Is it time? Another ILLEGAL shoots cop

Fails miserably. Some of this land we actually PAID FOR, look up Gadsen Purchase. They want it back, they can pay fair market value. :D That's probably more than Old Mexico is worth right now.
We took the rest of this land due to a war. They want it back, they can do it the old fashioned way - fight us for it. The Mexican Empire lost. The Republic of Mexico needs to deal with it.
For a people who is part European, part Indio,(see Castillian Mexican), whos' very language is European, they sure cry that we are the foriegners. Definition of native - born there. I am a native Tucsonan, they are illegal invaders, in violation of our countries laws, and they need to be kicked out.
Lawful immigrants are more than welcome. I know several in the process to gain citizenship. Several working on my yard are legal immigrants from Japan, Mexico, India, South Africa, China, Veitnam, and The Czech Republic. All ofthem doing it the right way, and I salute them, and say welcome to your new home. But when illegals sneak in in clear violation of Federal and State laws, then they need to go. Now.
Definition of native - born there.

So the argument the libs give, that we are all immigrants, is wrong. Most of us were born here so are natives. Some took steps to become citizens so are legal. The rest do not deserve to be here.
Is it time for what?

Time to enforce the law? I would say yes. We don't need to run them all out. Just run out the ones who we catch and we'd go a long way towards solving the problem.

These arguements are really basic and distractions. Like the "Flag Burning Amendments" and other distractions- they're hardly worth talking about. Either enforce the law or don't. Enough about this already! :barf:

Armoredman: We didn't take a single square inch of land from Mexico due to a war. We purchased it all from Mexico at one time or another, most of it being in 1848 when Mexico needed the cash after fighting the war with us because they had invaded soveriegn US territory (a habit of Mexico's in one form or fashion for a long time) which would be Texas. The arguement was based on whether or not the Nueces River or the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo to Mexicans) was the legitimate territory of Texas or Mexico or in other words; where does Texas end and Cohila and Chiuhua (SP?) begin? I think we settled it by combat but then we actually paid them for the worthless land that the Mexicans didn't really want. Turns out they discovered gold "in them thar hills" the next year and so Mexico is bound to feel cheated still.

Just a minor history lesson. To my knowlege wars have played into our acquisition of property but we have not actually taken a square inch of land from another recognized country by war ever.
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There can be good illegal immigrants and bad cops.

Good illegals?? When did breaking the law become a 'good' thing to do?? Insert any other crime in there and see how ridiculous it sounds: 'the good pedophile', 'the good rapist', 'the good shoplifter.' Doesn't make sense...
So what? The fact that what they're doing is illegal means nothing to me. would be all hunky dory if someone came up to you and shot you and jacked your car, wallet, and keys to your house and then had their way in your home? You said that their illegal actions don't matter to you.

The existence of a law doesn't prove anything.

Except that the majority of rational, intelligent people in this country desire to be protected from certain things. That's why we have laws.

Laws are not always a good thing.

Maybe in the time of slavery and segregation this could be true, but certainly not now. Especially when the law is to protect our country from further degradation.

Instead of blaming the immigrants

Nobody is blaming immigrants. We are blaming CRIMINALS.

Most of the immigrants are just trying to make their lives better and they shouldn't be punished for it

So is the guy I mentioned in my earlier statement. Should he get off scot-free as well? When your quality of life infiringes upon mine, then we have a serious problem. If someone comes to this country and leeches off of our resources, only to send them to a nearly third-world society, I have a problem with that. Especially when I am paying taxes so they can have FREE medical care, emergency services, education, child care, and then still have money left over to send to Mexico or wherever so more can come over here and leech more money off of me.
Most of the immigrants are just trying to make their lives better and they shouldn't be punished for it

$1 million would be good for my lifestyle too. But, can I "ILLEGALLY" go and take it from someone? NO. That is essentially what they are doing. They are coming here ILLEGALLY and taking jobs, money, healthcare, food, time, effort....STEALING...ILLEGAL...ILLEGAL...

How hard is it to understand? would be all hunky dory if someone came up to you and shot you and jacked your car, wallet, and keys to your house and then had their way in your home? You said that their illegal actions don't matter to you.

Oh, come on. You know what he means - that there's a difference between 'illegal' and 'wrong'.

Oh, come on. You know what he means - that there's a difference between 'illegal' and 'wrong'.

I fail to see how that difference matters at all in light of my statement. He said he didn't care that they were breaking the law. I just pointed out another example of breaking the law that, with that logic, should be ok.
Oh, come on. You know what he means - that there's a difference between 'illegal' and 'wrong'.

I get it. The defense attorney says" you know my client was just hungry when he broke into the store, killed two people, held some hostage, and then beat up the lady store clerk. What my client did was illegal, but I beg for you to understand it was not wrong". We do understand.:D
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If we take into account howmuch tax money is spent on illegal immigrants per year, we also have to take into account howmuch they add to the tax base a year. They are still making $7 billion a year for social security per year, and 10% of all sales tax earnt in the nation is due to illegal immigrants.

There far more bums here legally in the US that are hurting the economy that cost taxpayers more than all the illegal immigrants put together.

