we suffer from more then any other nation. With American+international community help we will win the war against them.

If anyone is conern about the military arms plesae take a visit to Derra Adam Khail or Jamrood in Pakistan and you will know what I am talking about. Once you choose a weapon there it then gets registered on your license through a tribal malik (leader who has authority to do so).

Last night was my daughter's birthday and this mess ruined it for me. I am not whinning but I am very disappointed that the time I took to post over 2000 posts and pictures went in vain. I tried so hard to be part of you guys, and 99.999% of you are wonderful bunch. I also wish I was in the US like you where I could walk in to a good store and buy branded stuff. Unfortunately, I dont have that luxary.

Now that I have told all of you where in Pakistn auto weapons are avialable. I reqyest the MODs to close this thread and put an end to this mess. I deleted my photo bucket because I dont want to be accouned of steeling some one's broomhaldes or pistols. I am a law abiding citizens just like you and wont want to be part of any mess.

Again I am sorry if I have "unintentionally" hurt anyone's feelings.
Fire power. keep the gun it is yours. The mod will let you keep it. If there is nothing wrong with it. please keep as we may need it to make sure no ones selling them in the uk.
No reason to leave, or even consider it that much of a mess...no one is laying any hate on you. No one is trying to take your L85 away.
Seems a whole bunch of folks are reading these posts and seeing words that that my computer screen isnt showing.
The only thing it has really identified so far is that a couple of posters on my side of the ocean have some really skewed sense of right and wrong(and their darn proud of it)
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Hi Guys, I am a long time lurker here and am an ex pat living in New York, and have just joined to comment on this thread.

Gun laws are very different in the UK, and gun collecting & shooting for civilians is virtually non-existent now.

I have tracked down the following thread on a British Forces Forum


which I believe started the posts on here.

The L85A2 (modified L85A1) of the the SA80 series have never been sold or supplied to anyone outside of the British Forces, (A number of un-modified A1's were) and certainly not as an 'Aid Packages' as it would be traced back with ease. The British Govenment have plenty of captured weapons including AK's & FAL's should they wish to do so.

The guys posting here are serving soldiers who's feelings are high about a possible weapon taken of a dead British soldier, or stolen from somewhere, and are trying to find out where this weapon came from.
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