Is it time? Another ILLEGAL shoots cop

So all the white people and non-indian people should leave? Sounds good to me.

No- I disagree with that statement as well since the Indians (Native Americans) were simply the first migrants across the bering land bridge. It isn't like they were living in a utopian environment either. From what I've read of first-hand accounts (The journal of Henri Joutel from LaSalle's Expedition is a good account), they were busy killing, raiding and enslaving each other pretty good on their own. From what I've read- the white folks made much better neighbors. There is a reason why the Coco tribe didn't exist by 1800 but did in the 1600's when they were widely written of by European explorers such as Cortez and LaSalle. They were wiped out by Comanches and Karankawas (who were then wiped out themselves).

But I digress from the true arguement. If the government would lower employment taxes and make it easy to hire folks, dump the minimum wage, we might be able to hire non-emigrants all together! We could actually hire native-born American teenagers to do the menial tasks.
If the government would lower employment taxes and make it easy to hire folks, dump the minimum wage, we might be able to hire non-emigrants all together! We could actually hire native-born American teenagers to do the menial tasks.

Nothing would satisfy the greed of people who wish to have cheap/slave labor. The desire for higher and higher profits at any cost will continue to hurt the country until it breaks our system. We are selling America piece by piece too any bidder.
I don't consider it slave labor. I consider it "first job" labor that I did in High School for spending money. It gave me the opportunity to work and earn a little cash for doing the many jobs I did like mowing grass, baling hay, general agriculture work etc... It helped me build a work ethic and kept me in good shape for football.

I believe there should be no minimum wage. I don't want the government to bargain for me what my labor is worth. I prefer to do that with my employer and if my work is worth more than he is paying me and he knows it, he'd probably rather raise me than lose me to a competitor.
There is evidence that illegals put less of a strain on social services agencies than would an equal number of legal immigrants.

Very hard to believe. You have examples?

I'll one up ya. Break a leg and then go to the emergency room.

Been there...done that!

I went to the hospital in Louisville, Ky. At the admitting desk they asked for my birth date, place of birth, SS#, Medicare card, private insurance card, and referring doctor. Then I signed a document that I would pay any outstanding bills. Next to me an illegal checked in. He went directly to treatment. I asked the admitting nurse why the fast service and she said well he has no insurance and they are not allowed to refuse treatment. But, But, But..I said. you just asked me my life history and insurance to get treatment. She got mad and said I was just trying to cause trouble.
"I went to the hospital in Louisville, Ky. At the admitting desk they asked for my birth date, place of birth, SS#, Medicare card, private insurance card, and referring doctor. Then I signed a document that I would pay any outstanding bills. Next to me an illegal checked in. He went directly to treatment. I asked the admitting nurse why the fast service and she said well he has no insurance and they are not allowed to refuse treatment. But, But, But..I said. you just asked me my life history and insurance to get treatment. She got mad and said I was just trying to cause trouble."

You laid it out nicely. When millions of us really start to "cause trouble" either this problem will go away or we will begin to see further into The Real Problem (and who's actually behind it). Bush tells us we must treat illegals with "respect and dignity" while he has no problem treating American citizens and taxpayers with gross disrespect. Enough.
back on track

i am gonna try and make a remark toward the original direction of the thread. Cops getting shot by these people.

I need to say first that I love Latin people, so much that I left the good life in the US to be a volunteer missionary worker in central America(mainly Guatemala) However I must say after years of living with and observing, that these folks do acquire some specific world views that prep them to do major damage to the us(shooting cops in particular).

Down here Cops are pretty much looked at as thieves. THE police get paid very little and usually make most of their income, by pressing people into bribes. (you can pay the ticket which is 75 pesos, or you can give me 25 pesos right now) lots of times cops wont even carry tickets. No one pays them. Its all cash.

Cops will many times be involved in the black market(illegal arms stolen goods, and drugs) and will many times take out private citizens who are dabbling in the same thing, to take out competition. Here the people feel like they have to protect themselves from the police. Sometimes with lethal force.

Ok so cops are thieves.

The people themselves being very poor feel that if someone else is richer than they, it is ok to rob them. I have had to deal with this psychologically as the same villagers and such that I would help, would many times rob me, just assuming it is ok since I am a rich American, and I would not be harmed.

If you ask any average person in any country down here, they will tell you that America has no right to keep people out of it’s own borders, to stop people from prospering. We are stealing from them in their mind. We are keeping them from opportunity and free enterprise. It’s against the law? Well that’s a bad law.

Then they get here and are making more money than they ever had and some cop gives them a hard time, and guess what? That cop is going down. He is in their way, and he is just a dirty thief like them. He is competition. And this is there life.

These people are not on the same page as us. Many of them don’t share the same values and morals we grew up with. They don’t hold the same feeling of responsibility to society we do. that’s why it can be so easy for a “hard working wetback” to just take out a cop, and get up and go to work the next morning.
Bush tells us we must treat illegals with "respect and dignity" while he has no problem treating American citizens and taxpayers with gross disrespect. Enough.