Not to say I support illegal immigration, but cherrypicking evidence to proof the evilness and create a sense of polarity is a bad argument.
Double Naught, the image you attached , I've seen a lot of people wearing that on a tshirt here in Alaska, and honestly, I disagree with its message.
For starters, I don't think the intruders of this land were out to terrorize. They wanted the land and its resources adn they took it. More accurate to call them 'thieves' than 'terrorists'.
Secondly, it insinuates that natives of this land actually did something to fight against it. I'll speak for alaska natives, and say they really did nothing.
Thirdly, that shirt is always worn by those who sit around and just DO NOTHING at all.
If we take into account howmuch tax money is spent on illegal immigrants per year, we also have to take into account howmuch they add to the tax base a year. They are still making $7 billion a year for social security per year, and 10% of all sales tax earnt in the nation is due to illegal immigrants

They pay property tax as well (either directly or indirectly). Though I imagine it would be somewhat complex to figure out the net impact (and whether it is positive or negative), since I imagine in some areas an influx of illegal aliens lowers property values thus possibly reducing overall property tax revenue.

But seriously, income tax isn't the only tax out there...and some of them are pretty much impossible to avoid.
Every area that I know of that has a high influx of illegals has increases in property tax for the legal property owners to pay for the free social services received by illegals. In addition the crime rate always goes way up in these same areas. OK, so now I have heard many times how illegals contribute to making communities better. Well I have lived in some of those high impact areas, so I know it must be some other areas that they are having a positive impact on. I have been thinking. Why don't we see some areas that have high illegal impact made so attractive by their presence that people are just flocking to live the good life created by this so-called low cost labor force?

As far as tax contribution by the illegal work force. You usually get the same answer. They usually say you don't know they are not making a big contribution to the tax base. Since you cannot prove (no official records) that they are not contributing then they must be paying their taxes. Gee, do you think I could convince the IRS just to trust me (without checking) to pay my fair tax next year? I plan to pay an extra million in tax just to help out Uncle Sam. But I don't want any records kept...just trust me...the checks in the mail.
Double Naught, the image you attached , I've seen a lot of people wearing that on a tshirt here in Alaska, and honestly, I disagree with its message.
For starters, I don't think the intruders of this land were out to terrorize. They wanted the land and its resources adn they took it. More accurate to call them 'thieves' than 'terrorists'.
Secondly, it insinuates that natives of this land actually did something to fight against it. I'll speak for alaska natives, and say they really did nothing.
Thirdly, that shirt is always worn by those who sit around and just DO NOTHING at all.

Okay, according to the US government, terrorism encompasses acts of violence or threats of violence against non-military targets for reasons of social, religious, or political reasons.

Okay, for starters, Columbus started taking slaves on day 1 of his arrival in the New World. Not quite terrorism.

On his second trip, Columbus brought armed men and took more Natives captive by force and pillaged. A little closer.

The following Spaniards wanted things like gold, continued to take things by force, killed people, and did it in the name of Christianity. Now we are talking terrorism.

In the 1760s, Colonel Henry Bouquet had smallpox infected blankets given to Native Americans. This was a deliberate act of terrorism, meant to kill as many Native Americans as they could infect. It was political based attempted genocide. Terrorism.

From Colonial times onward through the late 1800s, there are numerous accounts of various European and American military actions against villages of Native Americans where non-combatants (women, children, elders) were killed as part of defeating the warriors and destroying their villages. These are acts of terrorism.

So secondly, Native Americans did try to stop the Europeans and Americans, but were defeated.

Thirdly, who wears what shirts with what designs and who do whatever has nothing to do with your argument about terrorism acts.

However, the image does make a couple of interesting points relevant to immigration and to terrorism. Look how Native Americans faired at the intrusion of Europeans into the New World. They were unable to muster the resources needed in a timely manner to be victorious and see where they are today.

Now, we are occupying much of the same land and are facing unwanted illegal intrusions by foreigners and we are not mustering enough resources against this threat in a timely manner. Where is it going to leave us then?
Negative Impact

Another example of the negative cost impact of illegals on a local economy.

Does anyone have any stories of communities that show reduced cost because of their illegal population? In other words. Are there any stories of illegals bringing about positive economic results in local communities?

The bottom line appears to be that when there is a large influx of illegals then the local economy they serve suffers...not benefits. So for me, taking back our Country means we need to stop the economic bleeding caused by illegals. I have said many times, I understand people wanting better jobs and trying to support their families. But it won't help anyone if this Country goes under due to paying for free social services to illegal workers. We need to secure our borders to stop the influx so that Mexico no longer has the USA as a safety valve. Then the Mexican people might finally force the government of Mexico to reduce corruption and take care of its own people.
When there is an influx of workers of any kind the local communities suffer in the near term. Services prove inadequate to the larger population etc. There is evidence that illegals put less of a strain on social services agencies than would an equal number of legal immigrants.
I would enjoy reading that evidence.

I'll one up ya. Break a leg and then go to the emergency room. See how many illegals are sitting there waiting for the free healthcare for a cold and other puny ailments. You'll be waiting for 3 hours to get your leg looked at while Pedro collects some free Zithromax for his cough. Then when you leave, you'll come out with the super-staff bug. :)