Is this normal size for a wolf?

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I wonder if the elk/deer population in these places are taking a big hit. Regular size wolves alone feed on elk, these look as though one or two would have no problem taking down a full size elk.
Is this normal size for a wolf?
LOL, my dog looks about 50% larger too with her winter coat. Look how much the guy's arms sink into the coat such that the arm wrapped around the wolf doesn't actually appear to be wider than the circumference of the rest of the wolf's coat.

THe Idaho wolves are gorging on huge dinners of elk and deer with a few domestic pets thrown in the pile from time to time. Yes, 180 pounds is seen here officially.

Wow A444, that is really amazing. Your "official" record seems to be from a hunter's boastful estimate to a reporter and not actually from any official source. Now I realize that no hunter has ever overstated the size of his kill and that like fishermen, can be counted on to provide absolutely unbiased and accurate results. However, if he really did have a 180 lb. MacKenzie Valley gray wolf, he would have the new record given that the record is 175 lbs. and was from a wolf taken in Alaska more than 80 years ago in 1939.

But hey, if you have access to "official" records that indicate that the wolves in Idaho are bigger than the previously held record, please share them with us. An unweighed and unconfirmed boastful estimate from a hunter to a newspaper reporter doesn't actually count.

It’s not surprising that wolf weights get exaggerated, said Jim Hayden, Fish and Game’s regional wildlife manager in Coeur d’Alene.

“They look huge,” he said. “They’ve got long legs, big heads and lots of fur.”

Those aren't fake photos. Those were in a major hunting magazine that I have somewhere laying around the house. They named the hunter and gave the story of it.

Oh please do share with us the name, year, and month of the major magazine with the pictures. Based on the internet postings, that wolf gets killed a lot, new every year since 2009 and has been killed in Idaho (generic state listing), Yellowstone, Sun Valley, Montana, Manitoba, and Alberta. Most of the posts have the wolf being from Canada and not the US.

Funny how the hunter who supposedly shot this now famous record 197, 230, 230+, or 235 lb. wolf, or his guide that was supposedly along at the time, didn't think to get the kill confirmed by any officials despite knowing it was a record. Most hunters would be extremely pleased to have their name associated with the largetst known wolf kill, and yet this hunter doesn't. Odd.

Oh wait, maybe there is no clear cut story, no famous hunter, no single weight or location, and no official record because the image and information are hoaxed?
Somebody had to put a silver bullet through the heart of the internet wolves before they completed their full transformation into 500 lb. monster werewolves that would kill us all.
Watched part of a TV show about Yellowstone, this evening. Showed a pack of some 16 wolves and some chase scenes. I'd guesstimate that on average they were in the 100- to 120-pound range. Statement of two elk kills per week for the pack, which to me seems a bit light...
I did one of my veterinary internships at a wolf refuge center. Males realistically get around 110 lbs with the biggest I worked with being an old male Arctic/grey hybrid who was almost 160. He was a monster. Keep in mind a 150 lbs wolf is significantly larger than a 150 lbs dog as wolf's are much less dense. They have a lighter bone structure and are built for hunting and running up to 100 miles in a day. A big male wolf can cause a lot of damage though. We used to get road kill deer and elk that we would give to the wolves and the big males could pick up an elk carcass that I had trouble dragging in and carry it off like it was nothing. The largest wolf in north America was recorded at 175 lbs whereas the largest wolf in the world was recorded at 190 lbs. Keep in mind a 190 lbs wolf would be significantly larger than a 250 lbs mastiff
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:eek: Holy crap I'm glad we don't have those beasts here. I've seen one wolf here but he wasn't any where near that large. For a size comparison though he was still quite a bit larger than our neighbors' 100lb. boxer....then again the boxer doesn't have that big fluffy coat of fur.
LOL the first few are fakes. If you've ever seen a 450 lb, 9 ft long lion "hug" its trainer, it looks about as big as the wolves in those pics.

North American wolves typically don't get much bigger than 170 lbs. Look at the proportions of the wolf heads to the men-----bogus.
That is NOT a bogus picture! It was a article in a hunting/gun magazine and gave the full story on it. The pics might have been taken to exagerate the size but I've got the magazine somewhere laying around here.

It has been nearly a month and you still haven't found that magazine? LOL.
Doesn't matter if shot in Idaho or not. They are the Canadian Mackenzie Valley wolf subspecies that is substantially bigger than the native canis lupis irremotis that was the primary subspecies in America. The transplanted wolf from the north is larger and more aggressive than the native wolf and we have been sold a bogus argument and a bogus wolf by the Feds. Yes, those critters are huge compared to what the eco folks would like you to know.
To me, they look way too large. I suspect photoshop.

But what do I know, I live in Dixie and have never killed a coyote over 35 lbs.
Uf!! Da. Big Dogs!!!

Being I hunt in Northern Minnesota I've seen some pretty large Timber Wolves over the past 10 yrs. Because of their being protected by law here. No one can shoot, trap or inhibit their life style of taking other wild game. Even if the slaughter / killing event is taking place within your line of sight. Your only option, is to do nothing.-- If a human/hunter is on the ground all alone back in the woods and a pack of 4-5 Timber Wolves or more comes along within 100 yards of where your standing. Probably chasing a deer that's wounded or a Buck tired and worn out because of the rut? " I guarantee if you find yourself in that scenario. The hair on the back of your neck will rise and your hearts beat will thump harder & faster than anytime other time in your life!"--Without thinking? you'll be counting how many rifle shells you have along or in your pocket?-- Because the stress this event places on you due in part because of the NOISE those BIG dogs make while driving their query into exhaustion.-- I've been in battle while Serving my Country and I have never felt threatened like the way I did when I encountered my first pack of Timber Wolves. Their coming thru the woods on a run driving there prey past me not more than 75 feet from where I was standing. Uf Da!! >Pushing a BIG 10 point deer just out ahead of them. The experience has never left me.-- They say: Time, for the most part will heal bad events in one's memory. <--->I'm not so sure about that?
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