Is it about time for another Utah Gathering?

Goet, trust me you will not be wallpaper. We shoot lots of handguns too, so bring what you've got. Also at the last shoot there were about 20 people and about 50 long guns. I only own 2 guns (Glock and AK) and I had a great time at the last one. There will be plenty. You are welcome to shoot my SAR-1 (Romanian AK) while I'm smoking Correia's expensive 1911 with my crappy plastic Glock in the baloon races. ;)
Let try to meet at the sight (same as last time) about 7am. we can set up whatever we need and start the patrol before it gets unGodly hot.

For those interseted in a casual shoot before hand I found a nice little place about 10 min from the house in the hills in front of my house that will accomodate a few shooters. I would still be skeptical about holding a full on TFL shoot there, the neighbors may not like all the traffic. There are tons of spent casings there so I know lots of people have shot there. A nice little bowl about 1/6th the size of the one we had the last shoot at.
Called the wife. She isn't worried about you kooks too much, so we just might make it to the BBQ.

What do I bring?

As for the shoot: she's going on her 7th month, so I'll be coming alone.

Should I bring just .223? Any other popular ammos that I should buy?

I will drag the new (old) 8mm for the tests. Anyone know the turn around on milsurp 8mm shipping? Think I can order some in and have it there before the 28th?

Anyone know where I can get some instate to save on time and shipping costs?

7.62x39 was the most commonly used rifle round at the last shoot, followed by .223? for cheap ammo of any kind, you might want to try VanWagonens (sp?) in Orem. They usually have pretty good deals.
Van Wags is my favorite place to buy guns.

Guess I'll be making a trip to Orem to buy some ammo unless I can find it here cheaper.
In rifle calibers I would say 7.62x39, then .223, then .308, then 5.45, then 7.62x54r. Those were probably the most common calibers in order of rifles present. But there were lots of other things as well like 30-06 (bring '06, if you like Garands), 25-06 and 22-250. I'm still trying to see if I can get my friend with the AR-50 to come out. And I think that around here the cheapest ammo prices is at Patriot on Redwood, though I don't own an 8mm so I don't know what their prices are like. In pistols there was just about one of everything.

Porter, please. :D Your memory is going. I only lost once, and that was to PvtPyle and his 1911! Your super speed shot beat Bart (I think it was him). But it wasn't me, I was standing behind you and got to see the lightning draw myself!

Though I was beaten out in Dugway a couple of weeks ago by both George Hill and Mykl. But they were also shooting 1911s. :) I just couldn't seem to hit anything that day.

Hey, what can I say? Every dog has his day and I guess that was mine! I couldn't hit squat out at Dugway either. Now that I have a cobra I want to try the drags with battle rifles! What do you say Porter, you down for that?

I have drill this weekend but maybe you guys should come over Sat early evening and come see my new spot. Maybe WVC and George can sneak away for a few too.
Um, sorry Goet.. I didn't know you were that kind of guy... I think I'll be busy on Saturday after all... :)

I was just teasin' ya Larry, I made the joke because you smoked me every time and I want a rematch.

Pvtpyle... hell yes, Kobra equipped AK contest. I'm there. :D
Aw. I was just lucky is all. :) Seriously, even I can have a good day once in awhile.

I'm up for a little battle rifle contest. Hmm... We are going to have to do it differently though. The muzzle blast alone would be enough to break them at close range. I've got a feeling that I might be at a disadvantage with my FAL vs. the cobra AK for close and fast, it really shines at hitting things far away and hard. But I'll definatly give it a shot. I'm going to have to give this some thought. Battle Rifle Racing.
I know I talked to Porter and compared notes with MiniZ so can somone tell me about where the site is. I am gonna do my darnesest to make it if I can stay away form gun stores. If not I am gonna be broke and lots of toys but no ammo :rolleyes:
Just bought a new Savage 110FP in .308 and laid away a NIB Pre Ban BM A2 that has never been owned.
If anyone is interested, the place have 5 more as well.

Goet, If I can make the shoot.....I don't have a AK but I would have a new M1A, Savage 110fp in .308, and bring along my 16 inch Vmatch, 16 inch Dissapator and a Stoner M4 and I have a few very compact 45's that need some rounds through them as well.

Buy the way I have 3 SKS's for sale....Help me pay for may Pre Ban. Two are way tricked out with cammo paint, Drag stocks, scopes, lasers and I shortened the barrel on one. I also have a USGI cammo sorta desert/grassland stock and handgaurd that has never been fitted...Have pic's if interested.

Oh, Pyle...I got you beat I think. If I could do a family portrait it would be made up of over 27 members, if I didn't forget a few


Hey man cut me some slack;) I'm young and on a very short finacial leash with the little woman! I manage to sneak a few thru every now and then!:D

Bring them to the shoot, maybe one of the bolt/cowboy shooters will see the light and need a decent semi!

To get to the sight go to the Lehi four corners stop light (used to just be a north south stop sign) and go south. At about the 10 mile mark you will se a posterboard sign with "TFL" in bright orange letters. Turn in there and go up the hill, I'm pretty sure you wont miss us:D If you dont have a 4x there will be a number on the back of the TFL sign, call it and one of us will come down to help you get your gear up the hill.
The Salt Lake County Corporate games start on the day of our TFL shoot. I fluked into being the 2nd best male shooter in my business, so I committed to shoot.

However, I don't know when the Trap event is(may not even be the 27th), so there is some hope. At any rate, I will be there, even if it is a little later in the day. I like bustin' clays, but nothing beats a .45, and a little AK/MIA/God knows what else/ action
Yo, Silver suit...Mini Z wanta car pool deal if you have to go later in the day? Meet in SLC somewhere and run down if you are just going for the afternoon.
And I have a M14 stock for you as well.

Let's see, Porter is form up this way as well.

Just a thought as long as don't get pulled over....hate to explain the mess.

Sounds good Karsten. Let me find out the particulars on the Corporate Games, and lets see what we can work out.

THIS FRIDAY! Make your plans...
I'm bringing some brats... several packs so there is some to go around - Kraut, Mustard, buns... Gotta EAT if you want to shoot well and its proven that brats & kraut can improve your shooting as much as 20% ;)
If someone else could bring a few packs too - that would be great... I dont know how many people are coming.
Uh - one last thing and very important.
:( I still dont have a grill. If someone could please bring a grill large enough to do more than 5 brats at a time - that would be great!
George - are you referring to Friday's BBQ or at the shoot on SATURDAY? I can bring one of those little propane grills - they hold more than 5, depending on the size of the brats. (Size DOES count after all!!) Sounds like I don't have NEAR enough ammo, and no time to reload as I'm still trying to finish up putting down hardwood floors. I just got another 100 rounds of .38 Super and I guess that should make my total about 150 or so of that, plus a couple of boxes of factory .444 Marlin, a box or so of .30 Carbine (my Blackhawk and Marlin 62 lever), and some miscellaneous .44 Mag. for the Redhawk. I'll just have to bring what I can!

Let me know about the grill at the BBQ Friday.
