Is it about time for another Utah Gathering?

I think the 28th is open for me. Does sound like a long time in the future, though.
No rules against practice shoots before then? :)
B.B.Q. at my house is fine. I need at least a 2 week notice so I can get the back yard looking the way it is supposed to, and get all the dog poop up off of the yard. Let me know what you all think of this.
The 28th is good

The 14th is bad for me, My friend Trav, (remember him the tactical one?) Is getting married that day. I'm playing Best-man and Offensive Tackle.
The 28th sounds good to me. If I have any plans for that day, I'll cancel them. :)

And give my congratulations to Trav. He will never know what hit him.
If the wife would let me buy the gear I would be all over paintball. I played extensively in HS but sold all my stuff when I turned 19 to help pay for my 2 year stint in Italy. Even played with a sponsored team for a while. Then again, if I had the money for that gear I would probably just spend it on real guns now.
hey Larry and George....

I need your help, I'm working real hard at turning Porter into as big of a junkie as I am. He is getting an earlier start than I did so with the right "direction" and encouragement from his elders, he'll have some REALLY cool toys for us to play with by the time he is our age!
Looks like I can make this one if you have it on the 28th! I'll be back from Scout camp the week before, and a week away from my Hunter Ed. Class shooting day, so I'll keep my fingers crossed on this one!

Porter, keep at her. But don't be obnoxious about it. Someday maybe she will see the light. Overall you have a good marriage and that is the important thing. So what you've got to do is get a job that pays absurdly large sums of money so then it won't matter how many guns you buy. ;)

Meiji, don't take that as a bad sign of marriage. I've bought 4 guns since I've graduated from college, all with Mrs. Correia's blessings. Took my wife shooting on Saturday and she pretty much claimed the Makarov. :) She is very supportive of my habit, and has helped me to stash firearms around the house in good defensive positions. She also chided me for not bringing any .40 ammo with us so that she could practice with the "kitchen" gun. But then again she is a very practical person. (And she is hot). So I'm all in favor of marriage.
I do have a great marraige. Sorry for the rant guys, I was just mad on friday because I was taking hell from the wife about my new assault vest. Everything is back to normal now, but I do wish I could get her more involved in my hobbies. Thanks for the concern guys. I better get to work on getting that ultra high paying job. Sorry if I scared ya off menji, but marriage really is awesome.
I'v got a pretty sweet deal at my house. My wife and I more or less keep our money separate(which in some ways works to my disadvantage, since my wife makes loads of money). Anyway, as long as I pay my share of the common bills, I am free to do what I want with the rest. :p
The 28th?

So are we all in agreement---the 28th?

BBQ at my house on the 27th?

I'm getting a new "toy" this Friday, and I'm dying to try it out!