Is OBAMA a threat to Concealed Carry?

I agree with you there. I believe that both Obama and McCain are both seriously lacking in terms of how much they know about economics.

In my opinion, virtually all of our past Presidents, as well as those who aspire to the office, don't qualify as economists. They make all kinds of promises they can't keep. That's why they have advisors and cabinets who actually do the thinking and the doing for them.
You have to balance that with the possibility that McCain, who admits he doesn't understand economics and budgets, would continue with a war that he'd like to stretch out for 100 years. Also, McCains track record since Vietnam isn't that inspiring. Remember the "Keating Five"? That was just plain stupid. Proving, as he admits, that he's not the brightest bulb on the tree.

Of the three remaining hopefuls, Obama is the only one who displays basic competence.

Obama has Basic Competence in WHAT? He already said he would freeze the price of Gasoline, and the interest rate banks charge on Mortgages. Then he will raise taxes, and cut spending on the brink of a recession. This shows he knows less than NOTHING about economics or History. Jimmy Carter tried both of these strategies, and gave us Odd even day for Gasoline long lines and increasing prices anyway, I was 18 and I remember standing in line for gas for an hour on Odd day (my license number was odd) only to find they had run out when I got to the pump. He also caused stagflation, the worst credit crunch, the highest interest rates, and the highest unemployment the country has ever seen short of the great depression. Maybe you were in Diapers then so you dont remember. Jimmy also created the S&L Crisis by dropping regulations on S&L's. Without Jimmy's brilliant S&L legislation there would have been no Keating 5 (refers to the 5 senators / congressmen who tried to defend Charles Keating the founder of a failed S&L), and no massive S&L Bailout in the 1980's.

Obama reminds me of Jimmy Carter, who was viewed as OUR liberal savior after the Nixon Ford administration.

Obama is a Chicago Democrat, that makes him CORRUPT by definition, then there is the $60,000-$100,000 Bribe he took from Tony Rezko the crooked realestate developer.
Very good point. The first thing we MUST do is inform all gun owners of Obama's intentions. Surprisingly, many just don't know his views. Obama knows his intentions are against the main stream and had been concealing them very well. But now,the cats out of the bag.
Instead of rational thought, Obama supporters are caught up in an emotional state, blacks favoring a black candidate by default, and guilt-ridden leftist whites thrilled by the idea that they can atone and be forgiven for the racism that the mainstream media has been been accusing them of all their lives.

Well said. That's a good read on what's happening. That Montana air must help to make for clear thinking.
The real question in all of this is why are we so silent that he apparently thinks he can get away with this?

This is just part of the natural process. Until the Dem convention is over, most of what we will hear are liberals having a love fest with other liberals. Heck, by then they will start to believe their own BS, but then the cold water of appealing to the general electorate will raise it's head. Most liberals will be in a state of shock that all of the country does not agree with their cool-aide thinking.

Just wait, things will change.

BTW, I see Jane Fonda is voting for, I can hardly handle the shock!
I'm torn about viewing BHO as a threat. On the one hand, there is no question that he is an ultraliberal statist. He's being marketed as the New Way that will bring the parties and the planets into alignment, but scratch the surface and you find the same tired Neo-Marxism with a dash of Black Liberation theology. He is not a friend to gun owners and never will be.

But the question as to whether he is threat requires that we move beyond what he believes into what he can do. And the question is: what can he do?

To date, Obama has yet to demonstrate a single issue that he is willing to go to the mat for. He tossed his pastor of twenty years under the bus without a second thought. He has the Senate record for voting "present," a tactic that he brought with him from the Illinois statehouse.

I think that those of us who rememember Bill Clinton as an opinion poll-whore haven't seen anything yet if BHO gets in. I wonder if he has really internalized that as President he will have to make a decision on EVERY piece of legislation passed by Congress. He will have to take a stand; voting "present" is not an option.

He's an empty suit with a talent for giving speeches. The Dem's margin hangs by a thread, and is supported by Blue Dogs who will probably not go along with the granola-munchers that egt BHO the nomination.

Now Hillary, is a completely different story. She may not admit what her goals are, but she will fight to the death for them, preferably your death.
Omaba has voted the Democratic Party line on every bill he has voted for so far. He's never waivered from the Party line for all three years.

Moving that to gun legislation, we have to assume a President Obama would gleefully sign any anti-gun bill given him by a Democratic House and Senate. An easy conclusion here.

As President, he would set the agenda and let others take the issues to the mat.
To date, Obama has yet to demonstrate a single issue that he is willing to go to the mat for.

Even as a non-Obama supporter I have been surprised at his willingness to change like a chameleon. No joking, I think we will see a photo-op soon with Obama out in the field gunning for quail or such. I have noticed that the liberals are fairly quite about his rhetoric. I think they know in their hearts he will make a left turn as soon as he is elected, so they are kinda going along with the charade.

Moving that to gun legislation, we have to assume a President Obama would gleefully sign any anti-gun bill given him by a Democratic House and Senate. An easy conclusion here.

