Is it about time for another Utah Gathering?


New member
What do you guys think? Should we have a summer gathering, July or August? The last shoot was awesome! :D When are the best dates, considering vacations, drills, etc...

And we are getting big enough now we are going to have to do some serious planning before hand.

Also, don't let this get out to much. I have some left over shirts now that I'm all done with everything. Utahns get first dibs because then I don't have to worry about shipping them. Let me know if your interested.

So what do you guys say?
We kinda just had one today...
The Nortel Networks/Cisco Systems game went off great. There was about 18 people there some spectating, others players wanting to walk on. The Cisco team was represented by some old friends of mine so I couldnt really punish them or dish out a lot of smack talk. We played a few games with a mix of the walk on players (Who are actually highly skilled tourney players) and we played a round of just Cisco and Nortel... during which we handed them their arses in a basket. It was good to see some TFL'ers out there... old Dave Holohan out there and Shaun (Caeca Invidia Es) Gilespie... Can't say I had the chance to paint them specifically but we did work them as a team. All in good fun. It was worth it and we all had good fun. I ran out of both paint and air. Shot 1,000 rounds of paint off one 20 ounce CO2 tank. Yeah - thats a lot of shots for one tank but thats one advantage to an Autococker thats tuned right. Paintball is seriously one of my passions.
Just wish I had more paint and air!

Oh - you mean to go shooting FIREARMS?
uh... Late July? August? I dont know... What do you guys think?

[Edited by George Hill on 06-02-2001 at 06:08 PM]
another shoot....

Well, I'm back and game for it. I dont know if I'll be able to get the tents again, depends on the weekend, and I have a few new ideas to help keep the morons out of the impact area.

I brought back a few new toys from Italy and have most of my uniforms from Russia here. George, when you gonna come by and see the uniform choices for your team? I have four new LBV's that are for the AK and a couple more on the way. If you have an AK and have been toying with the idea of putting a 37mm under it, I have got a vest for you!

I'll have to check my drill schedual for the next few months on Tuesday, as for the other weekends, well, work can bite me.

Its good to be home!
PB Uniforms... I'm gunna hafta wait... The Miss's Van has passed away and I'm buying her a new ride. A Jeep Wagoneer. Its got all the room - plus a V8 and Four Wheel Drive for the next gathering up on that mountain. :D

This time - I'll bring Brats and Drinks if maybe Pyle will lend me the use of an AK. I still have not purchased one yet. I'm really wanting a VEPR II but thats something else I am going to have to wait for. Maybe when I get that 600 bucks from George W Bush.

I have a couple tournaments left... all within the next few weekends and I'll be done for spell.
I don't work weekends so I'm usually pretty good. So everybody should chime in and then maybe we can throw out some suggested weekends.

And George, I look forward to getting my butt kicked at paintball by you and your Nortel bretheren. I'm rusty, out of shape, and a really big/slow moving target, oh yea it should work out just fine. ;) Good thing that I have a high pain threshold.

George, come on by and look at them, as well as the other toys I have laying around. I can get them any time and it will give you a chance to get a concensus from the other guys as to what you want. I mean, I only have about 12 to choose from.

I have an extra AK or two laying around collecting dust that I think would appreciate the work out. I'll get my drill schedual Tuesday and let you guys know when I'm not available.

I promise to take pics and video this time! Anyone that misses this one after the fun we had last time will be sorry.
Count me in. Any weekend is just fine. I've got my SKS-D all tricked out like I want it (pics coming soon) and I need to get one of those vests from Pyle ASAP. I just hope Bob Munden will lend me his pistol skills for another weekend :) (I should be so lucky)
I'm game for any weekend in that time frame. I've got a new .45 and a 44mag that need a workout.
I could bring out by trap thrower(single only, but hey, its still fun), if anyone showed interest.

Correia, I am interested in your little "secret", depending on what you have.

Zane, I'll e-mail you the list when I get home. I've got a handthrower I can bring also. We can have a combat skeet range! :D

What kind of .45 did you get?
Springfeild "Champion"(Loaded of course). I have always liked the Commander/Champion size, and found one that suited my tastes. Parkerized with Novak sights and wood grips. I am a happy boy!
Yeah I'll be there

Ya'll want me to bring Miss Peterson and my two buds?
Camera too of course and we got Two dead monitors at work
More monitors... he he he. Cool.
Where were you for the last one? We didn't have monitors - but we had a lot of heads Pyle got from a beauty school. Range looked like a sick Monty Python skit.
Rather than just e-mail this to people seperatly this is what I have left over in TFL shirts.

S Black LS $17.00
2x Navy LS big logo on back $22.00
2x Green SS $15.00 (2)
L Navy SS big logo on back $17.00
XL Ash Golf, big logo $22.00 But this one is old, and doesn't have the Molon Labe logo. Only TFL.
3 hats (but I'm still holding one for Cacea). So 2 hats.

Meiji! Bring those monitors. Those things are great. I can get a hold of a bunch of old sheet metal casings from my job. But I don't know how good of targets they will be just yet.
If your timing isn't right for the TFL shoot, I'm SURE that a special addendum shoot can be set up to accomodate your schedule!!
We aim to please.
You aim too, please.
next shoot

Lets shoot (he he he, get it?) for July. Hopefully it wont be ungodly hot quite yet (plus I'm getting twitchy) and we will need some new sun shades. I also have a few items that need to be field tested for my upcomming web sight. I need a couple of volunters to wear a fully loaded vest for a couple of hours while we shoot to give me a review of its comfort and functionallity. Any takers?

They wash and thats the point.

I have drill the 23-24 of this month and in July I have it the 21-22 (unless they cut me loose and I can get a freebee while transitioning to the Guard). How about July 14th or 28th?

I know WVC said he would hold the BBQ at his house but if not I may be able to swing mama Meagen into letting us do it again. She really enjoyed meeting the other Utah Range Widows so everyone make sure they bring their spouses.

I am thinking of putting up a URW page on my web sight(when ever it finally gets done), wadda you guys think?