July 4 armed march in DC...???

Heaven help me, I read through the posts on their Facebook page. It's more incoherent vitriol (from both sides) than the human mind should be expected to ingest.

Some of the folks opposed are planning to throw firecrackers at the protesters to see how they'll react. Even if that doesn't happen, wait until the cops get rough with just one of these guys. The whole situation is a powderkeg filled with radioactive rattlesnakes.
Did the shootings have anything to do with the current push?

Of course, there was a contingent of folks who hate guns and were ready to ban guns.

However, the Obama administration wasn't active. In fact, early on Rahm Emanuel shut down Holder who started to babble about a new serious AWB attempt. Yes, they were for it but did nothing. Without Sandy Hook, maybe nothing would happen.

Sandy Hook started what is known as a moral panic. Many folks felt that horror meant you had to do something. The killing of children unleashed two major moral atrocities. Taking the life of innocents and killing kids.

That overcame the political calculus of just spouting platitudes and doing little. I don't think it was a conspiracy on Obama's part to wait for a horror. The kids pushed him into full gear and thus he allowed Biden and senate members to go full bore. Note that Reid wasn't really into it.

That's my take. You can go for a conspiracy waiting for a horror but I think it's more straight forward and explainable on the moral panic basis plus the folks who always hated guns.
Glenn E Meyer,

One of the Presidential elections debates between Obama and Romney a question was asked about ak47's. Both of them I believe taked against these type of guns.

That told me right there what was up. One of these two men would be the President.

Something was going to be coming down the pike.

Did you watch those debates and hear that question?

So regardless of any shootings it was coming IMO.
An armed march on DC is a bad idea at best. I'm all in and all for drawing a line in the sand, pointing to it clearly and letting our government know that we who stand just behind this line have had enough. We've given all we intend to give and you have taken all you will. But drawing that line is a defensive move, whereas marching on DC armed is as offensive as it gets. I would strongly advocate using the defense line prior to looking for, almost asking for, trouble.
Some of the folks opposed are planning to throw firecrackers at the protesters to see how they'll react. Even if that doesn't happen, wait until the cops get rough with just one of these guys. The whole situation is a powderkeg filled with radioactive rattlesnakes.

Somebody needs to stop these crazies before the media starts painting with an even broader brush. At the very least a strong statement of condemnation from various gun rights organizations would be a good idea.
Did you watch those debates and hear that question?
I did, and at the time they amounted to hot air. There was little support in the legislature for any sort of gun policy.

Sandy Hook was a catalyst, one that could be exploited and gave momentum to the gun-control lobby they hadn't had in twenty years. Without it, I doubt we'd have had a credible push at all.

We're at the crossroads of a great precipice here. That legislation is still out there, and there's no depth to which our enemies won't sink to belittle and misrepresent us. A bunch of armed nutjobs clashing with police or counter-demonstrators while committing a felony would be a gold mine for those people.
Marching in Washington I believe is a worthless cause as well.

When ordinary Americans lose the fight to have Christmas be called Christmas, in certain places across the country so that no one is offended you know the support is gone on a serious level.

Doing something like this will only quicken the day that many are dreaming of, the banning of private ownership.

People often follow and do as they see others do and without full thought to the repercussions.

I may sound passive but I see that people have changed and find myself among the minority more often then i ever thought i would. I see no need to fall on my sword with the exception of only one that is worth that kind of sacrifice.
You have to choose your battles so to speak and this one is not worth it.
Tom Servo
Heaven help me, I read through the posts on their Facebook page. It's more incoherent vitriol (from both sides) than the human mind should be expected to ingest.

I know right? And these folk get to vote on your future!!!!! Something should be done.
Anyone who joins this fool's crusade is going to end up as a convicted felon and lose all their rights.

You do have to appreciate the irony of it. I suppose it's sort of a gun owner's version of natural selection.
Can we say, "Agent Provocateur?"

Some of the folks opposed are planning to throw firecrackers at the protesters to see how they'll react. Even if that doesn't happen, wait until the cops get rough with just one of these guys. The whole situation is a powderkeg filled with radioactive rattlesnakes.

I couldn't agree more. What I'm really afraid of is that the organizers will attract a nut fringe (nut fringe of the nut fringe, if you will) who will try to resist the inevitable arrests that will occur. Slain policemen and slain protesters. Result: Gun Owners = Terrorists. :mad:

Where's the banghead smilie when you really need it? :(
This is a horrifically bad idea, with the potential to create real problems for the RKBA as a whole. What they're doing is patently illegal in the District. Right or wrong, like it or not, it is illegal.

There was a time when it was illegal for a certain group of people to ride at the front of the bus also. Folks still chose to break the unjust laws because they needed breaking.
This is such a terrible idea. This is a perfect example of how the actions of a few can potentially have serious consequence for all of us law-abiding gun owners as a whole. The mainstream media will latch on to this story and drain it dry, to the detriment of the pro-2A movement.

Have any gun rights organizations come out and publicly condemned these people? And if not, we all need to be writing these organizations and telling them to. These irresponsible people do nothing to further our cause by violating the laws (however wrong they may be) and undoubtedly causing serious, potentially deadly armed confrontation between groups of people and law enforcement. There is just no good that can come from this.
There was a time when it was illegal for a certain group of people to ride at the front of the bus also. Folks still chose to break the unjust laws because they needed breaking.

They choose to boycott the buses not make an armed march on Montgomery just to see what would happen. It wasn't a felony either.
A armed march on DC is a horrible idea. Like other posts have mentioned here this all the makings of PR catastophe of epic proportions. Why would you give our opponents something that would potentially undo any progress we have made?

We are winning most of these battles in state legislatures. Im writing the NRA and GOA to intervene.
"I have to believe that the DC government cannot afford politically for this proposed armed march to happen."

Politically, it's gun owners who can't afford for this moronic fiasco of an idea to take place.
Low information content is more dangerous than I thought. We just had a first pass at federal gun control and it failed, as it should based upon our system as set up by our founders. It failed because Washington worked in our favor because we the people picked our man/woman to speak for us. It worked, we do not have an AWB, or a limit on mags or anything for that matter.

So, our reaction to this success is to do something like this idea? Let's go show them how much we don't pay attention?

You don't need to carry a gun to DC, just carry some common sense into the voting booth.
This is a horrifically bad idea, with the potential to create real problems for the RKBA as a whole.
I wonder at time just which side someone like this is really on. I'd have a hard time coming up with a better PR event or better image for the anti-gun to play to and use as an example as something as truly stupid as this.

Odds are it's not going to happen. Don't know who this guy is or even care to find out...but I'd bet money on him cancelling it for whatever reason before too long.
You don't need to carry a gun to DC, just carry some common sense into the voting booth.
That's my biggest frustration with the gun culture. The guy screaming about how he's had it with "the way things are" and wants to "take his country back" doesn't actually...um...really...vote. He doesn't contact his elected officials. Most of the time, he doesn't know who they even are. He just shows up on the weekends to yell at the choir.

I'd love to do an honest poll of the political involvement for these guys. I'd wager it's pretty close to zero.

All of which makes public displays like this more repellent to me.