Yes, and gun owners are going to have to not let liberals get by with any arguments that he won't do as you indicated. Liberals want to make his gun stance a complicated argument, but it's simply as you stated.
Regardless of what any of us might think about O'Bama (that's Irish, isn't it?:)) I read a lot of polls and poll-trends, and O'Bama IS our next President. So what we need to be thinking about is how to deal with and influence him regarding gun issues.

I'd suggest getting one of his many email addresses and start making the case.

I read a lot of polls and poll-trends, and O'Bama IS our next President.

To each his own, but not me. That's just what Obama supporters want us to do. I see no gain in giving up and just saying here is the Presidency on a silver platter. As far as changing his mind, you have about as much chance as changing Kennedy's mind on gun control. If you want to make extra effort then Email all of the next Senators & Rep's that will be up for election this time around.
There seems to be two consistent arguments now being made by Obama supporters on gun threads. Wonder if there is any coordination? Anyway, they are:

-Since Obama is sure to be our next president, then just give up and start thinking about ways you can work with him on gun control issues...kinda funny when you think about it.:D

-The other re-occurring theme seems to be that we should not worry because Obama will really have no power at all to cause new gun control legislation. Of course, these same people are telling us he will be a very effective President and be able to get a lot done...just not a lot on his anti-gun agenda. In fact, thinking we should believe that is also kinda funny.:D

BTW, national polls show Obama & McCain in a dead heat. Just seems a wee bit early to throw in the towel...dosen't it!

Added: It looks like us pro-gun folks have a lot of work to do. I don't think the Obama supporters will make a lot of headway using the above examples of arguments on gun forums, but the general public needs more eduction and balanced input so they understand this is just a bunch of baloney from the Obama campaign. Maybe we need to be Emailing the McCain people to tell them to hit on these issues.
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I read a lot of polls and poll-trends, and O'Bama IS our next President.

To each his own, but not me. That's just what Obama supporters want us to do. I see no gain in giving up and just saying here is the Presidency on a silver platter. As far as changing his mind, you have about as much chance as changing Kennedy's mind on gun control. If you want to make extra effort then Email all of the next Senators & Rep's that will be up for election this time around.


Don't misunderstand me. I'm a registered Libertarian, and will vote for the Libertarian Presidential Candidate. However, the poll-trends say Obama will win.

We all need to at least be thinking about that.

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However, the poll-trends say Obama will win.

First, I just don't see that poll trend. McCain has not even picked a VP. The conventions are not even over....just way too early. For a reality check, everyone needs to hang the picture on their wall of Harry Truman holding up the paper saying Dewey wins.

We all need to at least be thinking about that

I see no need to think about losing until after the Nov. elections. Getting cozy with a candidate that you don't agree with ahead of time makes no sense to me, but that's me. You can't win when all you think about is the losing option.
I see no need to think about losing until after the Nov. elections. Getting cozy with a candidate that you don't agree with ahead of time makes no sense to me, but that's me. You can't win when all you think about is the losing option.


From my Libertarian point of view, any one of the three major candidates will be a lose for me. Neither McCain or Clinton are qualified to do the job, and Obama is just wrong on too many issues. He's competent, but wrong.

All scary, no matter which way it goes.

Abandon All Hope

Actually, none of the three big candidates are gun friendly, nor are they public rights friendly...
McCain believes that the public airspace belongs to the the US military and the the corporate airlines and big corporations... As an airplane owner I resent his stated position...
Obama and Clinton are on record as antigun ownership in one fashion or another... And while they have not staked out a position on citizen rights to public spaces, I suspect they are in favor of big government with lots of rules and jack booted thugs to enforce them...
The current administration promoted the unconstitutional Patriot Act and the democratic majority in the congress went along, so they are all guilty of unconstitutional abuse of power...
Ron Paul is pro public rights, including guns and public access to the roads, harbors, and airspace... I don't agree with some of his more extreme postions, but on balance given his support of constitutional rights, I likely will write him in for President in the election...
THe new guy that intends to run for Libertarian candidate might bring some fresh air to the debate.. He will be interesting to watch...

Dr. O
All scary, no matter which way it goes.

I can agree on that. I did not start out as a McCain supporter, it's just down to this pick the least worst candidate stuff...and I hate that.
THe new guy that intends to run for Libertarian candidate might bring some fresh air to the debate.. He will be interesting to watch...

Dr. O

Agreed. Let's hope.:confused:

I spent most of my life as a Republican, casting my first vote for Barry Goldwater. I'm still proud of that one. However, if Barry were still around, he'd be a Libertarian, just as Thomas Jefferson would be. Since Ronald Reagan, calling myself a Republican has been extremely embarrassing.:o

So two years ago, I switched. :D I don't expect the Libertarian candidate, whoever it may be, to win. However, I'll sleep with a clear conscience.

Ron Paul is pro public rights, including guns and public access to the roads, harbors, and airspace... I don't agree with some of his more extreme postions, but on balance given his support of constitutional rights, I likely will write him in for President in the election...

Just a question...anyone keeping tabs on him? He is not planning on running third party yet is he?

So two years ago, I switched. I don't expect the Libertarian candidate, whoever it may be, to win. However, I'll sleep with a clear conscience.

Sorry Bob, just going to have to disagree with you there...your clear conscience is sure to get one of those gun-grabbers in office.