Is there such a thing as a F/A grenade launcher?

We didn't have them in Somalia did we?

From what the book says, they had a couple MK19's on some of their Humvees in the rescue convoy. One part of the book describes how the gunner began shooting grenades into the open windows of the buildings that they were taking fire from. It was quite effective. :cool:
That thing looks like a bitch to move. I would think it would only be practical on a vehicle.

It's definately not a man-pack weapon. The ground mount is the same tripod that the M2 .50 caliber MG uses.

There is a great cupola mount for the HMMWV for the MK19. MK19 on one end, M249 SAW on the other :cool: .


Large, tripod or vehicle mounted fully automatic grenade launcher. They are big, bulky, requiring 2 people to carry it. We had them in the USAF (security forces) and they were used as our heavy support fire weapon. Not sure how they perform, as we never launched any rounds. Comforting though, decent range, and (on paper) good capablity to kill people and break their stuff. :eek: :D
The thing is a heavy beast however it is possible to break it down into pieces and jump it using several troops. Jumping the barrell in the weapon kit strapped to your side is not the funnest experience.
Just about everyone is making them. Very nice for direct fire support, and can apparently be used as indirect fire support, making it more flexible than a mortar. Having looked around at them a while back, it seemed to be a new thing. Don't know if it's good or bad.

If you watch the news, you'll see a good number of Mk-19s on the HMMWVs. And I was told once that they have teething trouble, requiring some amount of adjustment before being able to be fielded.
Wanna buy one

ANyone that can legally own one, let me know I think we can put the only M19 that is transferable in the US in you hands for something like $200K plus a fee.
last I saw miniguns were around 250K anr the MK19 was 350K. That aws a year or so ago, so I imagine it's much higher now.

just an aside the mk 19 can fire m203/m79 rounds but not the reverse much like the 38 special in 357 mag but not vice versa issue the fun thing in the marines with the mk 19 was watching the WMs having to put both feet on the breech plate and yank with both hands to cock the buggers LOL

"if my memory serves its been awhile"
date adopted 1980
length 103 cm
wt empty 35kg
wt loaded with 50 rd belt 55kg
cal 40mmx114mm
muzzel vel 787 fps
burst radius of he rd 10 mtr
min armimg range of explosive rds 13m
effective range 1600m (indirect fire 400 m direct fire)
max range 3100 mtr
rate of fire 350-375 rpm

as an aside the first fa 40mm adopted bt the us was the drum fed m 174e3 adoted in 1972 it fired standard m/79 rounds from a 12 round drum and was meant to be man portable much moreso then the mk 19
Gothig you are right about the mk19 being able to shoot m203 rounds, but not the reverse. Mk19 rounds are much higher pressure (HEDP) than m203 rounds (as the m203 has an aluminum tube). Trying to shoot a HEDP from a m203 would be the most amazing KB possiable I think ;)

Boys, I can assure you there are few finer joys in life than lighting up an alleyway or building full of little muj badguys scrambling for their life while you press the thumb release unleashing a steady stream of grenades. ooooh. i get giddy just thinkin about it. its hard to decide which is more fun. shooting badguys with the mk19 or the 50cal. the mk19 makes alot of smoke and dust so its hard to see where all the little bits of people go. of course badguys still "pop when ya shoot em" with the 50cal, too...often leaving a badguy's lower half just sitting there wondering where his upper half has gone to.
Thank You, God.

Would you have to manually cycle the Mk19 for each 203 round you put through it? It seems to me you probably wouldn't have enough pressure to do so.
USMC bulletsponge - hilarious. Anyone else remember that character from "Full Metal Jacket" - the badass dude that Joker had a run-in with, who was in the unit that he was assigned to, in the last scenes of the movie? And the chopper door-gunner dude as well, for that matter. USMC, I can almost picture you firing with a madman's grin....tee hee.
203 /m19

Gifted, my special friend...the MK19 does not fire the same 40mm grenade used in the 203. you COULD fire the 203 round through a MK19 but it would not extract and you would have to pry the empty casing out with your fingers or a leatherman. not very practical. i can also shoot battle rockets through my M16, but there's not much reason to. on the MK19, you rack it once and press the butterfly thumb release (trigger), you're now condition 3, rack it again and you're in conditon 1. Mess this up, and you're blowin up the humvee in front of you. once in condition 1 you only need press the trigger and you can send 40mm linked grenades right through the sheet metal of a car, then explode. if you get to close to your target the grenades wont arm and its like a giant 40mm slug. its not the same show as exploding grenades but its still plenty fun. i heartily recommend this to anyone at home.
Joy in your hearts!

Freedom...I don't know why it is, but there is a very special joy one can experience while here on earth. All you have to do is find some truly, truly bad people...then punish them with all the powerful weapons God and government has bestowed on you. Try this sober at first. Just to get the hang of it. then feel free to add something that says "you," to create your own style of vengeance. Enjoy!
I figured something like that, USMCbulletsponge. Be a real bad time when you have to do it.

Went to a turkey shoot once, we got there too late to see the guns go off, but we got to watch them extract a grenade from a mk19. EOD stuck it in a lump of C4, took it out on the range and let her go. Quite the firecracker.
The term HEDP (used in an earlier post) refers to "High Explosive, Dual Purpose" Meaning Personel and lightly armored vehicles. This is in contrast to HE which is for anti-personel (Also effective against "comercial" type vehicles). Just to throw out a another acronyms I learned during my 9 years on active duty HEAT=High Explosive Anti Tank.

The Ammo for the MK-19 is higher pressured than the M203 ammo. The MK-19 Ammo has a high pressure and a low pressure area inside of the caseing. The high pressure area withstands 40,000 (Forty thousand) psi. It is difused to the low pressure area.

1)Lets see how I can describe this. Take a McDonalds Supersized cup and place in on the countertop in the normal fashion.

2)Take 2 childs-sized cups poke 7 holes in the bottom of those cups. Place one into the other and twist so the holes are not aligned with each other.

3)Put the child-sized cups upside down and inside the supersized cup

4)Put a big potato on top of the supersized cup and voila! you have an improvised model of the MK-19 round.

The area inside of the childs cups is the high pressure area and the area under the potato is the low pressure area.