Is OBAMA a threat to Concealed Carry?

There's a much bigger picture here...

Obama is in favor of an total outright handgun ban, so that would take care of concealed carry as well.
That coward Obama would never dare take that stance without Secret Service and the whole nation's LE protection. I'd wager he wouldn't have the stones to dare tell anyone in a crowd face to face that they don't have a right to CCW, either. I'd personally love to confront him face to face on camera to have him explain to ME, not a hypothetical group of people not present, why -I- should give up my sidearm and my CCW and put -MY- own security away just to pacify his idotic hallucinations. I dare him. I dare him to give up the SS and all other blockade around him and live as a common citizen WITHOUT anyone defending him, including himself.
I dare him to give up the SS and all other blockade around him and live as a common citizen WITHOUT anyone defending him, including himself.

He wasn't born a Presidential candidate or even a Senator...I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that he probably has at some point. Just sayin'.
Heller and the election issues

once this case is finalized we will know what we need to about the 2nd amendment and the next president of the US. Regardless of how the Heller case is ruled it will be a long time before anyone is going to get the next 2nd amendment case to the SC. Our newest president is going to deal with the results of the decision.

Basing all this proverbial BS about how one candidate is going to do this or that is speculation at best. No president is going to get congress to do anything that is not supported under the upcoming Heller decision.

I believe Heller is going to be in favor of individual rights. That alone is going to give the boys in DC a few years worth of issues to deal with. If the court goes against individual rights the onslaught of state cases is going to overwhelm us and presidential edicts are going to be minimal next to state issues.
Basing all this proverbial BS about how one candidate is going to do this or that is speculation at best. No president is going to get congress to do anything that is not supported under the upcoming Heller decision.

Stating Obama's anti-gun legislative history -- his repeated efforts to prevent law-abiding gun owners from legally possessing firearms -- is not "proverbial BS". To the contrary, it demonstrates Obama's disdain for the Second Amendment, as well as Obama's contempt for those who wish to keep and bear arms.

The upcoming Heller decision will address a narrow issue: whether an individual has an individual right to keep and bear arms. It may or may not establish what kind of regulation of that individual right is legally permissible. In Obama's view, the outright prohibition of civilian possession of a semi-automatic firearm is a "reasonable" reguation. But why should those of us who desire to own semi-automatic firearms have to submit to Obama's support for anti-gun legislation? Why won't Obama supporters simply admit that Obama is anti-gun, and stop trying to tell us that Obama's anti-gun views are just what "we" need?
Why won't Obama supporters simply admit that Obama is anti-gun, and stop trying to tell us that Obama's anti-gun views are just what "we" need?

I think there is something going on with the liberals that are also gun owners. First, I am happy that we have liberal gun owners, and I don't doubt their credentials as gun owners. But it seems they are trying to convince themselves as much as anybody that we can elect Obama and not worry about his clear anti-gun stance. The gist of the liberals arguments seems to be this: Don't worry about Obama being anti-gun. the president can't really do anything effective about gun control. Obama will be so busy with other issues he won't even worry about guns.

The liberals don't want to talk about the fact that Obama will support any legislation put forth by anti-gun senators, or the fact he will nominate any Supreme Court justices that are anti-gun.

You see, the liberal gun owners have a big problem. They do want the RKBA, but they want Obama as President. So, they have to convince themselves and us that somehow you can be for gun rights and elect Obama. I am afraid the cold hard truth is that they are only fooling themselves. I am not sure how anyone could signal that he is against gun ownership more than Obama has. Obama has made his gun stance in the clearest possible terms. So what don't the liberals understand about I am anti-gun? If you don't get his anti-gun message now, then you probably never will.
You see, the liberal gun owners have a big problem. They do want the RKBA, but they want Obama as President. So, they have to convince themselves and us that somehow you can be for gun rights and elect Obama.

Doesn't take much convincing. All it takes is not being a single-issue voter (EDIT: combined with not agreeing with a majority of the Republican platform, of course). If his stances on other issues are perceived as beneficial enough to outweigh the possibility of additional gun legislation, it makes sense. The reason I keep pointing out the Senate issues is to highlight that Obama as president doesn't automatically mean all our guns and concealed carry permits are going to disappear, because that's simply not how our government works. But if you listen to some posters here, you'd think this was the case.

And I'm not even particularly supportive of Obama. I may vote for him, it depends. In general it's kind of a toss-up for me between him and McCain...both suck. And yes, I say this despite the fact that Obama is virulently anti-gun. Because again, guns aren't necessarily everybody's only issue (or even top issue).
And I'm not even particularly supportive of Obama. I may vote for him, it depends.

So the prospect of more anti-gun legislation, socialized medicine, higher taxes, and many new expensive entitlement programs doesn't give you pause about voting for him?
That is the truth. Obama can barely get half of the far-lefties to side with him. His support from white voters is very limited (and contrary to MSM coverage, whites still account for most of this country.) Hillary supporters hate Obama. I predict that if Obama's nominated, McCain will win by a wide margin.

Not even close. Don't be fooled. McCain has issues. He will attract "Moderates", but he will not attract conservatives. Many conservatives will vote for him because he is the lesser of evils. But many, many conservatives will stay home because they can't stomach voting for an anti-gun liberal like McCain. Sure, he's not as liberal as Obama or Hillary, but he is a liberal just the same.

