Jena, LA (Jena 6) - Thoughts

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Six on one is "Mob Action" and should be treated accordingly. Assault and battery by mob action is the change that should be brought against anyone who does that. I don't care about your skin color. They committed a felony and should be charged with such.

Personally, I have experienced , first hand ,multiple black people attacking me, as a teenager, for nothing more than the color of my skin and my willingness to tell them what they can do with themselves. So for people to deny that there is racism on both sides is foolish. Ironically that group of three on one in one incident, all of which started with one teen wanting my box of cookies, I told him to go get his own box and get a job. What did he do? He went and got two more friends to try and scare me into submission. All the time calling me cracker, pinky and white boy. They had no clue that I am 1/4 Cherokee Indian and not a white man.

Then a second incident occured with four on one. Neither time did it work out for them and they all ended up having to run off like the weakling racists they were. Some people you shouldn't screw with and having numbers doesn't guarantee a win.

This garbage about racism only being one sided is just that. No one can tell me different as I know the truth from first hand experience.

Don't do the crime, if you don't want to do the time. When convicting a person for a crime is has nothing to do with who they are or their color of their skin. It has everything to do with what the accused has done.

To charge them with attempted murder is a far reach, it is the wrong charge.
Tell me were charging and convicting the Jena 6 with Assault and battery by Mob action is incorrect?

So now what should the noose hanging morons be charged with?
Redworm said:
The difference is that you choose to be a biker. One does not choose the color of one's skin or anything else genetic.

Your slant is the same as saying that a girl in a short skirt is "asking to be raped."

I may have the choice in modes of transportation, but I do not control your mouth. Espousing epithets and insults is entirely at your discretion.

You may not like people of different races, you may not like bikers. Bikers may not like you. However, you are the one who controls your actions.

(BTW, lots of bikers haven't the faintest idea on debate, Rules of Order or polite discourse. I have tried to get them into 'finsihing schools' and choir practice, but most of them show little interest...)
Your slant is the same as saying that a girl in a short skirt is "asking to be raped."
Not exactly. You being called a RUB is nothing like a girl being raped.

I may have the choice in modes of transportation, but I do not control your mouth. Espousing epithets and insults is entirely at your discretion.
I agree, however my point remains. If a biker becomes so troubled by the insults that it's not worth being a biker he can choose to be a cager.

A black guy can't choose to be white because people keep dropping the n-bomb around him. However neither he nor you have any right to assault anyone based on someone's words. Just saying that comparing a biker to a victim of racism is not even in the same ballpark.

Even folks that are victims of prejudice due to their sexual preference don't have it as rough because it's not an outwardly visible distinction (well...usually :p). Denigrating someone based on their mode of transportation is a pinprick compared to the gunshot of denigrating someone based on their skin tone or facial structure.
You know, people are offended way too easily these days. Everyone is looking for something to get offended over so they can blow up over it and cause a big stink and maybe sue someone for millions of dollars due to "mental anguish". What a load of BS. Anyone can say anything they want to me, it's my choice wether or not to be offended, or just brush them off as being idiots trying to get a rise out of me. Certainly I'm not black, and to the best of my knowledge, have never had an ancestor lynched due to the color of his skin. I do, however, have family members that have fought and died in every major war in the last 100 years. I'm not out wooping every Muslim I see because the radical Muslims in the middle east are calling for the deaths of all Americans, and I see it as the same thing. If the noose thing in the trees was truly the precipitating factor in this whole mess, then why didn't the march and all the hoopla happen before the school was burned and 6 thugs jumped another one? You can label me racist here if you want to (wouldn't be the first time, but again, what people say doesn't tend to offend me so have at it) but I see some nooses in a tree like burning the American flag. Sure, it's upsetting, but I'm going to get into trouble if I beat the snot out of someone for burning our flag. So I choose to not let it upset me. I don't see the difference in some racist hanging a noose from a tree or walking up to a black guy on the street and saying "I would like to kill you N___!" Sure, it's a pretty rude and hateful thing to say, but it should fall into the freedom of speech category. Some black guy can certainly come up to me and say "I would like to shoot your white ass" and walk away and not have commited any crime against me. And as long as he didn't pose any real threat to me, he would walk away, I don't care what he says to me. I don't know, maybe I take the whole personal responsibilty thing to heart too much. Just seems to me that if everyone had a little bit thicker skin, the world would be a safer place. I'm not excusing racism by any means, I'm just saying act accordingly, that's all. The 6 young men in Jena chose not to act accordingly. Therefore they are being punished. They chose to beat a young man into unconsiousness, then continue to kick and stomp him in the head. I don't care if you're wearing flip flops, when you choose to stomp someones' head into the ground when they cannot defend themself, you have crossed the line and wether you thought about it or not you are now trying to kill that person. JuanCarlos, would it make any difference to you if the deadly weapons in this case were the 6 guys feet and hands and not their shoes? You're hung up on a technicality I think. The emphasis shouldn't be on what was on their feet during the incident as much as what they were doing with their feet and what their goal was. It certainly wasn't to say hello.
So now what should the noose hanging morons be charged with?

