Is this normal size for a wolf?

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This thread is funny.

Look closely at the texture and lighting of the pictures, particularly where the wolves' fur meets up with the men.

What are they claiming those wolves weigh and how long are they supposed to be? Assuming those men are in the 200 lb range, those creatures would be at least close to 300 lbs, which brings up another point: to casually hold up 300lbs of dead weight, which is more difficult to stablize than a conscious being, and grin for the camera no less, would mean those guys have body builder levels of strength. Look at them. Do you think they are that strong? :o
As stated the current NA record is 175 lb. To the best of my knowledge in North America their has only been one confirmed unprovoked fatal attack on a human by wolves in the last 100 years.

I wouldnt put 200+ lb wolves beyond the realm of possibility. How many of you have seen a whitetail that field dressed over 400 lb? (Possibly over 500 lb live weight) Yet such animals have been certified by fish and game departments.
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I Coonhunt with Hounds, and am often asked what do I do with the Coons ?
So now I get to ask the question, if you hunt Wolfe, or Cyote what do you do with the carcass after you shoot it ?:)
Well, I've had wolves run past my blind, a big black alpha male. I think some of you guys would be pretty impressed by the size of it. However, most of the wolves on our land are around this size....

The pic of this young one was taken by one of the bowhunters on the land a few years ago (about the size of a large German Shepherd) ....



  • wolfnormal2.jpg
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Here are some pics from when I did one of my vet internships at the wolf center. These are all full blooded grey wolves.

Me with a female. She's about 75 lbs:

This pic is with my wife. The young male here is about 95 lbs:

Me with a male. He's about 115 lbs. This is the average size for an adult male grey wolf:

Me with the black male and female again:
It's here in CO. It's a place where wolves that were pets or were ambassadors or things like that can come to 'retire' and to help educate the public. It was a lot of fun.
Wolves size? Don't let size fool you. They are the toughest and most respected wild thing in the woods. They look somewhat like a Siberian Husky with a straight tail. But exhibit more intelligence than most any other domestic dog species. Only the toughest and smartest of a pack are allowed to mate which helps the breed immensely. The earlier pix of those really BIG dogs being held up by their hunters are bogus. The photos of the gal knelt down petting a big penned up black male are real. The medium size gray dog crossing the road is a real good photo of one too. If by accident A Gray gets shot back in the woods? If the animal wasn't shot on private property? it's left for the ravens. Coyote hides on the other hand are not against the law to keep. Being caught by a DNR warden with a Gray wolfs fur/hide in private hands can get someone in Minnesota a 90 day stay in jail up to a $10,000.00 Federal fine and He may also be facing State charges with a good possibility or loss of hunting privileges for a year or two added on. Most hunters in MN would prefer Gray wolves to have been introduced else-where's in the USA to save the species from extinction.
LOL, everyone is accepting the pictures in post #46. Simply take that for verbatim truth, no reason to doubt that post and the fact that the female wolf is stated to be about 75 pounds.

Let's now take that wolf whose hind legs are almost as long as the mans and the front paws which are longer his arms and extrapolate to a wolf in the 140-150 pound range which is what many of these alpha males weigh with them as large as 175 officially and unofficial accounts of wolves as much as 210 pounds and imagine the wolf in the picture standing on her hind legs as double her weight.

I would venture such a wolf would be exactly what we see in the opening post. Once again, that 75 pound wolf is essentially as tall as the man if she would have had her head up instead of snuggling in on him. That is a SMALL wolf. Wait till you see one that is twice that size which is within the reported range for these critters. Post 46 says it all. These are huge, fast, and ferocious beasts that come in packs up to 20 or more. That is a real game changer in these woods.
Scroll down a little more than half way on the right to see Stryker, a 140 pound malamute. Admittedly, NOT a wolf, but it is a 140 wolf-like dog for sure. It is a HUGE mut to say the least and validates what a 140 pound wolf would look like in a picture.

Now if you folks say that wolves don't get to 140 pounds, then not much I can say. I believe the photos in the OP are real and why not. They are in the same size range as the 140 pound Malamute in the link above. Maybe that is a fake picture as well!!
As I've said before I've got a hunting magazine laying around here that I can't find that has a whole big article on those wolves, who shot them, all the details with those same pics. It would seem kind of irresponsible to put that in a well respected magazine if it were not fact. I've got a couple more places to search but I'm now determined to find it. If that is in fact a fake, the publisher of this magazine will be put up into this forum for you all to tear him apart. :D
I forget the "why", but on a Sunday back some fifty years ago I walked past the Silverwolf gun store in Detroit. There was a full-body mount of a wolf in the window. What really caught my attention was the size of the forelegs; as big as my arms, and that was back when I was young and healthy. At the time, I guesstimated a weight of somewhere around 150 pounds.
LOL the first few are fakes. If you've ever seen a 450 lb, 9 ft long lion "hug" its trainer, it looks about as big as the wolves in those pics.

North American wolves typically don't get much bigger than 170 lbs. Look at the proportions of the wolf heads to the men-----bogus.


I FOUND it!!

Magazine was "Big Buck" fall edition Vol. 23 No. 2 2009

Article "Potential World Record Wolf" by Jeff Grimolfson

Weight claimed 197 lbs.

Location Glenevis, Alberta

The pictures at the start of this post are from his article.

He's got it on vidocamera and it aired on "The Hunting Chronicles" on "Wild TV" website
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To all of the doubters: Do a google search for Wyoming Wolf Kill pictures and take a look. Just because you have not seen one of the huge beasts, doesn't mean they aren't out there.
No they must be photoshopped fakes. They couldn't be real and be that big. Don't you know that wolves are just friendly little dogs that people are so mean to and persecute them without any cause. LOL

I FOUND it!!

Magazine was "Big Buck" fall edition Vol. 23 No. 2 2009

Article "Potential World Record Wolf" by Jeff Grimolfson

Weight claimed 197 lbs.

Location Glenevis, Alberta

Very good! Glad you found it. The title of the article is apt. It has been over 2 years since this wolf was shot and yet there apparently are no official records verifying its weight, or not that I can find. There are no news accounts and no mention through various Canadian and US wildlife/environmental agencies, wildlife organizations, or confirmations by hunting organizations. At 197 lbs., a new world record for the gray wolf, you would think that "The Hunting Chronicles" would be playing up the hunt episode. It isn't often that such a program actually catches the hunter in action killing a world record sized animal. "The Hunting Chronicles" isn't doing anything with such historical footage and the event isn't even mentioned on their website. Why do you think that the only claims of this wolf being so heavy come from hunting rags, blogs, and forum postings? Why don't you think there is any sort of official record for it. I know I haven't found any and nobody else has reported any sort of official record listing either.

This really reminds me of the previous supposed world record Bulgarian wolf that was killed in 2007. It was reported to be 80 kg. (176.4 lbs), eclipsing the 175 lb. Alaskan record for gray wolves. Reports of its record status were noted wildly on the internet, but when attempts were made to verify the claim, it fell well short of the record weight.

So now this Canadian Gray Wolf is supposed to be the new record, and not just North American either, but would be the new world record for gray wolves.

Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof and that doesn't seem to exist with the wolf shown in the OP.
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