Also, go to and look at the turn out in the primaries. The democrats came out in droves for their candidates compared to lack-luster turn out by republicans. Why? The republican party has lost its way. They seem more like democrats than the Republicans of the 80's and even the 90's. Conservatives are deserting the Republican party because of this trend in the republican party, and they have been for the past 2-3 years.

Don't believe the polls when we are still 7 months from the election. Considering the great disdain conservatives have for McCain, he is unlikely to defeat either Hillary or Obama in November.
And I'm not even particularly supportive of Obama. I may vote for him, it depends.
So the prospect of more anti-gun legislation, socialized medicine, higher taxes, and many new expensive entitlement programs doesn't give you pause about voting for him?
That would be the "both suck" part. Those don't give me any more pause that some of the issues that I have with McCain.

Also, as this thread is specifically regarding concealed carry, you probably shouldn't assume that one's position on gun rights is necessarily indicative of their position on socialized medicine, taxes, or entitlement programs. I'm generally more moderate than Obama on these issues, but at the same time I'm also quite a bit more liberal than the average member here on them.
Just out of curiosity, do you think that a President could Nullify all the Drivers licenses, and automobile registrations, issued by the 50 States and then declare that everyone had to get a federal drivers license?

Wouldnt this be overstepping federal authority by quite a bit??

Would they then have to create a federal traffic police force to enforce the law?
I don't know about Driver's Licenses.

However, any OBAMA suppporter who is also a handgun owner must have thought about the consequenses and ramifications of supporting their candidate. I'm sure they must be willing to give up their handguns in order to support OBAMA on other issues. I hope that giving up one right doesn't lead to another... I hope they know what they are doing.
So the prospect of more anti-gun legislation, socialized medicine, higher taxes, and many new expensive entitlement programs doesn't give you pause about voting for him?
Just my 2¢.


You have to balance that with the possibility that McCain, who admits he doesn't understand economics and budgets, would continue with a war that he'd like to stretch out for 100 years. Also, McCains track record since Vietnam isn't that inspiring. Remember the "Keating Five"? That was just plain stupid. Proving, as he admits, that he's not the brightest bulb on the tree.

Of the three remaining hopefuls, Obama is the only one who displays basic competence.

Because again, guns aren't necessarily everybody's only issue (or even top issue).

Absolutely correct. Now lets look at the other side. For many gun rights are close to the top of the list. So, if you say you want to vote for Obama because gun rights are not a high priority, then no problem, that's your right. Just don't try to convince me that if gun rights are important to me I can trust Obama will not curtail my rights. So, just say it the way it is. If gun rights are not very important then vote for Obama, but if gun rights are important than you better vote for someone else.

Is OBAMA a threat to Concealed Carry?


Added: I just wanted to make sure I stayed with the main topic, but just to let you know I don't actually put gun rights at the very top of my list, I do have other criteria that's important to me. It just happens I don't like the ideas of left wing liberals, and that's where I think Obama falls. I am not for more government in our lives, giving illegals driving license, or doing away with RKBA. I am not comfortable with any politician I see that falls to the left of Ted Kennedy. I guess it could be interesting to have a thread titled "Obama...left wing or middle of the road?" But this thread is about Obama's stance on gun rights.
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So the prospect of more anti-gun legislation, socialized medicine, higher taxes, and many new expensive entitlement programs doesn't give you pause about voting for him?

Robert J McElwain


You have to balance that with the possibility that McCain, who admits he doesn't understand economics and budgets

No, I don't. I am most assuredly against Obama's stand on concealed weapons, and his attitude regarding the 2nd Amendment in general. I am also most assuredly against Obama's platform of socialized medicine, higher taxes, and many new expensive entitlement programs. Sen. McCain is offering us none of those things, and I believe that his understanding of economics and budgets is on a par with Obama's.
However, any OBAMA suppporter who is also a handgun owner must have thought about the consequenses and ramifications of supporting their candidate.
Seriously, I don't think Obama supporters are doing much rational thinking at all. If they were, they would realize what a weak candidate Obama actually is. Instead of rational thought, Obama supporters are caught up in an emotional state, blacks favoring a black candidate by default, and guilt-ridden leftist whites thrilled by the idea that they can atone and be forgiven for the racism that the mainstream media has been been accusing them of all their lives. The mainstream media, always seeking out and promoting the most lurid/hysterical/sensational things in our society, are having a field day pushing the Obama agenda, asking no difficult questions and pushing the false impression that Obama is a great man with great ideas who will inevitably rule from the Oval Office.
The media IS giving Obama a free ride.

I watched NBC's Ann Curry interview Barak Obama a couple of days ago. I thought Curry was almost ready to get on her knees during the interview. It was totally disgusting and certainly NOT good journalism. A joke of an interview.
Sen. McCain is offering us none of those things, and I believe that his understanding of economics and budgets is on a par with Obama's.

I agree with you there. I believe that both Obama and McCain are both seriously lacking in terms of how much they know about economics. Neither one of them will know what to do in office to help ease the increasing burden that our failing economy will soon bring.