According to the US Attorney the noose incident could be tried under federal hate crimes. However due to the age of the defednats they probably would not be prosecuted.
Redworm said:
Not exactly. You being called a RUB is nothing like a girl being raped.

I'd like rebuttal on two points.

First, you equate name-calling ("Hey, you RUB") with the act of actually being raped. Two different actions.

My take is one of choice in presentation. The girl elects to wear the skirt, the biker elects to ride his motorcycle. Clearly, there is no foundation for assault in either case. If the girl produces a weapon and kills the rapist it's "a good shooting."

Personally while I understand the anger of the biker, it's a little over-the-top to give the citizen the drubbing he deserves. The citizen opened his mouth deliberately, and you should be accountable for your speech and actions. I believe the application of sanity here is "don't poke the bear."

If a biker becomes so troubled by the insults that it's not worth being a biker

Then use that foundation in a turn-about situation. Suppose the captain of the chess club gets an "atomic wedgie" by a neighborhood bully everyday he leaves a contest. Would you say to the chess player, "If a chess player (biker) becomes so troubled by the insults that it's not worth being a chess player (biker)."

Of course not. As an American you can participate in any activity you want, as long as you do not trample the rights of others. The problem in this sceanrio is the neighborhood bully, not the chess player.

And so it is for the citizen on the sidewalk. I can do as I wish. Most of it is jealousy anyway. Heck, I don't drive over to his house and knock over his Malibu Barbie Fun House, why should he yell "RUB"?
My take is one of choice in presentation. The girl elects to wear the skirt, the biker elects to ride his motorcycle. Clearly, there is no foundation for assault in either case. If the girl produces a weapon and kills the rapist it's "a good shooting."
My point is that a biker being called a RUB is not an assault. :confused: So a girl wearing a short skirt and low cut top is certainly opening the door to being called a sausage wallet but not to being raped. A biker is opening the door to being called a RUB but not to being hit by an inattentive cager.

Going back to my original point, you still choose to be a biker. It's not your fault that someone calls you a RUB but the point is that if you choose you could alter your lifestyle so that no one would ever call you a RUB again. A black man cannot change the color of his skin to avoid being seen through a racists eyes.

Then use that foundation in a turn-about situation. Suppose the captain of the chess club gets an "atomic wedgie" by a neighborhood bully everyday he leaves a contest. Would you say to the chess player, "If a chess player (biker) becomes so troubled by the insults that it's not worth being a chess player (biker)."
I would tell him to do what I did wen jocks tried to pick on me and learn to defend himself. :p After I disabled the first star quarterback for a season by shattering his knee when he tried to push me around the jocks generally left this little nerd alone. :o

But in your example the neighborhood bully is physically assaulting him. If he was just calling him a nerd every day then yes, I would tell the chess club captain to either grow a thicker skin or get out of the cutthroat game of Xtreme Chess.

Of course not. As an American you can participate in any activity you want, as long as you do not trample the rights of others. The problem in this sceanrio is the neighborhood bully, not the chess player.
I agree but as an American you can also call anyone whatever you want to call them (or at least, you should be able to). Don't get me wrong, I get really offended when people call me a fag both in person and on this forum. But that doesn't mean I'm going to beat them into a bloody pulp for it.