Ditto. ( and I am a Republican...double ditto)

In our area cops are having trouble with two gangs. They are both Latino gangs. Previous to this our area had very low crime rate. Now when a cop stops a gang member he is risking his life. They just recently arrested two illegals for thief related crime. They turned them over to ICE and they were deported. Probably back in the USA by now.

These Latino gang members have absolutely no fear of the police, and anyone that shoots a cop is usually given hero status within the gang.
So all the white people and non-indian people should leave? Sounds good to me.

Only if they deport ANYONE who has ANY European background...which will be far MORE than half of ALL Hispanics...remember the Spaniards? Check those genes. Maybe they can counter the Muslim rush into Europe.
So all the white people and non-Indian people should leave? Sounds good to me.

No problem for me, I am a native Kentuckian. Kentuckians were the original cave men (and women)....we were here before the Indians. They bought the land from us for a handful of corn to make corn liquor. We have been taken advantage of ever since.

I need to say first that I love Latin people, so much that I left the good life in the US to be a volunteer missionary worker in central America(mainly Guatemala) However I must say after years of living with and observing, that these folks do acquire some specific world views that prep them to do major damage to the us(shooting cops in particular).

So...we should build a fence and keep them out. Seems ok to me.

The people themselves being very poor feel that if someone else is richer than they, it is ok to rob them.

This is just an ignorant mindset. How could any human see that stealing what another worked for is ok?

If you ask any average person in any country down here, they will tell you that America has no right to keep people out of it’s own borders, to stop people from prospering.

If their opinion mattered, this would be Central America, not the US of A. We have every right to restrict our borders and disallow freeloaders.

We are stealing from them in their mind.

steal /stil/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[steel] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation, verb, stole, sto·len, steal·ing, noun
–verb (used with object) 1. to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right, esp. secretly or by force: A pickpocket stole his watch.
2. to appropriate (ideas, credit, words, etc.) without right or acknowledgment.
3. to take, get, or win insidiously, surreptitiously, subtly, or by chance: He stole my girlfriend.
4. to move, bring, convey, or put secretly or quietly; smuggle (usually fol. by away, from, in, into, etc.): They stole the bicycle into the bedroom to surprise the child.
5. Baseball. (of a base runner) to gain (a base) without the help of a walk or batted ball, as by running to it during the delivery of a pitch.
6. Games. to gain (a point, advantage, etc.) by strategy, chance, or luck.
7. to gain or seize more than one's share of attention in, as by giving a superior performance: The comedian stole the show.
–verb (used without object) 8. to commit or practice theft.
9. to move, go, or come secretly, quietly, or unobserved: She stole out of the house at midnight.
10. to pass, happen, etc., imperceptibly, gently, or gradually: The years steal by.
11. Baseball. (of a base runner) to advance a base without the help of a walk or batted ball.
–noun 12. Informal. an act of stealing; theft.
13. Informal. the thing stolen; booty.
14. Informal. something acquired at a cost far below its real value; bargain: This dress is a steal at $40.
15. Baseball. the act of advancing a base by stealing.
—Idiom16. steal someone's thunder, to appropriate or use another's idea, plan, words, etc.


[Origin: bef. 900; 1860–65 for def. 5; ME stelen, OE stelan; c. G stehlen, ON stela, Goth stilan]

Yea...don't see how this applies.

We are keeping them from opportunity and free enterprise.

They must mean free loading

It’s against the law? Well that’s a bad law.

Heaven forbid a country protect its citizens and their financial prosperity. What a crazy idea.

Then they get here and are making more money than they ever had and some cop gives them a hard time, and guess what? That cop is going down. He is in their way, and he is just a dirty thief like them. He is competition. And this is there life.

Their life, right, not ours. If they want to bring that mindset here, then they are detrimental to our society. Do not pass go, do not collect your greencard and welfare check.

These people are not on the same page as us. Many of them don’t share the same values and morals we grew up with. They don’t hold the same feeling of responsibility to society we do. that’s why it can be so easy for a “hard working wetback” to just take out a cop, and get up and go to work the next morning.

Looks like a whole lot of reasons for a big dang fence.
right on buddy

That’s right doug, but we wont build a fence as long as our great president has anything to do about it. I think more criminal than the ignorant brainwashed central Americans coming in with their screwed up worldview is our president, who is supposed to be smart, and is supposed to protect this country, ALLOWS them to come in and steal from us. That would be like a father letting homeless people come into his house, take food from his kids, sleep with his wife, and use his car. I think they would lock the guy up. But we pay Bush a whole lot of money for the favor.:(:confused:
I fail to see how that difference matters at all in light of my statement. He said he didn't care that they were breaking the law. I just pointed out another example of breaking the law that, with that logic, should be ok.


I get it. The defense attorney says" you know my client was just hungry when he broke into the store, killed two people, held some hostage, and then beat up the lady store clerk. What my client did was illegal, but I beg for you to understand it was not wrong". We do understand.

I'm not arguing either way about the topic - just pointing out that the ideas of what's 'legal' and what's right or wrong don't always match up. And I'm not talking about justifying something that's obviously wrong, like in the above example.

Did you know it's still technically illegal to give or receive oral sex in Tennessee?