Is it about time for another Utah Gathering?

the 28th

Here is what I need from all of you guys.

1) Lunch for yourself on Satuday, unless we want to do a pot luck kind of thing for George's brats.

2) Any sun shades that you may have. I may not have the tents from last time so if you have a sun shade of any size or type let me know. It's gonna be hot.

3) Some people to be at the shoot sight early to help set up and do the field test. I have 8 vests to test out and a few camo patterns as well. We will set up, post the signs and conduct a patrol to test the comfort of the vests and try out the camo in our given terrain.

4) how many people will need sitters. I figure we have the Range Widows come out at lunch time and stay for a few hours to get in some range practice. I know Meagen needs some handgun instruction so any females out there that can help would be great. Are you reading this Elizabeth? :-) I will try to line up a sitter (or two) for a few hours to take the youngens on an activity. Maybe the Zoo or something like that so it may cost us a few dollars in addition to the babysitter. A small price to pay for some tranquill range time.

5) Any food assignment or needs WVC may have for us. What do you want me to bring besides my charm and whit? Dont be a hero, this gets expensive so tell us what you need (I charged all of mine to the company ;-).

Anyone interested in the morning patrol please email me with the weapon you want to use or the one you have and we'll figure out which vest will work for you. Some may not be vests, like Larry's, you get the German web gear for your FAL. Please bring everything you would want to carry into the field, it doesn't matter what it is, just bring it/wear it. The point is to push this equipment and find it's weak and strong points for a review.

Lastly, bring a friend or co-worker and lets introduce them to the wonderfull world of shooting. Thats means anyone that has good toys please bring them(class III's, DD's, somebody call Destiny please), we need a good show for everyone.

See you soon!
I have a friend in Logan who just bought a AR 50. I'll contact him and see if he wants to come out. And skyder knows somebody who is a class III collector, he is planning on inviting.

Having our wives come out at lunch is a great idea.

Also maybe we should form another scouting party. I drove by there the other day and it looked like there might be some other good spots a bit farther down the road that might not have as many folks on dirtbikes or guys with metal detectors looking for lead. :) But then again those other spots won't have the 650 yard magic rock.
Scouting party.

I can go with that. I get home about 1845 and it has been light out until about 2200 so if you guys want to go after work thats cool with me. Same applies for Saturdays.
I know a place

A little further down the road (3/4 mile) there is another flat range that is less crowded. 1000 yards + You can also get right up to it without a 4x4. the land is flat, so there will be less of those 4 wheel junkies cruising through. At about 1200 yards there is a great mountain backstop. I think if we went early and posted signs we would be set. That first place gets crowded. This other spot is a bit more secluded, so there might not be as many people around. I'll come early to try out my vest and help set up as well. Hope to get the wife out there around noon-1:00 (if she'll come this time) let me when you want to scout pyle, I don't get off work until 20:00 but I know right where the spot is. Saturday mornings are even better for me.
Got the 27th and 28th blocked off for this. I MAY have access to one of those 10'x20' tarp/carport deals, and if so I'll need 3 other guys to put it up. They worked quite well on our Scout shooting campout. I'll need an email with directions to WVC's place for the BBQ - anyone interested in a smoked caribou roast? I THINK I have one left.
I'll contact my Class III buddy and see if he can make it that weekend.


Lets give it a shot but I have to be here early on Saturday for work. We can give it a shot afterwork and then you guys can confirm it with Porter on a Saturday.
I can probably make it "early" to help w/ set up, etc, if it is after 8:00. My mother-in-law will take my child around that time.

Oh Larry, there IS a 650 yard magic rock at the other place. It is out across the flat plain, and not up on a hill like the other one. We shot it with a friend's .458 and STW last time we were there. Puts off very visible dust clouds. Let me know when you want to go and i'll show you exactly where it is.
no promises but I am gonna try to get there. I hear from MiniZ I be in the running to compete with Pvt Pyle on way cool guns
with stuff like these
or something like this Pyle

I bet I could hit the magic rock with this

I will try to be there on the 28th for a bit.

Not sure if i can make it that day. I'd really like to bring the wife, so a lot depends on what _we_ decide.

Besides, I don't have much in the way of longarms so I'd be wallpaper.

Where are you guys meeting on that Sat. morning?
Goet. Even if you don't have much in the way of long arms; BRING AMMO! Trust me, very few of us have any problem sharing our guns. I have tried probably a dozen guns that I have never shot before since I started coming to the Utah Gatherings. Wound up buying my favorite one as well. :)

I'm not sure the details of when or exactly where we are meeting. I'll let PvtPyle post that as he was out scouting, and he also wanted some of us to show up early to help him test out some of his vests.