And so it is for the citizen on the sidewalk. I can do as I wish. Most of it is jealousy anyway. Heck, I don't drive over to his house and knock over his Malibu Barbie Fun House, why should he yell "RUB"?
Unless his voice is loud enough to physically damage you or your property then you have no business doing anything of the sort.

Now, that being said I wouldn't call you a bad guy for doing it. Depending on the situation I might even help you out. But both of us would be going to jail and both of us would deserve it. :p
A black man cannot change the color of his skin to avoid being seen through a racists eyes

Everybody wants to make it about color.

I like to get in to the mall without the kids having to listen to MF this and MF that by youths sitting on the retaining wall.

I like to go to a movie without listening to MF this and MF that commentary.

I like to get gas without having my ear wax loosened by some thumping car stereo.

I don't like to support people who did not learn the necessary skills to compete in the workplace.

I do not like to support illegitimate children.

I do not like crime.

I don't care if you are purple,if you do this stuff I will have a problem with you because of your actions.Don't tell me it's because you are black.
Everybody wants to make it about color.

I like to get in to the mall without the kids having to listen to MF this and MF that by youths sitting on the retaining wall.

I like to go to a movie without listening to MF this and MF that commentary.

I like to get gas without having my ear wax loosened by some thumping car stereo.

I don't like to support people who did not learn the necessary skills to compete in the workplace.

I do not like to support illegitimate children.

I do not like crime.

I don't care if you are purple,if you do this stuff I will have a problem with you because of your actions.Don't tell me it's because you are black.
Wtf? You're the one associating those actions with blacks.:confused:
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nooses hanging off the back, repeatedly passing groups of demonstrators who were waiting for buses back to their home states.

This is what really bugs me, people from who nows where are adding fuel to the fire. While I would agree that the nooses are in bad taste, it hasn't caused injury like kicking someone in the head while they're down. I also don't see some of the reasoning here. Of course a black person is going to be viewed as a black. What do you think black people see when they see a white person- it's the first thing you see about anybody.

Unfortunately, the blacks will have the morons like JJ and Al making things worse just like the KKK is alive and well in the south and they are probably the ones with the nooses. All it does is stir up the masses and any old baggage.

DOITRIGHT, I can appreciate your position but the black heritage is not squeaky clean either. Why do you think the black soldiers were called Buffalo Soldiers? They killed the buffalo and starved the indians into submission. They were involved in the murdering of many indian women and children. Not condemning your race, it's just history. When you pull pics like the ones you posted and try to make a point, make sure your slate is clean.

I may need to start a different thread for this, but it coincides with the story. Isn't what these kids doing free speech?

Parading around town with nooses hanging from their truck, how is this any different than a KKK rally being allowed to organize and present their views. How is this any different than the Westboro Baptist Church picketing soldier's funerals and not inciting a riot? I am not saying these kids were right by any means, but the fact remains, even if the speech is not popular its still free.
Why do you think the black soldiers were called Buffalo Soldiers? They killed the buffalo and starved the indians into submission. They were involved in the murdering of many indian women and children.

Ddue that historical summary is so laughably wrong as to be in the realm of pure fiction.

1. Black soldiers were called Buffalo soldiers due to their hair and skin colour.
2. All settlers killed buffalo. Thats was US government policy.
3. There were no black soldiers at Sand Creek or Wounded Knee, among other masscres. I reckon though they got a few licks in somewhere.

WildthisthreadisgettingclosetoitsendAlaska TM
I may need to start a different thread for this, but it coincides with the story. Isn't what these kids doing free speech?
Absolutely. Idiotic, stupid, ridiculous and just plain evil speech, certainly. But free and protected nonetheless.
The kids that were arrested were the 6 young black men who perpetrated the assualt. Not the ones who hung the nooses from the tree. Were there any arrests stemming from the arson commited at the school? Just curious.
Wtf? You're the one associating those actions with blacks

No,I'm not.It is obnoxious behavior that everybody outside of a gated community is very aware of.

You must have associated it with blacks for some reason.

What's up with the "whites only" tree, that was promptly cut down once international media got wind of the fact that there was a school endorsed "whites only" tree?
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